
True Power of Kane's Fireballs

Kane was lost in word with no idea how to solve the awkward situation in front of him. The aunt kept showing a warm face to Lucia with the thought of cheering the pity beautiful girl whose heart being broken by the cold-hearted young man.

" Oh! What does she say? " Aunt even shared some of her precious experiences to Lucia, how to discipline his husband and the way of harmony life between a couple.

" Oh no! The misunderstanding kept became deeper, Lucia surely thinks of me that I am the one who told my neighbor, she was my girlfriend. " That was what Kane thought inside his heart.

The shy and silent suddenly spoke out by some words from Lucia's mouth. The aunt suddenly stopped her big mouth and took a look on Kane from top to bottom, slightly shook her head.

Lucia's words made him feel disappointment as well.

" I prefer a man with a stronger physical body than me. " Lucia spoke slowly.

" He must be a great warrior who battles bravely in the battlefield and protect the country as his honor duty. "

Probably, Kane was weak. Although, she appreciated Kane's talent in the field of magus as he could cast out powerful magic in a young age. Those kind words from her mouth only meant that she was kind-hearted, this was her personality as she treated everyone with a kind manner.

Moreover, she saved Kane and thought this was her duty to protect the people of the country. All of these didn't give any meaning of she liked or fell in love with this young man in front of her.

Franking speaking, Kane actually didn't think of any deeper relationship between them such as girlfriend. His only thought was gratitude to Lucia and appreciate the beauties of her face and soul. But currently, he felt sad, emotion of disappointment rolling inside his heart.

" I only admire one man since young. " Lucia explained to the kind aunt.

It looked like the aunt finally believed that they were friend with normal relationship, the misunderstanding was gone off. Yet this didn't let Kane feel better. At the same time, he was curious about the man Lucia mentioned.

" The man was a hero to the country. He once won a battle with less number of soldiers, with only 5000 fought against 10000 of the enemy country. After the battle, people called him as a legendary warrior. He is a soldier with a pure heart and honor soul, his courage lets him feel fear of nothing. " Lucia explained.

Kane spoke inside the heart silently, " Girl surely liked the hero. I am not a hero, she surely has no feeling on me. "

After hearing her claim, Kane sighed silently. Although, he didn't think of any relationship development between them. But upon a beautiful girl speaking of the other man's goodness, this made his heart a little hurt.

All of a sudden, all his negative emotions disappeared to nowhere when he heard of her relationship with the man.

" He is my father. " Lucia's face was full of admiration and pride. It seemed her father surely a hero to the people of the country.

" Your father is impressive. " Kane spoke with a happy smile on his face.

Aunt eventually knew that she had misunderstood the situation between them, she gave a dry smile and left the scene, " Oh, sorry! Looked like I misunderstand your relationship. "

A question raised up on Kane's head, " The misunderstanding has solved. Now, let's get back to the proper topic. Why do you meet me? "

Lucia took out a small bag, roughly with the size of Kane's palm. She handed over to Kane.

" This is your reward for helping us. As you help me to hunt down the Hammer Gorilla King, the daemonic crystal inside it is worth 400 bronze coin. I split into two portions, one for you and the other for our team. "

Kane opened the money bag, 200 bronze coin was inside it. The bronze coin was the currency in this world, the other two types of coin were gold and silver. When it came to the true value of the currency, Kane had yet to have any pictures on this money. Is 200 bronze coin was a huge amount of money or just a little? He needed to find it out on his own.

" Thanks " Kane accepted without hesitation. That was no different from the world he lived before, everyone needed money to survive. He needed to have some money on his pocket for his living.

" We had accomplished our mission. Now, we will head back to the city. I feel great to know you, hope that we will meet again one day. " As usual, sweet smile was shown on her face. She bid farewell to Kane with kind words.

Kane replied, " Me too. See you. "

Lucia left. Kane looked at her back until her image became smaller and blurred, finally disappeared from his vision. Some thought was flashed across his mind.

Did he really never think of any further development between them? Would he put effort to win this beauty's heart?

He sighed and changed his mind from the girl. It was time for his training, he shouldn't put his mind on the matter other than his training.

All of sudden, he recalled the naughty fairy and searched for her.

He turned his vision around, the fairy kept staring on him. " I found you. This time you have no chance to escape. "

" Remember you have only six days left. You better prepare yourself and don't focus on another matter. " Cecelia spoke and quickly escaped from Kane.

Cecelia flew into the midst of the villagers, treated them as her blockage of Kane's vision and allowed her to escape. She finally disappeared in Kane's eyes as well.

After minutes, Kane regained his mind. As he felt tired inside his heart when interacting with women, decided to go back to the forest and trained his magic.

Kane left the village

In the shallow forest.

He was looking back at his training spot yesterday. The same scenery fell into his eyes, allowing him to recall back the memories of the path.

He walked for roughly ten minutes and reached his destination. Upon arriving the scene, something made him confuse, even thought if he had come in the wrong place.

Kane muttered, " Where is the tree I targeted on for practicing Fire Ball magic? Here only has a broken tree. "

Kane saw the tree which he broke it last night, but he didn't know that what he did before leaving. His fireball possessed high momentum and crushed a tree, as he mixed some concept of Flame Burst magic inside the casting of a fireball.

He went near the tree and took a look at the broken part of the tree. This part was slightly burnt, from the unbalance shape of the broken part, Kane thought that the tree must be crushed by some huge creature on it. Like the Ground Rhino, it probably could crush this tree easily.

Thus, the shallow side of the forest was not as safe as he thought. He was in black on his ability to cast a powerful fireball, he had cast out an abnormal fireball. Not like the normal fireball with only low power and weak burning effect.

Kane had planned what he supposed to do. Before training, he decided to pay a visit to the library of the book realm. Much more knowledge he needed to learn it back for better understanding with the aid of practical experience.

After entering the book realm, he walked directly towards the book with the title of Fire Ball Magic. The bookshelves were empty as always, only one book placed on the fifth bookshelf.

This time, he had more basic knowledge of magic such as the law of element and got a deeper understanding of the Fire Ball magic. The book also recorded some review for the talented magus, their analysis on this basic magic.

When the time he was focused on the book, he felt a great force was pulling. Without a second thought, he knew what had happened to him, this feeling was so familiar to him. He was dragged out by the book realm again.

As usual, he lost stability and fell to the ground.

" I have yet to give vent my fury. Who the one again to disturb me? " Kane wondered.

A three-horned deer creature was staring at him, the deer was shocked by the sudden appearing of Kane. The deer opened its eyes as big as it could to widen its vision, fierce look shown on its face.

" Oh you little deer, you want to challenge me? It is the right timing, I need to examine my result of training as well. "

Kane stood up faster, left it with a safe distance and observed the deer.

Looking at the deer charging towards him, he cast a fireball in his right hand.

" Fire Ball! "

It took him four seconds to cast it out. He was fortunate, the deer was not too fast and gave him enough time to prepare the fireball.

It hit on the deer. The deer was pushed back by the fireball, nearly lost its stability. The deer then lower his stability point, struggling to achieve a balance.

" Whoa! I never know it. My fireball was powerful, it could even push the deer back with quite a long distance. "

The fireball surprised him, he never knew that his fireball was moving in high speed, causing a great momentum and force on the target. From what he read before, the fireball didn't cause too much damage and force on the enemy.

The deer kept staring at Kane. This time, it did not dare to charge directly to Kane as it knew that the human who attacked it was dangerous. Kane observed the deer in return, he controlled his spiritual energy inside his body, leading the energy flew to his palm.

He was ready for the second fireball.

" Fire Ball "

Without giving too much time for the deer to react, he was at the first hand this round. He immediately cast a fireball to attack it. As same before, the fireball pushed the deer far more distance away from him.

After casting out two fireballs, he felt a little tired on his soul. He was yet to step into Rank 1 Magus, he had a maximum of casting seven times of these powerful fireballs.

The deer turned its back and ran from Kane. Based on its instinct, the deer understood that it had no match for Kane, it was dangerous for it to continue fighting with Kane.

" You have no way to run from me. As you are the who started the fight first, you needed to know the consequence. " After muttering, Kane chased towards the direction of the deer's escaping.

Inside the forest, Kane couldn't get any advantage from the environment. The forest was the place familiar to the deer, it knew which way better to run from its enemies. On the other hand, Kane had yet to get used to the activity in the forest. He found it difficult to catch up the speed of the deer, as the deer ran left and right and used the trees as its natural blockage.

Upon running, he tried hard to control the energy flow inside his body. The condition was not the same as the stationary, it was harder to control the spiritual energy as if controlling a horse which was in a rampage.

" Control your breath, calm your mind as usual. Slowly felling the spiritual energy inside your body. Make it feel like you are in stationary, you surely can cast the fire ball. "

Kane kept telling himself inside his heart. The energy flow was difficult to control when he was running at high speed.

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Lastly, I have to admit that I am a shameless author. ( WAHAHA...)

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