
The Murder

It was a long, dark, stormy night at Battleheim mansion, I was only 8 years old when this dreadful night happens, I was in my room reading my favourite comic (Hero Man) when I heard screams coming from the living room, I left my room and when I left the room I couldn't hear the screams anymore, I slowly started walking down the stairs and I got to the living room where I saw it...

It was my mother dead on the floor lying next to my father who was bleeding out, I rushed over and tried to stop the bleeding but my father stopped and said 'My time is up, now it is your time'.

My father reached into his pocket and got out a ring with the Battleheim crest on it and said to me 'This ring is special that grants you power, those people who came in a killed you're mother was apart of an organisation called (Black Hand) and they will do anything for that ring, you must keep it on you're hand at all time or it could lead to the end of the world.'

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