
Confusing the Land and the Sky

The pilots in the places couldn't help but look at the group in shock. It was the first time they've legitimately seen someone floating in the air. However, they also noticed something else. There wasn't an island anywhere in sight.

The pilots had a variety of theories that could be true. Some of them thought that the group had just decided to annihilate the entire island since they can't have it for themselves. The other theory however, was that they had been tricked instead.

The pilots quickly discussed their next course of action and decided to go back. But, before they did that they needed to know something first.

Looking at the planes fly above them the group noticed a piece of cardboard shot out of the back of the carrier plane. Lachlan quickly summoned Aaron and got him to go fetch it. When Aaron came back the cardboard had a simple message on it, "Where's the island? Follow us."

Two simple sentences yet the group managed to get one main thing out of it. They tricked the Guardians so good; the guardians didn't even know what to do aside from asking questions.

Lachlan, Georgia, and Simon quickly summoned their birds and got everyone on before they shot off into the sky. The planes had just finished turning so the group was flying right behind them. it didn't take long for them to by flying for over 25 minutes.

Lachlan quickly turned to the others, "Stop the stones now! They should have reached close to 100 kilometres away by now!" Lachlan shouted across to everyone.

They all nodded and commanded to stones to stop. Simon then did something none of them expected. Holding his hand up high he commanded his stones to return to his grasp. It only took a minute before they could hear the air split behind them.

The stones quickly reached Simon's hands and he stored them in his lap. Everyone that saw that just looked at him confused. Simon, on the other hand, was smiling wildly.

"You just need to command the gravity of the stones to go towards your hand! Because technically it's a direction that the stones can follow, even if you're moving!" Simon shouted across with his explanation.

The group nodded in realisation, they hadn't ever thought about it before. Before long the stones all returned to everyone and they stored them in their lap. Although, some people injured their hand because they made the stone's gravity to strong.


Back on the island, Maddie had just landed all the parents and children. She had noticed the quaking water had stopped and could determine that they had released the stone's gravity. She then also saw 6 stones shoot out of the water in the direction they had come from.

"So what was that about?" A concerned parent asked.

"Well, it seems something happened when they tried to claim the island so we decided to move it. As for what happened I can't tell you since even I don't know," Maddie explained. The concerned parents relaxed a bit after that explanation.

They then went back to what they were doing. Although they decided to all stay at the front of the orphanage in case they had to take back to the skies. Although that thought gave Maddie an idea she was just waiting to tell the rest of the group.


Back in the skies, the group had finally reached their destination. It was a military base just outside of Melbourne. It seems to be an airforce base as dozens of plane hangers were lined up across the runway.

The planes began their descent onto the runway while the group decided to land at a different place. Near the middle of the runway was a large building, one that didn't store any plans but rather soldiers. It should also be the place where they'll find the superiors.

As they were landing the door to the building burst open and a group of soldiers marched out with what the group could assume was the leader in the front. It was an elderly male, one that didn't seem to pose much of a threat to the group.

But just in case Lachlan quickly analysed him.


Name: Jake Steggles (Human)

Age: 60 (Elder)

Soul Contracts: 0/5

Compatibility: Hawks (Low)

STR: 12, AGI: 15, VIT: 9

INT: 32 PER: 22, WIL: 28

Weakness: Overall Physically Weak, Light Wounds

Strengths: Genius of Aeriel Combat, Guerilla Combat Expert, Calm Mind


His strengths certainly put him in the leading position. Although he wasn't necessarily strong in this new world due to his lack of tamed beasts, he certainly had the capabilities to lead in combat.

As the group walked closer to him some features become more noticeable. Jake was roughly 6'4, bald, and had a few light scars across his body, the most noticeable one being across his cheek. His eyes were dark blue, it felt as though the group was looking into the dark ocean.

"Welcome to my airforce base, there are just a few questions I would love to ask you," Jake welcomed them in a friendly tone. But before he could continue someone else came running through the door waving his fists furiously.

"Where the fuck is the island?! We know damn well there should be an island there!" He came running over and stood above Lachlan as he furiously shouted in Lachlan's face.

Lachlan was very tempted to just shut the man up right there but it was obvious he was in charge of this areas Land Guardians. He was roughly 5'4 which put him just above Lachlan in terms of height, which is exactly why he came over to Lachlan first.

The man was slightly chubby but still had some visible muscles. Had a fairly round face and short black hair. His eyes were hazel and he had no scars anywhere on his body. It looked as though the man hadn't even been to a battlefield before.

Lachlan quickly analysed this man as well to understand what they were dealing with.


Name: Nick StClair (Human)

Age: 31 (Adult)

Soul Contracts: 0/5

Compatibility: Bears (Medium)

STR: 12, AGI: 15, VIT: 9

INT: 17 PER: 15, WIL: 18

Weakness: Overall Physically Weak, Easily Provoked

Strengths: None


As Lachlan looked over Nicks stats he realised that some things really never change. Nick seems far too weak to ever pass the physical requirements needed to actually get into the army let alone lead it.

"What island are you talking about? There isn't an island anywhere near there," Lachlan explained calmly as Nick's face began to twist from his anger.

Nick was about to reach out and attack Lachlan but he was quickly stopped by Jake, who merely looked at him with a cold expression. Nick silent took a few steps back nervously.

"Sorry about that, Nick hasn't been a part of the military for a while now so he doesn't have full control over his emotions yet," Jake explained calmly. Although his explanation also confirmed their thoughts, Nick hadn't got there through his achievements.

"It's alright, atleast he's much easier to handle than a beast," Lachlan said with a mocking tone. Although it sounded like a compliment Lachlan was insulting Nick's strength, also the fact that Nick doesn't pose a threat to him.

"Well then, would you like to come in and have a quick chat," Jake said as he gestured with his arm towards the door.

"As long as you have some snacks," Lachlan joked as he walked past. He quickly unsummoned His birds and the military group finally realised who the most dangerous was.

As for Jake, he smiled wildly when he saw that. He also felt relieved he stopped Nick in time before they start an all-out fight. He's been through enough fights to know who's strong, and that griffon certainly took the cake.

The rest of the group followed Lachlan's lead and walked into the building. Jake quickly sped up until he was at the front leading, he didn't want the group walking around the base wildly.

They were quickly led to a large conference room. It was completely empty but that didn't disturb the group, rather it made them more relaxed. Granted they were still on guard for any attacks, especially by the Land Guardians.

Everyone sat down before Jake walked to the end of the table, "Now I would like to ask, what did happen to the land mass 100 kilometres out from Sydney?"

"Unfortunately for you, the island isn't attached to the ground so it's constantly moving. The data you had to confirm that the island was 100 kilometres out from Sydney is old now, it's long since moved further away," Flynn explained with a lie. He didn't want to tell the military the full truth as that would involve the gravity stones, something they don't want anyone else knowing about.

"Bullshit! We know you were planning on claiming land just 100 kilometres off from Sydney, don't even try to lie as we had it recorded!" Nick quickly stood him and angrily shouted.

"You make it sound as though your little soldier in the room was invisible, don't make me laugh. We still don't fully trust either the Sky or Land Guardians, so why should we give our valuable information when either one of you is present," Flynn explained.

"So you tricked us? You dare lie to the Land Guardians!" Nick jumped onto the table and furiously shouted.

"We were never talking to your little Land Guardian, it more or less seems like you were actually eavesdropping on our legal work," Flynn responded in a mocking tone.

"Why you little," Nick was getting ready to pounce on Flynn at any moment, his fists were tightly clenched.

"That's enough Nick! Stand down!" Jake angrily ordered. "If you can't remain calm then get out of the room!"

"But," Nick was quickly shaken by Jake's sudden order.

"Get out!" Jake shouted as he pointed towards the door. Jake doesn't want their now peaceful relationship with the group to suddenly go south, especially when they were in their base.

Nick walked out of the room shamefully, as he walked through the door he looked back towards Flynn with his fists firmly clenched, his eyes firing out daggers.

"Alrighty then, now we can get back to a more civil conversation. How'd you do it?" Jake asked.

Hope You Enjoyed!

We got ourselves another military nuisance called Nick.

FlamingWolf0creators' thoughts
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