
The Strongest Dark Lord

Follow Lucas Grindelwald, a reincarnated soul who walks a similar path to his adopted father, the infamous Dark Lord Gellert Grindelwald. As a good Dark Lord in training, expect a MC with loose morals who has no problem with getting his hands dirty. This is a translation of the fanfic Hogwarts: I, The Strongest Dark Lord Of History. The story will have differences from the mtl version since I will be changing things I don't like or that don't make sense. Subscribe to my Patreon /mysterion901 to read advanced chapters.

Mysteryon · Movies
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The Triwizard Tournament And The Fake Mad-Eye!

Lucas chose to ignore Draco who kept trying to incinerate him with his gaze.

He kept an elegant smile as he looked at the teacher's table and noticed that Dumbledore was wearing a glove on his right hand.

He guessed that the old man probably wanted to deceive others, but as everyone knows, this is more likely to make people curious.

"Lucas, did you already know?"

Draco's voice came from beside him, but all he got in response was a puzzled look from Lucas.

"Stop pretending, with your ability, you most probably already knew that there will be no Quidditch this year, right? Tell me, what is the reason?"

Draco's words attracted curious eyes from other Slytherins.

Lucas swept across the faces of Pansy, Blaise, and Theodore.

"I think the Headmaster will explain the reason right away, so please pay attention."

The next moment, Dumbledore's voice came from the front.

"Because we will usher in a very important event in October, and this event will last for the whole year."

"I can assure you that you will love this event very much. Now I announce that this year, Hogwarts will be the host of..."


The door of the great hall suddenly flew open.

It looked as if someone had knocked open the door with a siege machine.

At the same time, the magic on the ceiling of the great hall also reacted.

The starry sky that was originally full of mysterious beauty suddenly turned into dark clouds, lightning and thunder included.

With the gust of wind blowing in from outside the door, it made people feel a sense of oppression.

A thunder rang, and a figure suddenly appeared at the door.

The figure was wearing a traveling cloak, leaning on a cane, and walking with a rattling sound.

Mad-Eye, Alastor Moody.

Former Auror, early member of the Order of the Phoenix.

This is a crazy old guy.

His fake leg, the scars on his face and body are all evidence of fighting dark wizards.

He is also a very stubborn old man.

Certainly, all this refers to the real Alastor Moody, instead of the fake and shoddy product in front of them.

Lucas slowly closed the Marauder's Map in his hand with a satisfied look on his face as he looked at the fake Moody again.



The hands of the two old men were tightly held together.

Dumbledore turned to look at the young wizards in the Great Hall.

"Let me introduce the Defense Against the Dark Arts professor for the new school year, Alastor Moody."

There was not too much applause.

Compared with the excited expressions at the Gryffindor table.

The students at the Slytherin table showed a faint worry.

Harry, who was clapping, turned to look at his friend next to him.

"Ron, what happened to the Slytherins?"

Ron glanced at the long Slytherin table, his expression becoming very smug.

"They must be afraid because Mad-Eye Moody caught a lot of dark wizards when he was an Auror."

"I've heard that half the cells in Azkaban are filled thanks to Moody, and I guess most of those dark wizards should be from Slytherin."

"Maybe some of these prisoners are relatives of those guys, that's why they're afraid of Professor Moody, Harry, that's great!"

Harry first took a surprised look at the unattractive, even ugly Mad-Eye.

Then he looked at the Slytherin table again, and there was a hint of excitement in his eyes.

He hopes that Mad-Eye can suppress the arrogance of the Slytherins.

At the Slytherin long table, Pansy frowned and looked at the teacher's table displeased.

"I remember the papers saying that Mad-Eye's home had been invaded? How did he end up here?"

"Pansy, that's Mad-Eye. Do you think ordinary people can handle him?"

Lucas didn't agree with Blaise Zabini's words.

Didn't this Barty Jr. in front of them just break in and subdue the famous Mad-Eye?

Lucas looked up at him and spotted the fake Moody staring in Slytherin's direction with that magic eye.

To be precise, he was staring right at him.

The two stared at each other for a few seconds and the ceiling showed lightning and thunder again.

Just when some younger students started trembling with fear, the light of two spells hit the ceiling at the same time.

Everyone looked at where the spells came from and discovered the new Defense Against the Dark Arts professor, Mad-Eye Moody released one.

The other one came from the Slytherin table, to no surprise, it was Lucas Grindelwald again.

The two fought against each other and refused to give in to the other, which made the magic on the ceiling even more confused.

Until Dumbledore pulled out his Elder Wand to stop the two of them.

"Oh~ Lucas, although I know you are helping out of kindness, it will cause trouble for everyone."

"Alastor, you shouldn't fight with a child. Don't forget that you are not an Auror anymore, but a professor at Hogwarts."

Dumbledore looked at Moody, and then glanced at Professor Snape.

"Mr. Grindelwald, as your Head of House, I think you should reflect on yourself. After the feast is over, please come to my office for your punishment."

Seeing that Lucas was punished on the first day of school, several cheers erupted from the Gryffindor table.

Ron was even more excited and tugged on his friend's robe: "Look, Moody is really the nemesis of dark wizards."

"He managed to get that guy Grindelwald in detention on the first day of school, and the evil Slytherins will probably suffer next."

There was a hint of a smile on Harry's lips.

Seeing Lucas's frown, he suddenly felt very comfortable.

"Hey Harry, your eyes are red, did you not sleep well last night?"


Harry looked at his reflection in the dinner plate, but his eyes were not as Neville said.


Dumbledore clapped his hands.

After everyone quieted down, he continued: "Where was I? Oh, right, we will be hosting an exciting event that will start next month."

"It has not been held for over a century, and I am very happy to announce that the Triwizard Tournament will be held at Hogwarts this year!"

"Are you kidding me?" Fred yelled.

Looking at his expression, it was clear how surprised he was, even the Slytherin students' eyes widened at the moment.

The Triwizard Tournament represents honor and glory.

When it was still being held, if anyone could win the Triwizard Tournament, it might even land you a great job after graduation.

Waiting until the room was quiet again, Dumbledore looked at Fred first and said, "I'm not kidding!"

"I believe some people don't know about the Triwizard Tournament, so please let me briefly introduce it first."

"The Triwizard Tournament was born seven hundred years ago; three European schools would take part in it: Hogwarts, Beauxbatons, and Durmstrang.

"The three schools selected a representative student to participate in three magical competitions, and to carry out friendly exchanges through the competitions."

"The three magic schools used to take turns to host the competition every five years, but about 200 years ago, it was suspended because of the high death toll."

The students of Gryffindor and Hufflepuff seemed to only understand that this is a competition between the three schools, and didn't even pay attention to the latter sentence that mentioned it was stopped because of too many deaths, so they cheered the loudest.

Dumbledore gestured again, and continued after the hall had quieted down.

"For a long time, many people have tried to restore the tournament, but they have not succeeded, but with the efforts of the Department of International Magical Cooperation and the Department of Magical Sports of the Ministry of Magic."

"Our Ministry of Magic along with the ones of France and Bulgaria have finally reached a consensus that the time is ripe to try again."

"The schools of Beauxbatons and Durmstrang are expected to arrive in October, and the election of the champions will be held on Halloween night."

"At that time, an impartial judge will select the champions who will represent the three schools, and the winner of the Triwizard Tournament will be rewarded with a thousand Galleons!"

"I want to participate, I will definitely participate!"

Hearing that a thousand Galleons were the reward, the Weasley twins roared at the top of their lungs.

Even Ron's breathing became heavy.

For them, honor comes second, the point is that the bonus of 1,000 Galleons is just too tempting!

Unfortunately, their dream of getting rich was quickly shattered.

Dumbledore looked at everyone and said again: "I know you all want to participate in this competition."

"But the Headmasters of the three schools and the Ministries of Magic all believe that a restriction should be added to the participants for security reasons."

"Only students aged 17 and above can participate. I will personally take protection measures at that time, in case some of you want to secretly sign up."

Dumbledore's words were immediately protested by many of the sixth years.

Because most sixth years won't be seventeen by Halloween.

Dumbledore wasn't going to bother about the students' dissatisfaction.

He concluded by emphasizing the timing of the arrival of the other two schools.

When he announced that the opening feast was over, the students left the great hall still discussing the Triwizard Tournament.

Lucas heard the Weasley twins whining from a distance.

However, it can be heard from the words of the two that they do not intend to give up just yet.

Arriving at the dungeon, the Chief Challenge begins again.

Since Prefect Gemma Farley has already graduated, the task of hosting the challenge fell to Lucas, the Chief of the House.

Once it was over, Lucas looked at everyone in the lounge and said, "You already know about the Triwizard Tournament."

"I am now announcing the first Chief order of this school year. No one is allowed to put their name in the Goblet of Fire and is prohibited from participating in this dangerous competition."

"Listen, everyone, I'm talking about anyone, including qualified sixth and seventh years."

The cunning snakes realized early on that this Triwizard Tournament was accompanied by great danger.

So for the Chief Order of Lucas, the students of Slytherin House have no opinion.

After dismissing everyone, Lucas hurried to the potions office without stopping.

"Let's go, the Headmaster has been waiting for you for a long time."

As soon as he entered the door, he heard Professor Snape's deep voice.

The two walked shoulder to shoulder to the Headmaster's office on the seventh floor.