

The ear-piercing screech again, this time everyone heard it. It certainly wasn't a normal bird screech, but rather it sounded as if it was created by a million volts of lightning crackling. Their ears almost burst at the sound.

They knew they had to end it fast, at least that way they could begin to think of a plan to make it back to the road and continue their journey.

"Summon Franklin"

"Summon Rocky"

"Summon Fast and Slow"

"Summon Shadow"

All four beast tamers shouted, a bright light of different colours was emitted, temporarily blinding the bird. Once the light dispersed the bird had got its sight back but its eyes were still in pain. It was now staring daggers at them, it looked really mad like it would tear them in two kind of mad.

Chloe was still in the car and so was Lachlan who had Sarah in his arms. Sarah began to cry because of the loud screech, it hurt her ears.

"It's alright Sarah, calm down," Lachlan hurriedly said to her while he brought he head closer to him. He placed his hands over her ears to try and reduce the noise for her. Chloe helped by wiping the tears from Sarahs face then placing her own hands above Sarah's ears.

Outside Dylan was the first to list out commands, "Fast strike its neck, Slow constrict its neck".

"Shadow web its eyes while it's temporarily blinded!" This time Adam got his beast to support everyone else, he knew that eyesight was one of the bird's strong points, get rid of that and it would cause some trouble for it.

"Franklin! Bite its throat!" Alfredo shouted. They needed to finish this quickly so going for the vital points was needed and the neck was the best one to go for when it came to birds.

"Rocky drag its head down with your tongue!" Jack commanded. His command was used to support both the snakes and Franklin.

It wasn't much of a fair fight. Fast had already struck the birds neck, as such, it was probably going to die anyway, but this array of attacks should speed up the process. It was also never fair in the first place, it was a four v one, not something you look for when it's survival of the fittest.

While Slow was slowly constricting the bird's neck, trying to suffocate it, Rocky had shot out its tongue, sticking onto the bird's beak before dragging it down. This made it easier for Franklin to jump up and bite the bird's neck, putting it one foot into its grave.

The blood squirted from the bottom of its neck where Franklin bit, while its head looked like it was about to explode due to Slow constricting the blood flow.

Shadow quickly webbed its eyelids shut before jumping up and biting it around the neck. Slow was crushing the bird's windpipe bit by bit, Franklin was constantly jumping up and ripping at its throat and not long after the bird slow tumbled down.


The bird crushed a few branches beneath it as its dead corpse landed, its eyes rolled back and its beak wide open with a tongue hanging out. The tamed beasts quickly returned to their owners once they got confirmation of the beast's death.

Lachlan tried analysing it but got nothing, confirming its death. Walking over to the middle tree with Sarah in Lachlan's arms they noticed a few eggs, all of which had been untouched. They had blue and brown markings on it, Lachlan's wasn't sure if it was trying to make a pattern or not.


Shocked by the sudden and much louder screech everyone froze before they quickly snapped back and inspected their surroundings. Looking up they noticed another bird, much larger and seemed stronger.

As the bird slowly descended to the ground Lachlan and his family realised they had seen it before, at Alice Springs, it was a Roc. But this Roc seemed to give off pressure, a bloodlust that was directed at them.

It was obvious to them what this Roc was doing here. It seemed as though the Roc and Eagle were able to breed, which meant they just killed its partner, garnering all its anger.



Name: Roc

Age: Adult

Attribute: Wind/Rock

Grade: Normal

Innate Talent: 3rd Grade

Level: 8

STR: 59(+15), AGI: 44(+13), VIT: 33(+10)

INT: 28(+8), PER: 30(+5), WIL: 27(+5)

Weakness: Damage Eyes, Wounded Wings

Strengths: Extreme Speeds, Absolute Crushing Grip


It was much stronger than the blue lightning eagle, which wasn't that good for them considering they had to fight it. Lachlan and Chloe were worried about them, fighting such a strong beast was dangerous.

The fighters, on the other hand, felt the adrenaline, a type of adrenaline they've never felt before. Even for Alfredo, he's experienced plenty of fights yet he had yet to feel this excited. It was almost as if the fight was calling for them.

It also looked slightly different. Its body was much darker, it was definitely much larger, having a wingspan of roughly 10 - 12 metres long. Its body blocked the sunlight as it descended, making it look holy, except for them it was as if the devil was coming closer as the sheer pressure and bloodlust they felt from it was too much.

However, luckily for them, they should be able to beat it should everyone cooperate properly. They were planning on doing what they did to the eagle, it was the most effective way to fight.

Getting into battle stance everyone was prepared, Lachlan, Chloe, and Sarah had already hidden within the hollowed-out tree. Probably the safest place, next to the bird's eggs.

Lachlan tried to cover Sarah's ears, hoping to block out the noise. Chloe also helped by trying to distract Sarah from the fight, making the child instead be distracted by the eggs. She reached out her arms to touch the eggs.


The Roc had begun its quick descent straight towards Franklin and Alfredo first. However, just as it was about to strike Franklin, Alfredo had unsummoned it causing the Roc to crash into the nest. Shaking the entire thing causing everyone to lose balance.

By the eggs, Lachlan had grabbed onto some loose branches by the side with his right hand, with Sarah in his left arm. Chloe lost her balance but quickly regained it and continued watching the fight, concern seen in her eyes.

They quickly stood up and begun their attacks. Following what they did before Dylan quickly got Fast to strike the Roc's neck, then got Slow to constrict its neck, slowly causing it to suffocate.

Shadow had already webbed the Roc's eyes shut, while Rocky already had attached its head to its tongue, slowly dragging its head down. However, it slightly struggled, it was only due to it being weakened due to the point and suffocation that it gave up resisting.

Franklin started its array of attacks again, tearing up the Roc's throat. The Roc finally couldn't handle it anymore and fell. On its final breath, it tried one last attack with its wings which ended up missing, causing it to lose all strength and all life in its body.

Looking at the scene made everyone feel slightly bad, after all, they were just trying to feed themselves. However, everyone has to slowly let go of these feelings and learn to survive.

Lachlan turned around to study the eggs again, Lachlan felt somewhat connected to these eggs, as if they were his possession, it was a slight tugging feeling, one that seemed to tug his soul closer.

He quickly gave Sarah for his mother to hold on to as he went to go inspect the eggs closer.

Walking up to them Lachlan tried to touch one but received no reaction. The egg was rather smooth, with a couple of rough spots here and there.

Seeing that, he looked towards Adam and asked him a question, "How'd you get the spider to hatch so quickly?"

"I don't know," Adam replied, he wasn't sure how he did it. All he knew was that once he grabbed the egg it began to hatch.

"I feel like I have an idea, but it won't be a painless," Everyone looked towards the source of the voice and realised Alfredo said it. He had his hand against his chin in a thinking pose.

"Well come on, do tell," Chloe said hurriedly, she was still worried that the Roc won't be the last enemy they have to fight here.

Noticing he got everyone's attention Alfredo continued, "I believe you have to offer it some of your blood it'll hatch. When Adam got the egg to hatch it was because the egg itself made him bleed all over it".

They all remembered the scene. Adam's arms were covered in his blood, tiny little cuts covered his arms, they were still there just slightly faded.

Lachlan nodded but hesitated, he doesn't like pain, and he doesn't know how much blood will be enough.

Adam went up to reassure him, Alfredo gave Lachlan a small pocket knife then gave him an instruction, "Just try poking your fingertip and using only one drop of blood, see if that'll be enough".

Lachlan nodded then followed the instruction. Poking a little mark on his finger made Chloe fidgety, but she's realised that strength is everything now.


Lachlan had already pushed out a drop of blood, causing it to fall on one of the three eggs.


Slowly the egg started to crack, getting more and more shattered before pieces began to fall off. A bold bird head popped out of the shell, staring at Lachlan with curious eyes.


In front of Lachlan stood a bird, it looked similar to both the Roc and Lightning Eagle. It seemed to be 2 metres tall already and maybe had the wingspan of 4 – 5 metres. From the beak to tail feathers was roughly 2 – 3 metres. It didn't have any feathers yet, so it didn't exactly look pretty.

It quickly waddled over to Lachlan before laying down its head on his lap, it happily enjoyed the warmth that Lachlan's body emitted. Taking this opportunity Lachlan checked its stats.


Name: Blue Lightning Roc

Age: Infant

Attribute: Wind/Rock/Lightning

Grade: Normal

Innate Talent: 1st Grade

Level: 0

STR: 25, AGI: 25, VIT: 50

INT: 10, PER: 10, WIL: 5

Quick Growth: Bathe it in the blood of an adult Roc and Blue Lightning Eagle, doing so will allow it to reach the Adolescence growth stage instantly. Only using one of the bloodlines will allow it to reach childhood.


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