

'ok i guess that is enough for now system teleport me back'

<actually host this planet is one that is on the list>

'what list'

<the list that has the name of the world that need to be destroyed>

'so i need to destroy this world'

'kay get me a skill that will let me fly'

<[flight]-allows the user to fly- you have only 3 free skills remaining>

alex started to fly up...and up...and up...and up... until he completely got out of the planet atmosphere

'hey system i cant breathe when i am in my human form in space righ?'


'what happens when i fuse the {wood golem} with my normal human body?'

<the only difference is that you gain a face and you are able to use your human skills>

'kay do it'

alex feel something ticklish and he soon gained a face (A/N: now he looks like groot but with a round head)

'ok since i still dont need to breathe in this form being in space is not a problem'

alex looked at the planet he is about to destroy...

'hey system when i'm going to lunch my attack i want you to immediately turn offmy human bloodline ok'

<oh..i see what are you doing ;)>

alex created a [light release: rasengan] and a [dark release: rasengan] then use the [sage mode]

'now for the finnal touch'

[light release: odama rasengan] [dark release: odama rasengan]

'the normal size one with the sage power are powerful but a bigger version...hehe'

<i'm kind of scared about the result>

'you know what i think that they are still to small'

< ;-; >

alex rasengans are now the size of an meteor

'this will do'

alex throw the rasengans at the planet but before the planet was hit the system turned of the human bloodline leaving only the leshy bloodline waiting for sweet sweet EXP

the rasengans hit the target millions of zombies died and the planet was turned in dust but the explosion was still expanding and coming to alex


before the explosion reach alex he teleported and was standing in his room at the inn it was early in the morning

<host has reached the level 100 of the leshy bloodline does host want to evolve int a leshy?>


alex started to feel weird it wasn't the same feeling when he was changing into a bigger version of the wood golem and when he evolved he felt...something he wasn't able to properly express this felling

alex could feel everything around him like he was a part of... nature itself

'that is a weird feeling...but not a bad one'

'it's morning so transform me into a human before damian wakes up'

and like that alex transformed back into a human right in time actually as when he transformed damian woke up and greeted him

Damian: hey alex how was your sleep?

Alex: preety good thanks for the bed 'i didnt sleep at all the regeneration ability of my immortality skill prevents me from getting tired'

Damian: no worries i like to sleep on the floor it's good for you spine

alex: really?

Damian: that what my father always told me

they both started to do the morning exercise some push-up's, squats and so on. after a while they wanted to go eat something but everyone is probably still asleep.

'wait system can i buy food from my shop?'


Alex: wait i have some food in my inventory so we can eat that

Damian:oh that's good go tell the others if they are still sleeping wake them up i want to tell them something

Alex: kay

alex walked up of the room and got to the room the twins were at he knocked and after he heard "come in" he knew they were awake he opened the door and said

Alex: hey guys go to mine and damian room we will eat and the captain want's to tell us something

he said and closed the door he walked to the room aleth was in and knocked...no response

'still sleeping he? well i need to wake her up but i cant just walk into a girl room without her permission...'


alex got down and sent a powerful cold wind under the door


alex stood up and the door opened he saw aleth with murder in her eye's

Alex: sub aleth the captain said to wake you guys up and i didn't want to invade your room so this was the only thing that i could think of...btw thanks for the view

he said while walking up to his room aleth was confsed but she quickly understand what she meant 'i didn't put any clothes on'

you see aleth dont like to sleep with clothes and she was completely naked well except for the panties...she slammed the door and dressed herself while cursing alex 'that little...he actually saw me naked!' *blush level tomato*

while alex was waking up the team he was also telling the system to buy lot's of stuff

<[orange juice] [50x pancakes 25vanilla/25chocolate] [5 plates] [5 forks] [5 knifes] [5 glasses] [strawberry jam] [butter] [maple syrup] has been bought>

he entered the room and saw that the twin's were already there sitting by the table waiting for the food

alex took out the plates forks knifes and glasses then he took out the jam butter and maple syrup

when he was about to take out the pancakes aleth entered the room and looked at him alex wanted to tease her but decided not to because he felt like aleth was about to kill him 'well not like she can but still...'

aleth wanted to sit as far from alex as possible but the only place left was right beside him she cursed in her mind and sit not looking at alex

alex who was laughing inside finally took out the pancakes that appeared on the plates 5 choco and 5 vanilla

Alex: this is a dish from my home you can mix it with jam butter or the syrup

Jack/Ron: holly f*cking sh*t!

Jack: this is delicious!! can i get more?!

the team eat the food with a big smiles on they'r faces even the grumpy aleth calmed a little and enjoyed the food. when they ate damian said

Damian: alright listen today we will have a spar with each other and show our abilities to the team

Alex: why?

Damian: well this is the first time we are in the party and knowing our abilities is a good idea as we can understand the other fighting style more i wanted to do this before we started heading to the empire but i wanted to reach this city before the blood moon was about to start

Alex: yea sound's like a good idea

they eat some more and when the sun was fully visible they got down to the reception and pay for another night after that they exit the city and were on a large plain area

Damian: so we will start with the spells and magic attack that the mages can use

Damian: alex...aleth it's your time to shine show what you can do!

alex and aleth showed they magic spells alex finished first since he know only 11 but aleth showed like...a hundred

then they showed they magic attack's (A/N: the difference between these two is that for a spell to work you need to...well say the spell and the magic attack dont require one)

Alex showed the different kind's of rasengan he has (except the light and dark one) the team was impressed seeing this expecialy the rasenshuriken type that was one of the most powerful attack they ever saw

Damian: i will need to talk to the old man about making you an S class mercenary when we will come back

Alex: oh wait i have two more thing!

Alex created an dummy made of earth and used [ammaterasu] on it the dummy was covered in black flames that started to devour it leaving nothing behind

the team was shocked especialy aleth who locked at alex and ask forgetting that she was angry at him

Aleth: did you fuse the dark magic with fire?

Alex: no this is a technique from my bloodline it summons a black flame called ammaterasu that burn's everything not leaving even ash behind the flame will continue to burn until it burns the target if the target somehow avoided the flame and escaped and i'm not there to put it down then it will continue to burn for 7 days and 7 nights

the team was just speechless

'ok now the second ability'

Alex: ron punch me!

Ron: what?

Alex: punch me!

ron just looked at him and tried to punch him but the punch and ron entire body just based through alex body

Ron: WHAT???

Alex: this is my second ability it allows me to hide my body in my pocked dimension and telepor....


<yes host?>

'did i waste a free skill on a [teleportation] while i can teleport with my kamui?'

<pfffff! yes! xD>


Damian: something wrong?

Alex: no i just realize how big of an idiot i am...

Rest of the team: ???

Next chapter