
The Strongest Naruto

A rerun of Naruto. the only difference is Naruto's personality and some slight difference in plot...

JustaLazyGuy · Anime & Comics
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Chapter 84 - Enter Jiraiya

Chapter 84 - Enter Jiraiya




In the battlefield between Kumo and Konoha. Flashes of Lightning could be seen battling, and in between burst crashes of attacks could be heard and seen from time to time.

Raikage clicked his tongue as he dodged Tsunade's attack "What ridiculous power."

Not long after he dodged, Sasuke appeared before him like a ghost with glowing red eyes, and with his hand raised, he slashed down his hand trying to cut one of the hands of the Raikage but the Raikage dodged.


"Also, an annoying brat." Raikage said as he fought.

Sasuke retreated and noticed that he only had 30% chakra left so he proceeded to go in the direction of Tsunade and said "Godaime, I'm running low on chakra."

Tsunade nodded and replied "Good work. Go join the others, I'll handle this."

Sasuke nodded and thought Tsunade as the 5th Hokage is strong and extremely experienced in battle, she probably had some kind of plan so he retreated.

Raikage standing from afar saw what just happened and mocked "Can you do this? You can't even touch me without that brat."

Tsunade snorted and replied "That's for me to worry about! Heavenly Foot of Pain!" 


This time, she didn't have any teammates to watch out for so she could let her chakra wreak havoc. Sasuke had already dealt damage to the Raikage by cutting down some portion of his chakra.

"Ridiculous power but that'll consume a ton of your chakra." Raikage commented as he went on attack by traveling through lightning and appearing behind Tsunade, punching to the side of her stomach.

"Kuah!" Tsunade groaned in pain as she was hit in the stomach and was sent flying away. She backflipped mid air and applied chakra to her feet as it reached the ground to use [Body Flicker].

Although it wasn't as controllable and as flexible as the Raikage's [Lightning Chakra Mode], it was something that could barely compete with it if used correctly.

Each punch of Tsunade could immediately shatter his defenses so he dodges every time.

Boom! Crash! Boom! Crash! Boom!

Shockwaves emitted from Tsunade's fist as they missed giving pressure to her enemy, but the Raikage wasn't easy prey so he remained composed in the encounter even though Tsunade's punches could have penetrated his defenses in case he got hit.

In between her attacks that missed, Raikage would counterattack and send her flying every time but she bore the pain and continued to stand up again and again to attack.

Raikage mocked as he once again dodged an attack of Tsunade "Even if it's you, taking every attack of mine would destroy your body!"

Tsunade's eyes flashed as she saw the Raikage's counter attack. She blocked it with her hand as soon as she received the attack, she grasped the arm that punched her tight and rotated her body mid air to deliver a kick to Raikage's stomach.


"Grah!" The Raikage groaned in pain as he was hit in the stomach by the chakra enhanced kick.

Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom! Crash!

The Raikage was sent flying cutting down trees along with his body until the momentum from the attack finally died and stumped his flight. Although Tsunade caught more of his attack, with just one hit from Tsunade, he immediately received the same damage.

He backflipped to stand up and disappear as he moved extremely fast to also send a kick to the face of Tsunade that she didn't even see coming.

Boom! Boom! Boom! Crash!

It was again Tsunade's turn to be sent flying, due to how far the Raikage was sent flying, he had enough space to compensate for his lack of power with speed. 

With speed that was generated over traveling from a long road, he was able to deliver an attack that was almost as strong as Tsunade's kick if not stronger.

"Tsk! I underestimate you… I won't make the same mistake of underestimating you twice." The Raikage said as he watched Tsunade who was stuck in a rock in the distance.

Tsunade simply stood up and once again attacked.

It was then a battle of attrition.

Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!

After a while of fighting, Tsunade kept getting hit and her punches missing as the Raikage dodged making it a one sided battle. Even multiple weak attacks can take down a strong one when used enough.

Breathing in difficulty, Tsunade clicked her tongue as she stared at the Raikage in annoyance "Tsk!"

Suddenly a laughing voice was heard by both Tsunade and the Raikage "What's this? You've lost quite a bit of chakra, Tsunade!"

What came into view was a long white haired man, with a kanji of 'oil' written on his forehead. He wore a smile as well as the marking of a sage was present in his eyelids.

Tsunade let out a sigh of relief letting her guard down as she said "Jiraiya…"

Jiraiya jumped down from the tree in front of Tsunade and said with his back turned to her "Retreat. Tsunade. I'll take care of this."

"Can you take care of it?" Tsunade asked as Jiraiya moved his body as if he was punching air but Raikage's body suddenly appeared into sight and received Jiraiya's punch.

Thud! Boom!

"Kah!" Raikage groaned in pain as the sage chakra enhanced punches reached his body, sending him flying through trees again.

Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom! Crash!

Jiraiya chuckled and said as he looked at Tsunade "What do you think?"

Tsunade nodded with a smile and said as she also noticed that she was running out of chakra. She didn't want to use her [Ninja Art: Mitotic Regeneration: One Hundred Healings] or else she'd be useless for a while, especially while on the battlefield. "Alright, I'll retreat."

Jiraiya nodded as he focused on looking at the Raikage, although he could sense him due to [Perfect Toad Sage Mode] it looks like he wouldn't be able to keep this up as the [Perfect Toad Sage Mode] would only last for 5 minutes so he sat cross legged and immediately put what he practiced.

[Ascended Toad Sage Mode]. Although it's not comparable to [Elemental Sage Modes] in terms of compatibility with elemental jutsus, it still enhanced jutsu by 50% their original power and enhanced Physical Ability by 500%.

He immediately let the [Toad Sage Chakra] in sync with his [Sage Chakra Storage]

Because of his desire to at least catch up to his monstrous disciple, Uzumaki Naruto. He practiced entering [Ascended Sage Mode] a lot. It might risk his life but it was good to use in case of emergencies.

He had enough chakra to last for a while, so entering [Ascended Sage Mode] didn't bring any drawbacks besides not being able to gather chakra in that state.

Opening his eyes, he saw Raikage with an annoyed face right in front of his face that said as he punched "Are you mocking me?! Sitting down while fighting with me?!"

Jiraiya moved his hands in inhuman speed and caught the punch with one hand as he applied [Toad Sage Chakra] in his arm.

Boom! Whoosh!

"What?!" Raikage reacted in shock as to how Jiraiya caught his punch. There was this time that someone dodged his punch but not one that caught it effortlessly!

Jiraiya who stopped the punches while sitting down smiled and replied "Of course not, I prepared more since I'll be fighting you."

Jiraiya grasped his hand tightly as he slowly stood up before smashing the Raikage to the ground.


"Gah!" Raikage groaned in pain as he was smashed into the ground but immediately tried to stand up and counterattack but Jiraiya was already in a position to counterattack with a kick that once again sent the Raikage flying.

Jiraiya, in awe of his strength, chuckled as he thought 'Looks like Toad Sage Mode is good for taijutsu. I can even see the slightest movement in the Raikage's body making it easy to predict his movements even if I can't keep up with his speed.'

He moved as if he teleported using [Body Flicker] and arrived in the Raikage's position. Raikage blocked but was once again sent flying in another direction with the force of Jiraiya's punch.

Boom! Crash! Boom! Crash! Boom! Crash!

A fight that was as if would kill anyone who might get hit by the people who were being sent flying after each attack.

The Raikage also consumed a bit of chakra when he fought against Tsunade and Sasuke so he was disadvantaged against Jiraiya.

After a few more battles between Raikage and Jiraiya, Raikage was gasping for air as he lost chakra from [Lightning Chakra Mode].

Jiraiya was the same as usual as he didn't need to consume much chakra besides when using [Body Flicker]. [Toad Sage Chakra]'s buff was insane.

"I suggest a truce."

"What?! Are you mocking me?!" The Raikage replied angrily but Jiraiya laughed out loud and said "Of course not! You're strong, Raikage! But… we wish for peace, this war was started by both your villag, Kumo and Iwa."

"You expect me to believe that?!" Raikage snorted in indifference.

Jiraiya replied as he turned his back on the Raikage "You believe what you want to believe, we wish for peace that's our stance. We won't do anything that'll risk a '4th Great Ninja War' from erupting. But if it happens… we will fight back."

Raikage stood up as he stared angrily at Jiraiya's back before he shouted "ALL KUMO NINJAS!!!!!!!! RETREATTTT!"

"Eh? Brother is asking for a retreat?" No one was more surprised at this than the Kumo ninjas themselves, especially B.

The kumo ninjas immediately heed the order. They were especially brief that this was only to get in the way of Konoha's progress and also the two villages under it. It wasn't time for a great war yet, they didn't want to risk their lives unnecessarily.

B who was beside A as they retreated teased "Hehe… Did you get beaten…" before he could finish, A, annoyed already punched him in the face that sent him flying a few hundred meters away "Shut the fuck up!"

The Kumo ninjas sweated at A's annoyed mood and thought 'Maybe he did get beaten up…?'

A, as if he sensed their thoughts, looked at them with killing intent "What the hell are you bastards thinking about?!"

"N-Nothing…?!" They replied nervously as they all looked away.

"Tsk!" A simply clicked his tongue as they continued to retreat.




(A/N: Um… Yeah…)