
Journey back

We created Mia's ID and went to sleep.

We cleaned ourselves, brushed our teeth, and slipped into our checkered pajamas. I aired the bedroom a bit and then lay down next to my wife, who had nestled under the red blanket.


The next morning, we enjoyed a delicious breakfast and packed everything important into my backpack.

"Do you really feel better now?" I asked, concerned.

I examined her from head to toe. She wore a white, flowing dress from her hometown.

Her hair was braided into a ponytail, and two strands hung in her face.

"Yes," she answered with a hand in front of her mouth, "besides, I don't have to walk much."

She swallowed and stood up.

The chair squeaked across the floor and echoed in the large empty hall.

"Well then," I smiled and spread my arms, "shall we go?"

She nodded vigorously and jumped into my arms.

I carried her out of the castle.

"Do you want to take a short walk on the wall?" I asked her.

"Sure, but won't it take a while to reach the village?"

"That's true," I scratched my head thoughtfully, "but it doesn't make a difference; we have to sleep outdoors for a few nights anyway."

Mia nodded, "as long as we start today!"

So, I jumped onto the wall, and we strolled around it. Usually, from up there, we could see every district. 

However, it was a bit hazy, so we couldn't see much, just a milky landscape.

Still, with Mia by my side and in my arm, I could finally sort out some thoughts.

The past few days, I had been busy with construction and had forgotten some things!

Like creating a special person for example.

I shook my head. I will do it when we are back.

"What's wrong?" Mia asked, looking into my eyes.

"I just remembered that I forgot something," I replied while letting my gaze wander over the island, "but I'll do it when we get back home."

At first, there was no response, but then I felt a tug on my arm and looked down at Mia, who said, "It's amazing how much this place has grown on us in the last months."

"Haha!" I laughed and scratched my head, "you're right. Let's show the others what we've built."

With that, I took Mia in my arms again like a princess, or now a queen, and set off.

"Yippee!" Mia exclaimed, which made me smile.

With Mia in my arms, I ran a bit slower than usual.

But since my wife was now also a royal human, she could endure more. Moreover, her system had developed further.

While I was crossing the outer wall and heading west, I asked, "How's it going with your runes and stuff?"

"Runes and sacrifices!" she corrected me. With proudly swelled chest, she continued, "The last month I had a lot of time sooo… I practiced a lot in the castle and became more familiar with them."

I nodded and listened with interest.

"I had the knowledge, but I didn't understand much," she sighed dejectedly.

"And now?"

"Now? Now, I understand almost all the basic runes and sacrifices," she said proudly.

"And what about the royal runes and..."

"Sacrifices?" she finished my sentence. She showed an uncertain smile, showing her teeth. "I still don't understand much about royal healing practices."

"But that will come!" she said confidently.

"Are you diligently training your mana too?"

"Of course..."


We chatted until evening and killed a few more monsters so that Mia could level up.

We set up our tent at the foot of the first mountain range.

We sat by the fire, and the queen announced, "You really ran fast! Last time, it took us 2 or three days from here to the island!"

I cradled my head while grilling a skewer with freshly caught demon sheep. 

"Are you listening to me?"

"Hmm? Yes. I just ran faster." I straightened up and turned to her.

The skewer was now stuck in the ground and sizzled over the fire. Occasionally, fat dripped into the flame, making it hiss.

"Show me your status instead," I said with an expectant look.

Mia blinked at me a few times and then said, "System status!"


System: Light-endowed Healer

Name: Mia Eternia

Occupation: Queen

Species: Royal Human

Level: Magical human

Level: 31/50

EXP: 048973/450000

Mana: 57008/57008

<[Status points]>

<[Personal data]>

<[System Skill Tree]>

<[Skills] >


"It hasn't changed much superficially," I remarked.

"Superficially, no! Except for the leveling speed, which many would envy, only the skill tree has changed a bit," she replied, looking at me sparklingly.

"Oh yes, and what?"

"With Level 30, new skills have been added for each main branch, including the one I'm pursuing," she explained. "But I haven't unlocked them yet because I wanted to understand the normal ones first."

I nodded understandingly and took the meat skewer back into my hand. It smelled delicious, and my mouth watered.

I blew a bit and noticed a sparkling look beside me. I turned slowly and saw Mia targeting the skewer.

"I thought you weren't hungry?" I asked with wide eyes.

"I am now."

I sighed and handed her the food, "Be careful, it's hot!"

She took it carefully with both hands and blew lightly. I couldn't help but laugh as I held a new skewer over the fire.

"Delicious!" Mia said with a full mouth. Her eyes widened in surprise, and her hand was in front of her mouth. "I didn't know demon sheep meat tasted so good!"

"Every monster with fresh meat is delicious," I asserted.

"I somehow don't believe that!"


I explained for quite a while that every monster has a special but delicious taste, and that in the future, I would occasionally bring her different meats.

So far, we had only eaten dragon meat because, in my opinion, it was the tastiest of all. Sometimes, however, you also need a change from the most delicious.


The next morning, it was pouring rain. Small streams turned into raging rivers, and waterfalls shot their water forth.

A leather coat protected us from the heaviest rain and fluttered behind us. Initially, I had protected us with mana, but since Mia was cold, I put on something warm.


The clouds complained as I jumped through them to cross the valleys. Lightning flashed beside us, below us, and occasionally even within us.

However, the lightning posed no problem, as it was too weak.

By noon, we reached the higher mountains. The rain slowly turned into snow. Thick flakes whirled around us, coloring the landscape white.

It was beautiful and varied in a way, so I didn't split the cloud cover and just let the nature do it thing.

It snowed for a while, and by evening, we reached the highest mountain. Up here, it was stormy, and even the leather of the fire dragon couldn't withstand it.

Small crystals formed lightly on the coat, and it slowly froze. Snow stormed around our heads, and individual crystals even pierced the leather.

Mia started to shiver, so I decided to leave a few more mountains behind us.

"Here!" I handed Mia a rabbit on a skewer.

"Thanks but I'm not hungry… I'm feeling a bit nauseous again."

"Can I help you somehow?"

"Yes," she said, standing up, "cuddle with me!"

I laughed and took her in my arms until we fell asleep.


The next day, I slowed down the speed a bit and landed as gently as possible.

Last night, my wife had thrown up once, so I wanted to travel a bit more gently.

"We should be there soon, just one or two serious jumps!" I said, pointing to a familiar mountain that can be seen from the village on clear days.

The ridge was unmistakable, like a carved in lightning bolt.

After two minutes, we crossed the lightning, and I scanned the path ahead with mana.

Next chapter