

7 years has past since that dreadful night, ever since then my life has been a misery, I was blamed for the incident and was called a murderer because there wasn't enough evidence that it was a break in even though that wasn't the truth, ever since then I have been trying to figure out how this power works and what it is, I started from meditation to painful training so that I could activate this power but it all ended in failure.

Until one day, I was walking home school depressed as usual and as I was walking I saw a kid run into the where the was a truck going 40 mph.

Without hesitation I jumped into the road and pushed the kid out of the way and the truck was going to hit me instead but then when thought my life was coming to an end as the truck hit me the front got crushed and the truck stopped in its tracks.

Everyone around me was looking at me with shock and when I looked down my ring was glowing bright yellow like the sun.

I ran away from the scene and hid in a ally way.

Then suddenly I hear a voice in my head that sounds like my father and it told me that I have awakened my powers as a (Battleheim warrior) and he told me that I could use these powers for good or evil and I chose good because ever since I was young I wanted to find the people who killed my parents and destroy them.