

Looking at the results pleased Lachlan and everyone there. Lachlan took this opportunity to hatch the other two eggs. Pushing another drop of his blood on each of the eggs. Lachlan realised the pain was worth the rewards.


*Chirp Chirp*Chirp Chirp*

The other two quickly waddled over to Lachlan and laid their heads on his lap as well, their small eyes stared at Lachlan with curiosity were then changed to rather cute and loving eyes. Lachlan signalled to Alfredo to drag over the two corpses, while Dylan looked a bit confused he helped.

However, before he got them to grow he wanted to see if there were any differences between the siblings as it might affect him in the future.



Name: Blue Lightning Roc

Age: Infant

Attribute: Wind/Rock/Lightning

Grade: Normal

Innate Talent: 2nd Grade

Level: 0

STR: 25, AGI: 25, VIT: 50

INT: 10, PER: 10, WIL: 5

Quick Growth: Bathe it in the blood of an adult Roc and Blue Lightning Eagle, doing so will allow it to reach the Adolescence growth stage instantly. Only using one of the bloodlines will allow it to reach childhood.


Name: Blue Lightning Roc

Age: Infant

Attribute: Wind/Rock/Lightning

Grade: Normal

Innate Talent: 2nd Grade

Level: 0

STR: 25, AGI: 25, VIT: 50

INT: 10, PER: 10, WIL: 5

Quick Growth: Bathe it in the blood of an adult Roc and Blue Lightning Eagle, doing so will allow it to reach the Adolescence growth stage instantly. Only using one of the bloodlines will allow it to reach childhood.


It was just as he predicted. There were differences between siblings which was slightly odd but he couldn't only put it up to fate. Although it seems that the difference won't be too large, it would still be noticeable in the future.

After getting the corpses near enough Lachlan signalled for Alfredo to strike. Doing so he quickly got Franklin to rip the two heads off in on succession after the other, causing the blood to go everywhere, this time the blood was dark red.

Dylan was shocked by the sudden incident and quickly jumped back to avoid getting sprayed, looking around he noticed everyone else had already moved back.

Dylan was slightly annoyed that they didn't warn him and just as he was about the shout something caught his eyes. He looked back towards Lachlan who was completely dyed red, but the thing that caught his attention were the three birds in Lachlan's lap.

Lachlan and the birds were soaked in blood, but after a few seconds, the birds began to change drastically. Feathers and fur began to grow on the birds, the birds also began to get larger. Their bodies began to expand, the sight was rather amazing.

After the bright light dispersed there stood three large birds, their heads were still in Lachlan's lap but due to the sudden increase in size, they couldn't fit. Taking a closer look at them, they seemed to already be the size of their mother. They seemed to have taken after their mother's colour as well, blue and white, there was also a bit of the Roc's brown coloured fur. Lachlan decided to analyse them to see what kind of companions he'll get.


Name: Blue Lightning Roc

Age: Adolescence

Attribute: Wind/Rock/Lightning

Grade: Normal

Innate Talent: 1st Grade

Level: 0

STR: 35, AGI: 35, VIT: 50

INT: 20, PER: 15, WIL: 10

Weakness: Frail Wing Joints

Strengths: Lightning Speeds, Absolute Crushing Grip, Lightning Control (Dormant)


Looking at all three status screens in front of Lachlan made him ecstatic, now he finally had some tamed beasts, he wasn't going to be a massive burden anymore, he could help out now.

But there was something that caught his attention. It seems these offsprings have the same thing as their parent, with dormant lightning control.

Lachlan found it rather annoying to have their control over lightning be dormant, his childish mind and fantasies imagined him flying high in the sky with lightning surrounding them. He would look dangerous when he obviously wasn't.

He reached out his arms to grab hold of all three of them, "Will you join me?" asked joyfully, he was still ecstatic about the success, now he just needed to tame properly.

Looking around Lachlan quickly knew he was in that same black space as before. That feeling of nothing engulfed his body, this time he knew his eyes weren't going to evolve so he was rather relaxed.


Looking in front of him were the three birds, this time they weren't sizing him up but slowly drifting towards him happily. Once they reached him they all put their heads out first and rubbed it against Lachlan's chest.

They gave off what seemed to be a purr, similar to a cat. Lachlan found it funny and giggled, now he just had to think about the names. He thought long and hard about what he could call them, it just had to sound cool.

He came up with the names and pointed to each of them one at a time, "You'll be Calamity, you'll be Disaster, and you'll be Catastrophe," the birds happily accepted the names as they gave Lachlan a big lick across his face.

The one with the highest innate talent was Calamity, as that's what he was hoping it could become in the future. That way he wouldn't have to worry about telling the world his secret, as no one would be willing to fight him.

Light quickly surrounded him, his sight was entirely taken over by the colour blue, clouds slowly seemed to have drifted in. Lachlan quickly realised he was on the ground looking up towards the sky, he was a couple of metres away from the centre tree.

Seeing the large blue sky made Lachlan feel peaceful, it was as though a massive burden had been lifted off his chest. The burden of being a waste of room, but now he could fight alongside everyone, as much as Chloe rejected that idea.

Unfortunately, that peace didn't last for long.

A scorching pain appeared again, on his back it caused him to try and reach for it, try to rip whatever causing it off, that pain began to lessen and become bearable, after opening his eyes he realised his view was different.

Looking around he noticed he was inside the same white space as, during the evolution, Lachlan already realised what was happening and curled up rolling around in pain. It was his damn eyes again, it was as if needles were being constantly jabbed into his eyes, slowly getting more and more frequent.

"Ahhh!" Lachlan's real body yelled while grabbing onto his face, he felt like ripping his eyes out but couldn't bring himself to do it, they were too valuable to him.

Chloe already rushed over and grabbed hold of Lachlan, bring him into her embrace. Hugging him and slightly tearing up, she hated seeing her children in pain but knew it was needed so the least she can do is try to comfort them.

Lachlan stopped screaming and had let go of his head. Looking around he realised his vision seemed better than before, he could notice more things around him, the finer details od everything. Looking towards Chloe he could almost see the pores on her skin.

Adam quickly rushed over, "Come on let's see those tattoos, you should have three".

Lachlan inspected his body, taking off his shirt which was covered in blood he noticed there was no tattoo on his arms or belly, taking a look at his legs he realised there was none there either.

"Woah," Adam and Jack gasped while looking at Lachlan's back. Adam quickly went to the car and grabbed the phone before coming right back. He quickly took a photo to show Lachlan what his tattoo looks like.

Looking at the phone made Lachlan confused, he thought there should be three tattoos but instead, there was one, one extremely well-detailed one.

On his back appeared three well-detailed wings forming a circle, surround those wings seemed to be bits of lightning and rocks, at the centre was two large lightning bolts going through a tornado, it looked really cool to him. Even if it was slightly odd for a teenager to have such a large tattoo.

"Hmm, maybe its because they're the same breed they fused together, or because they were all siblings. Either way, it's a new discovery, and a pretty useful one, good job boy," Alfredo said before slapping Lachlan back and laughing.

The slap caused Lachlan's neck to shrink in pain, his back muscles were rather sore.

"Remember, only tell this secret to people you trust, as it'll be one hell of a trump card for you in the future," Alfredo reminded Lachlan to stay vigilant. His advice would certainly benefit everyone, even though someone else should have discovered it by now.

'Summon us, summon us, summon us' Lachlan heard a high pitched voice tell him to summon them. There was only one thing that he could think of, which meant that this was similar to what Jack was hearing.

Lachlan wanted to try and please those voices, as it seems to stop once he summons them once as seen by Jack. Lachlan quickly shouted, "Summon Disaster, Calamity, and Catastrophe!"

A bright blue light went off, the sound of lightning cracking could be heard before the light dispersed and there stood three large birds.

He thought about analysing them and was about to say it, but a screen appeared in front of him.


Enable Internal Commands



This was it, this was what Lachlan wanted the most ever since he gained these abilities. He quickly thought yes and it confirmed, the screen disappeared and he looked towards the rocks.

'Analyse' Lachlan thought mentally. Excitement could be seen on his face as he tried it out. If this worked it would be a blessing.


Name: Blue Lightning Roc

Age: Adolescence

Attribute: Wind/Rock/Lightning

Grade: Normal

Innate Talent: 1st Grade

Level: 0

STR: 47, AGI: 46, VIT: 100

INT: 33, PER: 24, WIL: 30

Weakness: Frail Wing Joints

Strengths: Lightning Speeds, Absolute Crushing Grip, Lightning Control (Dormant)


Lachlan was ecstatic that it worked. It meant he didn't need to look like an idiot when analysing beasts. It would certainly prevent awkward situations from happening in the future.

However, looking at the stats also pleased Lachlan, not only were they high for adolescence they were added with his own stats. Inspecting them closer made Lachlan remember that his Vitality was extremely high, which was added to an already high level of Vitality.

Thinking about it Lachlan realised that they would be able to heal even some heavy wounds. As long as it wasn't a loss of limb, they could probably heal it back to normal.

Pleased with it Lachlan stood up and looked around at everyone, he placed his hands on his new companions and said joyfully, "Well it seems we have a new ride".

Next chapter