
chapter 1: The Beginning

In the void, a soul can be seen to be asleep. when the soul wakes up and can't see anything the soul begins to panic and after a while, the soul calms down. The soul is Jake

'Where am I' Jake said to himself.

After a while, Jake look around to see nothing but the darkness he began to look at himself to not see his body but a glowing orb. He begins to float around to find the exit but after 1 millennium he gives up to find the exit and stops he just floats there doing nothing he didn't know that he is absorbing the energy in the void. after 1 centillion in the void, Jake's soul has absorbed the energy in the void causing his soul to have the strength on par with the god of all.

A voice can be heard in the void the voice said: " weird why there is a soul that can survive in the void for so long. "

Jake panic said: " WHO THERE !!! "

Suddenly the darkness surrounding Jake turns into a white room and in front of him is an old man.

The old man said: " what an interesting soul "

Jake asks the old man who is he

the old man said: " I'm the god of all I'm the creator of everything that exists you can call me lumikha and you are very interesting "

Jake asks god why him interesting in Jake

lumikha said " because when you are in the void you unconsciously absorb the energy in the void make your soul have the strength on par with me but it only has the immortal power, not the power meaning that your soul can never be destroyed but not have any power go with it "

jake was surprised he never thought that when he stays in the void he can get immortal but the god says only the soul so the body might not be immortal.

when jake is in deep thought and lumikha said: " And I also sorry you for your die "

when lumikha said that Jake be emotionless look at lumikha

when lumikha sees Jake look he feels guilty when he has never felt guilty before

lumikha has seen what Jake has been through

lumikha said: " because of my fault that you die and you have a miserable life so I will give you 10 wishes and as a bonus, you can choose to create your body and where you want to transmigrate to "

Jake begins to think about what wish he should get to kill those sinful people

Jake said: " I wish to have every power of every ghost rider that exists combined"

lumikha said: " granted a very smart choice because of your immortal soul you can never die but your body can with this wish you can rebuild your body from your soul so you basically immortal very smart "

Jake said: " I wish to have every power of every sans and gaster and chara and frisk that exists combined"

lumikha said: " granted but that will cost you 4 wishes because of the character you choose "

Jake thinks: 'that it ok every character I choose because of the game and film that I heard the character kill/judge a sinful person.

Jake continues said: " I want the power to jump the multiverse "

lumikha said: " reject because the ghost rider and sans and gaster already have the power to jump the multiverse "

Jake thinks: 'ok I have every power I want but I have 5 wishes left what to do'

Jake said: " I want to have unlimited blade works"

lumikha said: " granted "

Suddenly Jake said: " I want you to adopt me as your son because I never feel when you have a parent "

Jake said that with an emotionless face

lumikha feels happy because he never has a son or a daughter even though he has created beings who can be called his sons or daughters but he never feels them as his sons or daughters they feel more like servants because he doesn't have anyone that he feels a connection to talk with besides his creation so when he has a son and because Jake soul is on pair with his so he can be his son he is very happy.

lumikha immediately asks Jake to call him dad

Jake said: " Dad " with an emotionless voice

lumikha is very happy and said: " son because you have 2 wishes left and I see that you don't have anything to wishes left I will take those 2 wishes to give you unlimited potential and a system "

Jake then said " thank dad "

the god happy said " ok that all have fun and sometimes come back here to visit me and tell me your story son and goodbye "

after he said that Jake lose consciousness

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

Suzuki_Takamicreators' thoughts