
Worldly Information

Chloe looked towards everyone then interrupted, "Ahm, well anyway, Dylan would you take us to the car, we have much to pack and shouldn't waste too much time." Although she enjoyed the peaceful time here she also wanted to get to her husband as fast as possible.

Dylan nodded and gestured her to a back door, he quickly summoned Fast and sent him through the door to check the surroundings, he then looked towards Chloe and nodded. Appreciating the goodwill Chloe walked out the door with a few things in her hand already.

Outside was a Dark-Blue Nissan Pajero Sport. Chloe walked up to it with Dylan who opened up the back. Although the car had seven seats the room it provided was amazing. Chloe easily fit everything she had with her and knew they could fit the rest without much hassle.

Everyone else began to gather their things from the car out front, summoning their beasts for any unexpected attacks. They moved rapidly in and out of the building and between cars, making sure they didn't waste too much time.

They had Rocky, Fast, Slow and Franklin guard outside. Giving them a safe path to travel between, making them operate much faster.

Dylan went to the kitchen and grabbed a couple of snacks they could have along the way, that way they wouldn't need many breaks. They also made sure everyone went to the bathroom before they all got to the car.

"Who's going to drive?" Chloe asked. They would have Alfredo in charge but having one of their strongest on the wheel would be a shame since he could be observing everything outside instead.

"You can drive, I'll take the passenger seat, Dylan said he'll take the very back seat while the boys can sit in the middle," Alfredo explained. Chloe nodded and got in the passenger seat, everyone else had already arranged themselves. They had also unsummoned their beasts and just relied on their eyesight.

After seeing everyone prepared Chloe started the car and realised it was almost empty on fuel, seeing that she looked towards Dylan through the rear-view mirror, "Don't use this car much?" She asked curiously.

Dylan perked up to the question, "Indeed, we usually use the other car as there really isn't much to do near here that would cause everyone to go to it, not to mention there aren't 7 people in our family in the first place."

Chloe gave him a little nod and smiled. She drove to the nearby petrol station to refuel, looking through the station window she couldn't see anything, so she got out to refuel. Jack and Alfredo quickly summoned their beasts to protect her. After all, while it may look clear anything could happen in this new world, it was the wild west now.

Coming back in the car she opened the glove box and took out her phone, "I charged it last night, fortunately there' still electricity; it's already been a few days and I saw we have signal, quickly go online and check what's happening around the world."

She passed it to Adam, who quickly went onto the internet and checked the news. Looking through it shocked Adam, as seen by his open mouth and raised eyebrows.

"Well, I can certainly say our situation is better than others. Tropical regions are getting decimated by swarms of insects, especially bees, wasps and mosquitoes. The upper regions of the Southern Hemisphere are dealing with large animals, bears, lion, tigers, and wolfs. As for Island countries and Australia, well, it seems we have it relatively easy. Although some areas such a Sydney have been thoroughly damaged by spiders, the rest of Australia is dealing relatively well. However, going into the ocean or anywhere near the ocean is a real danger. Apparently, sharks have grown to be the same size as megalodons, 15 – 20 metres".

They also found out why everything still works. Electricity and communication were essential for humanity to work together properly over long distances, as such, the military made sure the powerplants still work.

Although most of the satellites were also damaged due to the sudden change in the gravitation pull, there were a few other satellites further away used by private companies that were taken over and used.

The internet didn't have everything on there, just the news, the government didn't want to break the servers. On the maps were details about certain areas, whether or not they had people or security.

Alfredo was the first to ask, "How about the Adelaide Hills?"

Adam quickly began to search for some information on the maps, "Well, it seems most of the Adelaide Hills are holding up alright. It seems in most towns and cities they've secured safe shelters, such as schools, and shopping centres. Places open and easy to defend".

Chloe felt good about that information, but just to be sure, "So what about Mount Barker?"

"Hmm, Mount Barker is safe. They've secured all schools and the main shopping centre for shelter, it seems they have enough food to last them till this whole situation is under control" Adam explained.

Lachlan had to burst the happy moments with another question his family had, "How's Alice Springs doing?"

Looking through the information Adam replied, "Well so far it's still standing, but barely. The massive bird we saw flying has determined that it'll be its nest and attacks anyone or anything that gets close to it. Not to mention that food is beginning to run low with no way for supplies to get there safely".

"Damn," Alfredo said angrily, even though they probably couldn't do anything back then he still felt rather bad about leaving all those people to pretty much die.

"Well at least we're safe, and that Darius is under protection. That's all that matters to us," Chloe said.

Everyone nodded, but they did have some second thoughts. Jack was the first to ask, "So, is there any plan to get this situation under control? What's going to happen after that? School sure as hell isn't going to be the same".

"Well, it seems the government is going to take one step at a time. It appears that they've lost a lot of land to all the beasts, not to mention the number of casualties that come with that loss of land," Adam explained while he continued to read through the articles.

"Try to call Darius, see how the situation is from his point of view," Chloe said.

Adam nodded a rung his Dad's phone.

*Ring Ring*Ring Ring*Ring Ring*

"Hey Chloe, is everyone alright? Where are you? Is something wrong?" Darius quickly berated Adam with questions, he thought Chloe was on the phone but he didn't know that.

"Hey Dad, it's me, Adam. We're currently near Marla, we just left after having breakfast. Everyone is alright, safe, and unharmed. We were wondering how it is in Mount Barker from your point of view".

"Haha!" A burst of loud laughter could be heard before it continued, "Good Good, it's great that you're all safe. As for my point of view, well it's alright. Everyone's making it through this difficult time together, some choosing to join and help the military, others are staying home and trying to protect their family".

Adam put it on the loudspeaker for everyone to talk to Darius, Chloe was the first, "So what are you doing?"

"I'm currently training with the military, I should at least be able to survive with the training".

Lachlan tuned in this time, "Have you tamed anything yet?"

"Haha! Indeed I did, I tamed two birds. They've helped me out greatly, it seems in present times the only way to demand respect is to have strength. Which is why I decided to join in for military training, able to learn some combat skills and knowledge that'll keep me alive that little bit longer".

"How are you and your friends doing? Did they decide to join you for the training?" Adam asked.

"They're doing fine, lost a few to spiders early into this great change. As for the military training, well, most of them did, including me. Some of them had family that they wanted to spend time with before they make the decision".

"Why would they need to think about it? Getting stronger now is the only thing we can do," Chloe said, she began to accept this world for what it was, even if she hated it for changing way too much.

"Well, this training isn't exactly free, once you join the training you're volunteering to help find and rescue other people. Which is exactly why I am saying my two birds are helpful, able to spot people high above, sometimes even rescuing the people themselves".

"Hey get ready! We're going to check and rescue people in Victor Harbour this time!" A voice could be heard through the phone, seemed to have a deep commanding tone.

"Well anyway, it seems it's time for me to go and save some people. You guys take care of yourselves and get here safely".


"Bye Dad!", "Bye Honey,' the three boys and Chloe said.

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