
The Strongest Dark Lord

Follow Lucas Grindelwald, a reincarnated soul who walks a similar path to his adopted father, the infamous Dark Lord Gellert Grindelwald. As a good Dark Lord in training, expect a MC with loose morals who has no problem with getting his hands dirty. This is a translation of the fanfic Hogwarts: I, The Strongest Dark Lord Of History. The story will have differences from the mtl version since I will be changing things I don't like or that don't make sense. Subscribe to my Patreon /mysterion901 to read advanced chapters.

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The Head Of House Was Humiliated? Don't Be Afraid, The Chief Is Here For Revenge!

"Loony, Loopy, Lupin!"

Peeves, who was busy putting some chewing gum into the keyhole of the classroom, noticed Professor Lupin and started chanting in an annoying voice.

This is something the third years had never seen happening before.

Hogwarts has strict rules and ghosts are not allowed to disturb classroom order during class, and even Peeves who is a poltergeist abides by these rules normally.

But he apparently knows Professor Lupin.

"Peeves, can you please stop putting that gum into the keyhole?"

In front of the students, Remus was humble and polite.

Such a performance further brought out Peeves' unreasonable personality and he blew a raspberry in Lupin's direction before continuing with his endeavor.

Professor Lupin waved his wand and chanted "waddiwasi!", which made the chewing gum in the keyhole shoot into Peeves' nostrils making him fly away.

After doing this, he looked at the curious students behind him.

"Waddiwasi, a very useful charm, you should remember it."

They looked at him with admiration, they didn't expect that this new professor could actually subdue the annoying Peeves.

The students grew more respectful after this feat.

"Honey, this professor seems to have some skills."

"Hmph!" Lucas responded.

Hermione looked at her boyfriend with a smile: "Of course, he's not as good as you."

Seeing Lucas showing a satisfied expression, Hermione covered her mouth and snickered.

She always said that Cho Chang doted on Lucas and would agree to whatever request he made.

But she was secretly also the same. As long as it was Lucas' request, Hermione never refused.

As Lucas looked at Professor Lupin who was surrounded by students and looked a little smug, he chuckled and looked at Draco.

Seeing Draco give him a nod, he knew that everything was ready.

Now he just had to wait for Professor Lupin to dig his own grave.

"Okay everyone, please come inside, today we are going to have a very interesting class. Can anyone guess what's inside there?"

He said pointing to a shaking wardrobe that was in the middle of the room.

"Does anyone know the answer?"

Hermione was the first to raise her hand.

As long as a professor asks any question in class, she is always the first to raise her hand.

What is surprising is that Harry also raised his hand to indicate that he wanted to answer.

This is really surprising because of his low grades that are close to the level of his friend Ronald Weasley.

This guy who always tried to avoid answering questions in class was like a different person today.

"Mr. Potter."

Professor Lupin did not disappoint and picked his friend James' son to answer.

"That should be a Boggart, it is a shape-shifting monster that can become what a person fears the most."

"Yes, very good, five points for Gryffindor!"

Professor Lupin's praise brought Hermione's dissatisfaction.

She complained softly in her boyfriend's ear: "Potter's answer is very simple, although it's not wrong, it doesn't answer the question completely."

"I don't understand why he still gets points like that."

Seeing her displeased expression, Lucas replied in a low voice: "Don't worry, I'll help to vent your anger for you later."

Professor Lupin did not pay attention to observe the situation of the students and was still happy that his friend's son answered the question.

"Mr. Potter's answer is correct, so let me explain it to you in detail."

"First of all, a Boggart has no fixed form, or no one has ever seen it in its original form."

"They're often found in dark corners, inside wardrobes like this one or even under your bed, waiting for a good chance to surprise you."

"So how do we deal with Boggarts?"

He looked around at everyone, ignoring the hand held high by Hermione again.

"Mr. Potter, answer the question please."

"I think two people appearing in front of it at the same time should be useful."

"That's right!" Everyone could sense the joy of Professor Lupin.

He walked to the wardrobe, knocked on the door with his wand and continued.

"If you know you're going to face a Boggart, you'd better find a companion, they often become confused because they want to scare two people at the same time and end up taking a shape that isn't scary at all."

"Of course, there are other ways to solve it. What they fear the most is laughter."

"If you're alone with it, try to think of something funny so they can't do anything to you."

Having introduced another method, Professor Lupin talked about the spell they will learn today.


"This is a spell specially designed to deal with Boggarts, face the fear in your heart, imagine it with a funny look, and then use the spell."

"It's that simple, Boggarts won't be able to bother you anymore, next, draw out your wands and practice with me."


The crowd waved their wands after Professor Lupin.

When everyone had memorized the spell, Professor Lupin looked at Neville Longbottom who was standing in the middle nervously.

"Mr. Longbottom, tell me, what are you most afraid of?"

Being called out suddenly, Neville was a little at a loss, but seeing Professor Lupin's encouraging eyes, he still whispered, "Professor Snape."

"What?" Professor Lupin didn't seem to hear clearly.

Seeing this, Neville raised his voice and said, "Professor Snape!"

Ron added at this point: "We're all afraid of Snape, it's just that Neville makes so many mistakes in every Potions class that he's absolutely terrified of him"

Hearing this explanation, Professor Lupin nodded: "Neville, draw out your wand and let me tell you what to do."

"I remember you live with your grandmother, right?"

"Please not her, she also scares me." Neville whimpered a bit.

Hearing this, Professor Lupin said: "not that, but can you tell everyone what kind of clothes she usually wears?"

Neville frowned, and it took him some time to speak.

"She usually wears a teal gown, a pointed hat with a big stuffed vulture on top, and... a fox fur scarf.

"What about the bag?" Professor Lupin reminded him.

"Yes, she still has a Red handbag with her all the time."

"Very well, then I will teach you how to face Boggarts."

After he finished speaking, he came to Neville's side and whispered a few words in his ear.

No one knew what he said, all they saw was a smirk on the corner of Neville Longbottom's lips.

"Professor, is this really okay?"

"Of course, trust me, so are you ready?"

Seeing Neville nod, Professor Lupin swung his wand, and the lock of the wardrobe was unlocked.

The moment the door opened, the Boggart inside turned into what Neville feared.

Everyone saw Professor Snape coming out of the closet.

Boggarts are truly amazing magical creatures that can actually imitate a person very vividly.

Even the students of Slytherin couldn't see any flaws in the transformation.

Professor Snape's deterrence was quite strong, his appearance caused some students to take a step back unconsciously.

Neville swallowed nervously.

"Neville, remember what I said, you can do it!"

Hearing the encouragement from Professor Lupin, Neville took a deep breath, trying to imagine what the professor had just told him in his mind.


Accompanying his shout, a ray of light flew out from the tip of his wand.

The Snape boggart who was hit immediately changed into the costume of Neville's grandmother.

But the problem was that it was still using the looks of Professor Snape.

The students in the classroom laughed out loud and even Lupin was the same.

But everyone didn't notice that the students of Slytherin House all had gloomy faces.

"Damn it, how dare this incompetent bastard do something like this!"

Pansy Parkinson frowned and had even drawn her own wand, wanting to curse Longbottom.

The same is true for other Slytherin's expressions.

Draco waved his hand to stop everyone and turned to look at Lucas Grindelwald in front of everyone.

Others also looked over upon seeing this.

Everyone is waiting for Lucas, who is the Chief of their House, to make a statement.

Under the gaze of everyone, Lucas took out his wand.

Just when the other students were still immersed in their laughter.

A cold voice overwhelmed everyone's laughter.

"Pestis Incendium!"

Professor Lupin was taken aback, when he turned to look in the direction of the voice, he saw the crimson flames had already overwhelmed the Boggart and were about to reach him.

He narrowly escaped the Fiendfyre and broke out in a cold sweat.

But that Boggart didn't have the same luck as him and was burned to ashes together with the wardrobe behind him almost in an instant.

The heat wave from Fiendfyre filled the room, making the students retreat again and again.

Soon there were only Professor Lupin and Lucas Grindelwald holding a wand in the middle of the classroom.

"Professor Lupin, I remember telling you yesterday that scolding the cook when you are full is a very immoral thing, and it can even make people feel that you are very despicable!"

Seeing Lucas' cold eyes, Professor Lupin suddenly felt embarrassed.

Just when he was about to say something, suddenly, a questioning voice came from the crowd.

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