

Alex and Mei Li were traveling together to reach the town and Alex was talking to Mei Li to get to know her a little better after all she is going to be his student from today they talked a little and after the sun was down he thought that its time to start the training...THE DRAGON BALL STYLE TRAINING

Alex: Mei Li come here for a second

Mei Li: yes master?

Alex: dont call me master if you really need to give me a tittle then call me shifu. well anyway here put on these

alex bought earlier some bracelet's that increase their weight when you pour mana into them he told her to wear 2 on her hands and the other 2 on her feet when she did that a deep dark blue energy come out of Alex body and started to get inside the bracelet's

Alex: the bracelet's will get heavier and when they reach a point where it will be a struggle to move around i will stop you will need to 100 push-ups 100 sit-ups 100 squats and a 10 KM run everyday and when you will be able to move with those bracelet's just like you were able to move without them i will increase the weight again we will repeat this process 5 times and after that i will teach you a powerful technique that an old kami thought me one day

Mei Li: Yes sensei! but what is a "kami"

Alex: its a god

Mei Li was dumbfounded but also exited at the same time she is going to learn a powerful technique that was created a god! how can she not be exited?! after two minutes she cold feel that moving around became a struggle and told her shifu so he stopped to pour mana into the bracelet's

Alex: also how skilled are you in controling your QI?

Mei Li: i have completely control over my QI and Fire QI shifu!

she said with a proud voice

'QI is similar to chakra and in this cultivation world there is something like elemental QI is it possible to learn some techniques from naruto?'

<yes it can be done in fact QI is more powerful than chakra so the result will be even more powerful than a jutsu with chakra as its fuel BUT! QI is more difficult to control so to learn and control a jutsu that is fuel by QI is more difficult...possible but difficult>

Alex: can you manifest QI out of your body?

Mei Li: yes shifu!

Alex: good in that case i will start to teach you a powerful technique that was made by a powerful warrior that focus on rotation and power! watch carefully

Alex raised his arm a little and concentrated his Mana creating a rotating sphere on it. Mei Li watched the rotating sphere on her shifu hand in awe amazed by his control over QI

Alex: its called rasengan and its a pretty powerful technique that can make some serious damage to your enemy

he then used his rasengan on a three making a hole in it. Mei Li was watching he Shifu with sparkling eyes praising him in her mind. Alex bought a balloon and filed it with water when it was done he give it to Mei Li and said

Alex: this is the first stage to learn the rasengan you need to manifest your QI in the balloon and move it around in a spinning motion so strong that it will make the balloon explode when you can do this you will go to the second step

Mei Li excitedly nodded and started to do what her shifu said her to do but no mater how many times she tried she only managed to make the balloon shake a little she was pissed of and tried again and again and again until she used almost all her QI she laid down exhausted and said

Mei Li: i'm sorry shifu but i cant do it!

Alex: *giggle* dont worry the technique requires a heaven defying control over your QI so its normal that you failed! but dont worry i'm sure that you can do it with enough practice!

Mei Li: yes! i will not let down shifu expectations

Alex: well for now get some rest you will try it tomorrow again

Mei Li didnt complain and just laid there for a little and started to cultivate Alex thought that he should do the same and asked his system to wake him up something happens. you see when Alex cultivates he does not know what is happening around him but fortunately his system can see the surroundings of his host so there is no problem

Alex started to cultivate and he did this for a couple of hours until it was 6 A.M he woke up and was now in the 9 level of the Warrior stage he saw that his student was still cultivating and bought a frying pan and some oil he then started a fire and placed the frying pan with oil on the fire and bought some tomato sauce, bacon, onion and eggs

he cut the onion and Bacon in little pieces and put them into the frying pan when they were done he poured the tomato sauce and wait until it was a little more thick after that he cracked the eggs and put them on top of the tomato sauce and covered the frying pan for two minutes when the time was up he uncovered the frying pan and bought two plates and forks the sauce was now even thicker thanks to the eggs and was easily put on a plate (the thing he cooked is called "shakshuka" its delicious! if you want to know how it looks google it)

not shortly after his student woke up as well and was immediately struck with the scent of the dish that was made by her shifu making her droll like crazy he give her a place and a fork she struggled to use it at first but lucky a fork is not a complicated tool so she learned quickly how to use it

Mei Li: shifu i didnt know you were a chef!

Alex: heh...yea my mother liked cooking and i helped her with it...i guess i learned it from her

Alex said that in a sad depressed tone but Mei Li didnt notice it completely mesmerized by the food


Alex Mom: now you need to add a little salt and other spices and its done!

Alex: Mom Your a magician in cooking!

Alex Mom: well i dont work in a restaurant for nothing!

---flashback #2---

Police officer: *sigh* listen kid your parents...

Alex: mister? why happened you look sad

---end flash back---

Alex could feel his eyes getting wet and quickly used his arm to dry them out he looked at Mei Li and saw that she was still eating

'thank god she didnt notice i didnt want her to worry about me'

<why were you crying anyway?>

'personal stuff'


eyy what's up?

blabladorcreators' thoughts
Next chapter