
Spreading the Information

"Alright, we'll head towards Brisbane, hopefully, we can get some good connection near there," Flynn said.

"On it!" Chloe shouted as she jumped out of the lab, gravity stone in hand. Flynn almost had a heart attack, he still hasn't fully adapted to seeing people float down from high places. Especially his wife.

"Let's go," Lachlan said as he tugged on Flynn shirt. "Let's just get this over and done with, then we can relax."

The two walked out and floated down as well. Lachlan summoned the three Rocs. He landed on Calamity while Flynn landed on Catastrophe.

Chloe came running over with Zhang right behind her, they both hopped on Disaster before they all shot off.

It didn't take long before they could see Brisbane on the horizon. Chloe turned to Zhang, "Alright, while Flynn is using the device to get into the internet myself, you and Lachlan will protect him. We don't want anything going wrong."

Zhang nodded, "Okay."

When they landed Flynn was already on the device connecting to the nearby internet. The rest of the group was scattered around him, with their beasts summoned. Three birds, four crocodiles and 3 lizards.

Lachlan turned to Zhang's beasts. He hadn't actually seen them before, as Zhang's primary goal in anything is to remain hidden and support from the dark. Meaning no beast summons. The light show would catch anyone's attention, especially in a secretive operation.



Name: Sam (Iron-Tailed Lizard)

Age: Adult

Attribute: Iron/Earth

Grade: Normal

Innate Talent: 6th Grade

Level: 10

STR: 37(+20), AGI: 46(+20), VIT: 30

INT: 22, PER: 19, WIL: 22

Weakness: Underthinker, Arrogant, Weak Tail Joint

Strengths: Tail Strength (Level 4), Skin Defence (Level 2), Earth Control (Level 1), Bite Strength (Level 2)


Name: Ty (Poison-Tongue Lizard)

Age: Adult

Attribute: Darkness/Earth

Grade: Normal

Innate Talent: 4th Grade

Level: 10

STR: 26(+10), AGI: 36(+20), VIT: 30(+20)

INT: 17(+5), PER: 23(+5), WIL: 23

Weakness: Arrogant, Weak Tail Joint, Lightly Injured Leg

Strengths: Poisonous Tongue, Skin Defence (Level 2), Darkness Control (Level 1)


Name: Hazza (Hidden Lizard)

Age: Adult

Attribute: Space

Grade: Normal

Innate Talent: 1st Grade

Level: 2

STR: 12, AGI: 51(+10), VIT: 20

INT: 28(+5), PER: 17(+3), WIL: 22

Weakness: Cowardly, Inexperienced, Weak Defence

Strengths: Presence Concealment (Level 5)


Out of the three of his beasts, Hazza certain makes Lachlan the most intrigued. Because, although it is low levelled, the presence concealment can make it a dangerous foe. Especially if it's taught the right skills, 'If only we had someone that could teach it a thing or two.'

"All the data is downloading," Flynn said as it snapped Lachlan out of his imagination. He looked towards the screen, it had a loading bar on it that was going rather slowly. The same speed that windows updates.

'Fortunately, no one is here' Lachlan thought.


At the sound of a gunshot everyone ducked down and the beasts surrounded them. A few more gunshots went off and Aaron got annoyed.

Using its control over the wind it created a wind blade, slicing through the surrounding trees. And amongst those fallen trees was a man huddling on the ground, in his hand was a handgun. Nothing too powerful but certain enough to kill a normal human. Fortunately, they aren't normal anymore.

The man was wearing some normal denim jeans, had a black top along with a leather jacket. His hair was black, sort of styled like a cop.

Chloe ran up to the man and gave him a solid uppercut to the guts, sending his body upwards before it came back down and landed on a tree stump.

The man slopped to the ground and groaned in pain as he held onto the stomach. His face was red and veins were popping out of his skin as his eyes were squeezed closed.

"Who are you?" Chloe said threateningly as she picked the man up by his throat. Although Lachlan and Chloe could easily survive the shots, Flynn and Zhang were whole other cases.

"I'm just an explorer, there's a big bounty put on both of your heads by two military forces," The man said as he struggled to breath. Chloe let go and the man flopped onto the floor, gasping for air. He calmed down and rested against the tree stump.

"If I managed to kill anyone of your organisation's main members there's a fat check waiting for me back at the headquarters," The man said. Lachlan turned around and analysed him.


Name: Alexandra Lucifer (Human)

Age: 29 (Adult)

Soul Contracts: 0/5

Compatibility: Lizards (Low)

STR: 24, AGI: 26, VIT: 10

INT: 24, PER: 24, WIL: 23

Weakness: Desperate, Overall Weak

Strengths: Professional Actor


There wasn't anything special about him, he didn't even have a tamed beast. Lachlan would never think that a person would go to such desperate means, but at the same time, he understood completely. There are always circumstances that can put a person in a desperate position.

"Why did you want the bounty?" Chloe asked. There was plenty of news about their organisation, especially Lachlan's rampage back at the army base. Everyone should know their strong and difficult to beat, let alone a man without a beast.

"Because I want to protect my family," Alexandra said as tears began to form in his eyes.

"What's threatening your family?" Chloe asked.

"Because I want to be in the major city, so I don't have to worry about any sounds made during the night, so I don't have to worry about my daughter going outside to play, so I can just relax," Alexandra explained as he shook his head, the tears rolling down his cheeks.

"Why aren't you allowed in?" Chloe hadn't ever heard of this before. It certainly came as a surprise.

"Because I have no skills that are useful to society. I can't cook, clean, fight, let alone plan entire construction plans or organise military operations. And since I don't have any valuable skills, I was left out, along with my wife and son."

"Oh I had no idea you were going through such a rough time," Chloe began to feel bad, she began to walk back towards him and lean over. "How about you join our organisation and we give you a home?"

Lachlan suddenly realised what was going on and realised how much of a sly dog this Alexandra man really is. Lachlan began to watch like a hawk, at Alexandra's every movement, waiting for him to do something suspicious.

As Chloe leaned closer to give Alexandra a helping hand, Alexandra put his hands by the side of his jeans. He was reaching for something.

Lachlan suddenly sprinted over, appearing by Alexandra's side in an instant. His hand arm like a snake shot towards Alexandra's arm and his hands clamped down. He yanked his arm back, along with that was a gun.

Chloe was momentarily stunned and Flynn felt furious, seeing his wife offer someone kindness from the depths of her heart only for it to be betrayed seconds later.

"But why?" Chloe asked.

"For the money, the bounty on your heads can give me the good life for centuries, it can also give me political power since it seems a lot of high authority politicians don't like your organisation," Alexandra explained as he grinned.

Flynn ran over and kicked Alexandra across the face before he did it again, "Human's are always so problematic, especially our desire for power and the lengths at which some of us are willing to go to get it."

Although Flynn wasn't originally that strong, after eating the strength berry his strength went up by 20. Meaning his slightly stronger then Alexandra, which makes his kicks extra painful.

"Of course we are, it's in our blood to do everything to get power, to gain control over our lives. And I want control over mine," Alexandra said threateningly.

"Unfortunately, the only way you can have control over your life is if you have one," Lachlan said menacingly as he lifted Alexandra off the ground. Lachlan hated people like him, the people that would stop at nothing, even at the lives of others.

And since he doesn't care about other's lives, why should they care about his.

Lachlan gripped tightly and quickly snapped his neck before twisting his body as he threw Alexandra's corpses away. Lachlan's hands were slightly shaking, it's taking him time to get the idea in his head that they'll have to kill people.

So far, every time he's killed someone is in a fit of rage. Something he's got to learn how to control.

"The data has finished downloading," Zhang said from behind them all. While all the commotion was going on he was just making sure the device continued to do its job. That was all that mattered, he knew he didn't need to do anything.

"That's great, let's go now then," Flynn said as he ran back and picked up the device. He quickly hopped back onto Catastrophe.

The rest of the group followed, aside from Lachlan, the rest unsummoned their beasts and then the group shot back into the skies.

But back on the ground, a man was struggling to get back up. His leg had landed on a stick, he was struggling to pull it out. Of course, that man was Alexandra. He reached towards his neck and pulled out a few snapped twigs.

Taking a phone out of his pocket as he rubbed his slightly bruised neck he called someone, "Hey, I have some information that might come in handy if you're willing to pay for it."

"That always depends on the information."

"Well, I think I know a way to infiltrate their little organisation," Alexandra said as he grinned widely.

"Do tell."

Hope You Enjoyed!

Not sure if a chapter will be out tomorrow. If there is going to be one it'll be out a lot later. I have a physics test to revise for.

FlamingWolf0creators' thoughts
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