1 I am an egg.

Darkness... that's all I see. I can't hear yet. I don't even know what hearing is yet. All I can do is feel. And what I feel is a slimy rough material enclosing me in a small space. I've been in here for a while. I can't tell how long though. Since my birth, or creation I've learned many things. Such as how to think and how to move. There's also a mysterious ability that came with my thoughts. I call it, 'The System'.

Whenever I think the word 'display', a blue holographic screen appears in my mind displaying these 'stats'.

Name: ???


Race: King Sea Shark Egg | Lvl: 0


HP: 10/10


MP: 0/0


ATK: 3 (-2)


DEF: 0 (+5)


SPD: 10 (-10)


STM: 10/10


Skills: Bite (LVL 1), Olympic Swimmer (LVL 1).


Titles: Lucky One, Moving Egg.


So thats the display, it's kind of weird. It doesn't feel like it belongs but whatever. Anyways I'm currently testing out what each 'star' does. I've learned from both their names and by testing, that ATK refers to the strength I can produce with my muscles, DEF refers to the durability of my body before I start to feel pain from anything, (how I learned about DEF was very painful.), SPD refers to how fast I am, STM refers to how much energy I have until I get tired (0/10 STM), and lastly HP refers to how much health I have, whenever I get an injury It goes down (unless my DEF is good enough of course.). I still don't know what MP is but I'm sure with more testing I'll find out. Oh also I can't tell what the Bite and Olympic Swimmer does, it says they're skills so I assume their things I can do but I don't know how yet.

It's been a while since that last note but I haven't made much more progress aside from getting my Bite skill up to LVL 2 and my Olympic Swimmer skill up to LVL 4. I have learned that the skills level up when I use them a lot, requiring more and more uses depending on which level. Olympic Swimmer levels up when I swim, and Bite levels up when I snap my jaws down on something enough. Mostly my own body since that's all I have to bite in this strange slimy capsule.

Today A crack appeared when I slammed by body into the walls of the capsule ore what I'm now thinking is an egg. Due to that I gained a new skill,

Name: ???


Race: King Sea Shark Egg | Lvl: 1


HP: 15/15


MP: 0/0


ATK: 4 (-2)


DEF: 0 (+4)


SPD: 12 (-10)


STM: 10/15


Skills: Bite (LVL: 2), Olympic Swimmer (LVL: 4), Body Slam (LVL: 1).


Titles: Lucky One, Moving Egg.


Well? What do you think? Body slam is the new skill, it is strong enough to make a crack in the egg at level 1 so it's pretty good! Oh... a crack in the egg? Wait I'm able to break out now! Is that why my DEF bonus went down by 1? Cool but it seems Body Slam takes up 5 STM. That means I can only use it 2 more times before I'm tired. But it's progress! Yes about time, after this I'll go to sleep and then break the egg! I can't wait.

(Leave your thoughts in the comments section please.)
