
The Strongest Naruto

A rerun of Naruto. the only difference is Naruto's personality and some slight difference in plot...

JustaLazyGuy · Anime & Comics
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Chapter 83 - Attack on Konoha

Chapter 83 - Attack on Konoha




An old man, a chubby man, and a beautiful girl floated in the skies.

They are Onoki, Akatsuchi, and Kurotsuchi respectively.

Onoki said in interest as he saw the barrier around Konoha. "Hoh… This is the famous [Elemental Guardian Formation of Heaven and Earth] that was spreading in the rumours?"

Kurotsuchi snorted, "They must have expended quite a lot of resources to set this up."

Akatsuchi simply stayed quiet on the side.

Onoki said as he put his palms together. "Let's test it out."

[Particle Style: Atomic Dismantling Jutsu!]


A laser like chakra tried to penetrate [Elemental Guardian Formation of Heaven and Earth] in a spot but didn't affect anything besides making the control room in Konoha alert.

Inside the control tower that was built to see the view in the surroundings to complement the [EGFHE] in case of air attack, Shikaku, Hashirama, and Tobirama along with some other sensory ninjas stood by the side.

With a sigh, Shikaku said "Just as expected, that's why there was no news of the Tsuchikage on the battlefield. They planned for the Tsuchikage to go on a separate attack when Konoha's Hokage was not around."

"Hahaha! Finally some action! I wanna go!" Hashirama stood up in excitement but Shikaku couldn't help but express his worry "That should be okay but you can't use Wood Style, Shodai-sama."

"Hahaha! It's fine! It's fine! I'm also an expert in Earth Style, and Water Style before I started using Wood Style."

Tobirama nodded and agreed "You can go, Anija. But you can't in any circumstance use Wood Style or it'd risk Iwa and Kumo to directly declare 4th Great Ninja War. We're not at our peak of strength, even with the Alliance with Suna and Kiri. We'd best be careful."

"I know! You're such a worrywart, Tobirama!" Hashirama couldn't contain his excitement, it's been awhile since he fought!

Hashirama applying chakra to his feet used [Body Flicker] as he jumped out of the window "I'm going now! Open a way! Tobirama!"

Jumping with full speed, he headed in the direction of the Tsuchikage that could be sighted from a distance.

Tobirama simply nodded and ordered "Shikaku, open a way in the barrier just like we practiced."

Shikaku nodded and replied "Yes, Nidaime-sama. Open a way in the 'Fire Pillar!'"

The 4 ninjas that were maintaining control of the seal, all weaved a hand seal and said [Release!]

A small hole opened up in the direction where Hashirama was going, making him smile as he sped up even faster.


The Tsuchikage slowly came down with Akatsuchi and Kurotsuchi as they saw a gap open in the barrier "Looks like someone's coming, from the Particle Style, they should have known that the Tsuchikage is here. I wonder who this ninja who's coming is."

As Hashirama reached outside he immediately used a jutsu [Water Style: Water Dragon!]

Heading in the Tsuchikage's location at extreme speed making Tsuchikage snort and use [Earth Style: Mud Wall!]

Crash! Splash!

Hashirama to compliment his Water Dragon used another jutsu. [Earth Style: Earth Dragon!] He rode the [Earth Dragon] that headed in the Tsuchikage's location, as it coiled up in the sky to avoid the [Mud Wall] that was in the way.

After riding it in the skies to take him to the Tsuchikage's location, he jumped up and used another Water Style Jutsu.

[Water Style: Water Cutter!]

Along with the Earth Dragon, Blades made out of water came to support the Earth Dragon.

Tsuchikage looked above in surprise but Akatsuchi reacted and used a jutsu to counter.

[Earth Style: Earth Golem!]

A golem made out of earth materialized and jumped on the [Earth Dragon] smashing it into the ground.

Boom! Crash!

Although the [Earth Dragon] has been dealt with, the [Water Cutter] wasn't so Kurotsuchi weaved handseals and also used a jutsu of her own.

[Water Style: Water Trumpet!]

Coming out of her mouth was a huge amount of water that was focused on one point, as she moved the pointer of her mouth, it dealt with the remaining [Water Cutter] in the air.

This coordination made Hashirama chuckle in excitement "What a nice coordination, What about this?"

Slapping both his palms he used another jutsu as he reached the ground [Earth Style: Earth Golem!](Mini-version)]

A 6 meters golem made out of earth instantly appeared from the ground with its hands smashing in the Tsuchikage and his supports.

Tsuchikage got a bit annoyed and said as he also slapped his palms together in between creating a Particle Style, "Don't underestimate me! I'm the Tsuchikage!" 

[Particle Style: Atomic Dismantling Jutsu!]

Hashirama who was on top of the golem laughed out loud "This is fun!" as he jumped up in the sky weaving another set of hand seals and prepared another jutsu [Water Style: Water Dragon!]

The Tsuchikage, Onoki, and his two supporting ninjas, Kurotsuchi and Akatsuchi, looked at Hashirama in shock. Who was this masked ninja?! He's spamming A-rank jutsus like it's nothing!

The battle once again repeated, it seemed like Hashirama was playing with them like little kids!

Onoki calmed down and called out "Kurotsuchi! Akatsuchi! Come here!" as he put his palm together again and sent a [Particle Style: Atomic Dismantling Jutsu] at the Water dragon!


The Water Dragon was instantly disintegrated.

"Yo!" Hashirama as if playing around weaved another hand seal as he touched the ground [Earth Style: Earth Dragon!]

Kurotsuchi, and Akatsuchi stood in front of Onoki as they used a combined jutsu. 

[Lava Style: Quicklime Jutsu] Kurotsuchi spurted out Lava Style from her mouth as Akatsuchi supported it with a [Earth Style: Earth Golem!] Smashing the Lava Style in Hashirama's direction.

The Earth Golem was slowly dissolving but it didn't matter as it did its job.

Hashirama smiled and used [Earth Style: Mud Wall!]

The mud wall caught the [Quicklime Jutsu] that was sent his way but he didn't stop weaving hand seals.

This time he used 4.

[Earth Style: Earth Golem!]

Riding on top of the [Earth Golem] coordinating with Hashirama, it stretched out its hand preparing to send an attack as it a coiling dragon coated its fist [Earth Style: Earth Dragon!]


As soon as it sent it, it bent it's knees forward and with the other arm [Water Style: Water Dragon!].


On top of that, [Water Style: Water Cutter!]

Blades made out of water were sent in Onoki, Kurotsuchi, an Akatsuchi's direction. Causing their faces to pale.

Onoki said as he once again clapped his palms "Prepare to retreat. We've gathered the information we need, no need to risk our lives like the Raikage."

[Particle Style: Atomic Dismantling Jutsu!]

This was arguably much larger than the first one, he intended to disintegrate all that was sent flying in their way.


Hashirama as if he jumped, sat cross legged as he dropped on top of the head of the [Earth Golem] "Hm… Particle Style huh? It's still quite as strong as I remember but not that versatile."

"But still… Tobirama's [Edo Tensei] is pretty great. I used all that jutsu and it should have consumed 2 jounin's chakra but it immediately recovered as soon as I used one jutsu. I can't use as much chakra now in one go but my chakra will not run out. He's certainly a genius." Hashirama praised Tobirama in amazement of Tobirama's talent at creating jutsu as he watched the Tsuchikage and the two ninjas with him retreat.

Dispersing the chakra applied into the golem, it immediately turned into rubble as Hashirama jumped up in the sky in the direction of Konoha with [Body Flicker.]

Arriving near the red barrier erected all over the Konoha Village. It was as if someone sensed him no… someone did sense him. As the red barrier opened again to let him inside.

Hashirama chuckled but continued to go inside at fast speed.

Tobirama, who was observing what was happening in the control tower, rubbed his chin and said "Hm…"

Shikaku asked in interest "What's wrong? Nidaime-sama? Is there something wrong?"

Tobirama shook his head and replied "No. but… the barrier entry is too inefficient. In this case, ninjas who specialize in sensing and seals will always need to be on duty to watch and maintain the barrier when they go in."

Shikaku nodded in agreement and replied with a suggestion "I've also noticed that and have thought of a suggestion."

"Hoh. Go ahead and tell me." Tobirama replied in interest of the suggestion.

Shikaku explained with a smile and pointed at his forehead protector "We just need to register some kind of identity detecting system along with the barrier that'll let in people with an identity tag that allows access inside Konoha."

Tobirama nodded in agreement as he also thought of that but pushed it to the back of his mind as the barrier was in the trial phase, this was the update needed. He immediately ordered "Alright! Gather fuinjutsu experts! We'll work on a solution immediately!"

Shikaku kneeled and replied "Yes! Nidaime-sama!" before ordering a bunch of ninjas to call the fuinjutsu experts that were not on duty. Of course, it was not mandatory but there were rewards that immediately caught their attention.

Normally, they didn't have many jobs since Fuinjutsu is pretty rare but not exactly a type of jutsu that was always used. They were happy even if they didn't have much interest in the reward, they were just happy that they could finally use the fuinjutsu that they learned.

Meeting with Tobirama who wore a mask. They bowed in respect as they have worked with him once before, he was a master! Just like that monster-like kid, Naruto. So young yet already so much better than them in fuinjutsu that it was almost scary.

Tobirama and Naruto working together sent chills down their spines! They were just too skillful! They learned a thing or two and now they would be learning more although Naruto is not around.

After Tobirama explained what they were going to do, they nodded in excitement! This would make way for more to be interested in fuinjutsu and also create more jobs for fuinjutsu experts!

They immediately went to work!




(A/N: Um… Looks like this arc will be going for a bit. I have some plans for the whole 2 years of ANL in the back of my mind. I can't exactly skip it. Leave a power stone. Thanks.)