
Snape Vs Lockhart!

Rowena Ravenclaw's library has a wide variety of books beyond Lucas' imagination.

Among them are some books that Rowena personally annotated including the application experience of the Killing Curse.

Lucas has benefited greatly from this.

It is worth mentioning that during the era in which the Founders lived.

The Killing Curse, Imperius Curse, and Cruciatus Curse were just powerful forms of black magic.

Closing the book in his hand, Lucas rubbed the sore corners of his eyes.

Although everything in this library is so perfect, there was only one thing that dissatisfied him.

It's always sunny here, so it's very easy to confuse time.

He opened his pocket watch and glanced at it.

It turned out that there were less than ten minutes left before the end of the lunch break.

Putting the book back on the shelf, Lucas tore the void and returned to his dormitory.

This afternoon was the first day the Dueling Club opened its doors.

It is not known what tactics Lockhart used to get Dumbledore to let him open the Dueling Club in the Great Hall.

When Lucas and others arrived, the place was already full of people.

Of the four long tables originally placed in the middle of the auditorium, two were placed against the walls on both sides.

The remaining two were arranged as a long dueling stage.

Gilderoy Lockhart stood in the middle of the stage wearing a fancy cape.

"Everyone, please be quiet and come close to both sides."

Lockhart still has some appeal.

Everyone moved lightly and stood on both sides of the stage.

"Very well, I know that a lot of bad things have happened in school in recent weeks, so I applied to Principal Dumbledore for this chance."

"Specially! For you! This dueling club was opened to teach you how to protect yourself."

"I guarantee that in a short time, you will become like me, outstanding, and you will easily use various means to protect yourself, like I have done so many times before, for more information consult my books!."

Lockhart finished and winked at the girls in the audience, some of the young witches who couldn't recognize reality were dazed.

"Oh Merlin, even after what happened in our first class there are still people who can't see Lockhart's true face."

Hermione looked helplessly at the swooning witches, and Cho, who was arm in arm with her nodded along.

She hadn't been interested in Lockhart from the start because at that time her heart was already set on the boy beside them.

"Perhaps you don't know yet, there are creatures in this world called brain dead fangirls, they are crazy obsessed with their idols."

"Even if their idols do something wrong, they themselves will find all kinds of excuses for their idols to excuse them."

Hermione, a little Muggle-born witch, easily understood what a fangirl was.

"Yes, my mother is like that, she almost crazily worships the Beatles."

The three chatted softly while also keeping an eye on Lockhart's performance on stage.

At this moment, Lockhart had invited Professor Snape to the stage.

"Let us thank my assistant Professor Snape who graciously offered to help, he says he has a bit of experience with dueling as well."

"I will have a demonstration duel with Professor Snape later, little wizards, please keep your eyes open and watch carefully, and don't worry, you will still have your potions teacher by the end of it."

Lockhart winked again at the girls, then took off his cloak and threw it at his fans.

With his proficient technique, it would be a shame not to be a singer or an idol.

"Professor Snape, are you sure you don't need to put on protective gear? I'm afraid my powerful spells might hurt you."

Professor Snape's familiar sneer was all his response to Lockhart.

The expressions of the Slytherins around were full of disdain.

Just who is Snape? That is their Head of House.

Hermione and Cho looked at the sneering Lucas beside them and asked curiously.

"Why are you all sneering? Even if Lockhart's spells suck, at least he's an adult wizard."

"But his opponent is an out-and-out genius, someone who can create advanced dark magic while still in school."

In Lucas' mind, Professor Snape is a well-deserved genius in both potions and dark arts.

His own dark cutting curse "Sectumsempra", silent, lightless, and highly concealed dark magic, also impossible to heal without the corresponding counter-curse.

If you want to judge the direction of this curse, you can only do it by watching the orientation of the caster's wand.

But for people like Lucas and Dumbledore who can cast spells without a wand, Sectumsempra is definitely the best dark magic for sneak attacks.

And such a dangerous spell was actually invented by Professor Snape in the sixth grade.

On stage, Lockhart was still tirelessly talking about dueling etiquette.

Snape's brow was twitching and filled with impatience.

"Okay, then I will demonstrate it with Professor Snape."

Lockhart finally stopped his mouth.

From Lucas' point of view, he could see Professor Snape tightening his wand.

Waiting for the two to stand face to face according to dueling etiquette.

Professor Snape couldn't wait to point out his wand: "Expelliarmus!"

A dazzling light illuminated the dimly lit great hall and Lockhart was sent flying before he could even parry.

For the first time Lucas knew, it turns out that the Disarming Charm can knock people so far away.

"Ahem!" Lockhart stood up with his hands on the ground.

"It's okay, I was just giving a demonstration to everyone about what happens when you get disarmed, if it was me, Professor Snape might be injured more seriously."

Professor Snape was disdainful of Lockhart's boastful behavior.

However, he did not expose the foolish man since the spell just now had already given him enough satisfaction.

Knowing that the next step is to practice in groups, Lucas led the two girls to the back of the crowd ahead of time.

"You all know the Disarming Charm, I will teach you the Patronus Charm later."

"The Patronus Charm?" the two girls exclaimed.

The Patronus Charm is known as one of the most profound defensive spells.

It is said that it is difficult to learn and even most adult wizards cannot successfully perform it.

"With me here, it's easy."

Soothing their nervousness Lucas was going to explain the detailed casting process of the Patronus Charm.

"Lucas Grindelwald!"

Suddenly Lockhart's voice came from the stage, interrupting him.

The other students followed his gaze and looked behind them.

Immediately afterwards, cheers sounded in the great hall.

"What's the matter, Professor?"

Lucas looked at the stage calmly and Lockhart pointed his finger off the stage: "I discussed it with Professor Snape just now."

"We think that a young wizard should be invited to the stage to experience the fun of a duel for himself, Professor Snape recommended you to me."

Lucas looked to Professor Snape, who was standing at the other end of the stage.

Trying to see something in his empty eyes.

A pity, Professor Snape, who had a full Occlumency level, showed absolutely no emotion.

"Professor, do you really want me on stage?"

"Of course, don't worry, I won't hit you hard, just like I did against Professor Snape just now, I can even let you take the first shot."

Lucas smiled coldly in his heart as he stepped up to the stage.

This arrogant flower peacock obviously thought he was no different from the little common wizard. Otherwise, he wouldn't have made such a silly request.

Seeing Lucas walking on stage Professor Snape immediately came between the two to act as referee, but there was a little more pity in the way he looked at Lockhart.

To this day, even Snape couldn't forget the blue fire that raged in the Forbidden Forest last year.

He knew himself that he couldn't do it.

So Lucas, who can control such a strong fire freely, is at least stronger than him in terms of magic power.

"Get ready to start."

Lucas and Lockhart saluted with wands in hand, then turned around and walked to opposite sides of the platform.

The moment the two turned around, Lucas' spell had already been cast.


A brighter light than Professor Snape's illuminated the great hall like daylight while Lockhart was shot and flew straight towards the wall behind the teacher's table.


Lockhart collided with the wall with a muffled thud and nearly cried out in sharp pain from behind.

Waiting until the pain subsided a little, only then did he realize that he was glued to the wall.

The permanent sticking spell can make one item permanently stick to another item.

The spell was mixed in when Lucas cast the disarming charm.

When he saw Lockhart struggling against the wall, Lucas thanked the incompetent professor gracefully.

"Thank you, professor, for allowing me to fully experience the fun of dueling."

Watching Lucas turn and walk off the stage the eyes of the students around were shining.

He can easily defeat the professor, and the flying distance exceeds that of the veteran professor Snape.

This made Lucas deservedly receive the worship from most students present.

"Merlin's beard, if only I were this strong."

"You say, I'm going to ask him for advice, will he teach me DADA?"

"Of course he will, everyone knows that Lucas Grindelwald is a gentleman and very helpful."

Harry and Ron listened to the discussions of the classmates beside them and their expressions were not very good.

Ron was purely jealous, he has been like this since he entered school last year and he couldn't bear others saying that Lucas was good.

As for Harry, the reason is clear at a glance.

Watching the intimate movements between Cho Chang and Lucas, he unconsciously clenched his wand hand.

With the help of Professor Snape, Lockhart was finally free from the restraints of the wall.

The price was his wizard robes left on the wall.

"Okay, as you all see, Mr. Grindelwald has performed a wonderful spell for us."

"Then next, I need two young wizards to demonstrate on stage, and I will personally guide your movements."

Hearing his words, the little wizards raised their hands very positively since they all wanted to duel and show off.

Especially Ron, he wished he could jump right in front of Lockhart's eyes and draw his attention.

But Lockhart already had a goal.

"Harry Potter!"


Professor Snape stopped, "I don't think Mr. Potter is ready yet, I think someone else should come first."

"Oh~ Since Professor Snape said so, I'll listen to you."

Harry, who originally wanted to show off, looked at Snape with increasingly dissatisfied eyes.

"Mr. Ron Weasley."

Lockhart's gaze turned to the students around Harry.

Just when he was about to find his next target, Snape's voice sounded again: "Lucas Grindelwald, come up."

He still had to listen to the words of his Head of House. So even though Lucas didn't want to, he stepped onto the stage again.

He looked at Ron who was nervous and holding a broken wand.

He is really not interested, isn't this just adults bullying children!.

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