

After Adam got everyone gather he began explaining some events, "So, our next destination will be Adelaide, we will leave tomorrow morning when everyone is in their best condition. After some quick research, I have determined that Adelaide is safe, the military has set up a wall and is always patrolling it. However, they are on high alert, so I would suggest we land a little bit away from the wall".

"Alright, has anything else happen?" Alfredo asked. Since Adam got everyone out here Alfredo knew there was other information.

"Well, all boats and submarines that were in open waters have been destroyed, travelling by plane has been determined unsafe especially for long travel if there is no one with the ability to protect it,' Adam explained. Everyone understood and agreed with that, although that would mean couples would be separated for a while until the situation gets under control.

"Alright, when we do land we should be on high alert as well. We're getting closer to places with dense vegetation, as such there should be enemies everywhere," Alfredo said. He looked towards Ryley, "Ryley we'll be relying on you to keep us safe".

"Will do," he replied.

Everyone went back to the apartments to relax. As the rest of the day would be spent eating and socialising it was relaxed. They've managed to learn quite a bit about the people from Coober Pedy.

When night time came almost everyone went to sleep, everyone except Lachlan as he had some other ideas on what to do. He quietly removed his blankets and snuck outside on the tips of his toes.

Once he gently closed the door behind him Lachlan ran downstairs and around the corner at a place where no one should be able to see him, or more specifically the light.

'Come out you three'

When the Rocs were out Lachlan jumped onto calamity and they shot up into the air. Once they reached a high enough altitude Lachlan got them to fly through the sky away from the house, but follow along the river. He wanted to hunt, he wanted to get stronger, so strong that everyone would obey him.

Lachlan followed the river for about 20 minutes but felt certain he had managed to get far enough away from everyone. At least to the point where he wouldn't be heard as he didn't want anyone to get suspicious.

'Alright, you three can do the lightning attack again right?' Lachlan asked the Rocs.

'Of course, we've had plenty of time to rest. So you want us to attack the river?' Calamity was fairly smart, he knew what would be the most effective way of attacking and that would be through the water. Of course, that would only be if the enemies were in the water which fortunately they were.

'Good, go full power on the water and annihilate everyone in there' Lachlan ordered.

The Rocs quickly followed the order and began their special ability. A 20-metre cloud gathered above Lachlan, it was pitch black but that could also be due to the fact that it was currently night time.


The crackling of lightning could be heard from above. Lachlan could see flashes of blue lights apart every now and then, sometimes the lightning would dance across the cloud from one end to the other.

'Alright, do it!' Lachlan shouted in his mind.



The Rocs let loose, the lightning rapidly struck the water with its destructive force. The lightning lit up the area as it shot through the air. Remnants of the lightning could be seen when it smashes against the water, causing a small sparkle.

After 2 minutes the lightning finally stopped and the Rocs were exhausted. Looking down Lachlan could see a bunch of aquatic corpses floating on the water's surface. Lachlan was satisfied with what he had done and turned towards the Rocs.



Name: Calamity (Blue Lightning Roc)

Age: Adolescence

Attribute: Wind/Rock/Lightning

Grade: Normal

Innate Talent: 1st Grade

Level: 9

STR: 47(+25), AGI: 46(+25), VIT: 100(+5)

INT: 33(+10), PER: 24(+8), WIL: 30(+8)

Weakness: Frail Wing Joints

Strengths: Lightning Speeds, Absolute Crushing Grip, Lightning Control (Dormant)


Name: Catastrophe (Blue Lightning Roc)

Age: Adolescence

Attribute: Wind/Rock/Lightning

Grade: Normal

Innate Talent: 2nd Grade

Level: 10

STR: 47(+30), AGI: 46(+24), VIT: 100(+16)

INT: 33(+10), PER: 24, WIL: 30

Weakness: Frail Wing Joints

Strengths: Lightning Speeds, Absolute Crushing Grip, Lightning Control (Semi-Awaken)


Name: Disaster (Blue Lightning Roc)

Age: Adolescence

Attribute: Wind/Rock/Lightning

Grade: Normal

Innate Talent: 2nd Grade

Level: 7

STR: 47(+5), AGI: 46(+21), VIT: 100(+5)

INT: 33(+25), PER: 24, WIL: 30

Weakness: Frail Wing Joints

Strengths: Lightning Speeds, Absolute Crushing Grip, Lightning Control (Dormant)


Lachlan was feeling excited when he saw their levels increase as it also meant his strength increased.

'Hey Catastrophe, can you control the lightning yet?' Lachlan was curious about the semi-awaken lightning control.

'Not yet, it feels as though I'm on the edge of learning how to though' Catastrophe said proudly. He looked towards the others with his head held high.

'You better learn how to control that electricity you're giving off fast though, we are travelling tomorrow and no one would want to sit on an electric chair' Calamity snarkily remarked. Disaster giggled at it as Catastrophes expression turn dark.

'You better become stronger so you can actually be useful' Catastrophe said angrily. Unfortunately, Calamity was already stronger than him, although he was lower level. But that was what Catastrophe held above them all. His higher level which was entirely acquired through luck.

'Alright, enough arguing we're going to go back. Catastrophe, I do want you to be able to retract that electricity by tomorrow' Lachlan said.

They then flew back to the same corner where Lachlan unsummoned the Rocs. But when he went around the corner he was frozen where he stood by what he saw.

"And where do you go to?' It was Chloe and she was angry.

"I just went to go train," Lachlan spoke in a quiet voice, frightened by his mother.

"Without telling anyone?' Chloe asked angrily.

"I thought you would have stopped me, after all, you are still reluctant to see us train let alone go out and fight against beasts," Lachlan tried to calm her down with his explanation but that only angered her more.

"I wouldn't have stopped you!" Chloe shouted, she then turned the volume of her voice down, "I've already learnt how important it is for everyone to train and I accept that. But the least you could do is tell me".

Chloe came closer and gave Lachlan a big hug, "I don't want to wake up and see you disappear," Her voice quivering as she spoke.

Lachlan realised what he had done was bad and felt bad, "I'm sorry mum, I just didn't want to worry you".

"It's alright, I understand I might be a bit headstrong but I do have to start accepting the changes to this world," Chloe hugged tighter, "But just make sure to tell me when you decide to do something".

"Okay, I will," Lachlan and Chloe walked back to the apartments but when they were walking up the stairs Lachlan turned towards Chloe, "How did you know I had left?"

"That's easy, Ryley came in quietly and told me that you left. He hadn't fallen asleep yet as he wanted to make some last second checks, only to find you moving about before running outside and leaving," Chloe explained.

"Oh," Lachlan felt a bit dumb, he hadn't accounted for Ryley still being awake but it did make sense.

They walked back into the apartment and went to sleep, Chloe gave Lachlan one sneaky kiss on his forehead before going to bed. Lachlan relaxed in bed, he felt as though a burden was lifted off his shoulders.

Now that his mother began to accept the world around them he could go out more and train, get stronger and hopefully learn how to evolve his Rocs.

Once the night passed everyone woke up and had breakfast, they had a quick meeting but that was just to remind everyone of what they were doing.

Everyone went back into the apartments to quickly pack everything they need. After 10 – 20 minutes everyone was done and out.

Lachlan summoned the Rocs and everyone got on, although Lachlan wasn't certain about it, he felt that the Rocs could fly for a day without rest which is going to greatly shorten their travel time. Of course, that was if his mental strength also increased.

Shooting into the air the group began their journey to Adelaide. Along the way, they noticed some differences. They were going much faster; however, they felt no different, it seemed that along with their level increase their control over wind increased as well.

It only took them half an hour to reach Adelaide, this journey would have usually taken 3 – 4 hours. The Rocs began their descent, they weren't too far from the wall, about half a kilometre. Although Lachlan felt a slight headache it wasn't as bad as before.

Which meant that constant use of tamed beasts could build up his ability to handle the strain that comes along with summoning.

They had Ryley use scan to constantly check the surroundings for danger, they walked for a couple of minutes before they could finally see the wall. It wasn't a proper wall it was more of a temporary barrier.

What did shock them, however, was the fact that people were already there, standing there, seemingly waiting for them.

Walking closer they noticed a few people that seemed to soldiers walk towards them.

"Hello! We come in peace!" Alfredo shouted as he waved towards the soldiers.

"We can see that dumbass! And don't talk to us as if were extra-terrestrials!" One of them shouted. It was a woman's voice.

Alfredo was shut up by that, he was just trying to be friendly.

The group and soldiers finally met up. One of the soldiers was female, white skin, brunette with hazel eyes. She seemed roughly 6'0, taller than the guy that was with her. He had dark-brown skin, black hair and what seemed to be black eyes. He looked to be roughly 5'4.

Both soldiers were carrying guns, both guns looked like assault rifles, each had magazines loaded. It was pretty understandable, we were outside of their barrier and everything out here wants to kill people.

"So, how did you know we were coming?" Alfredo asked.

"We have tamed beasts with detection abilities, however, they detected you above ground which is why we were on high alert, bird type beasts are hard to fight against," The women explained.

'So, what are you doing out here? We gave evacuation orders to all civilians in a 700km radius," She said.

"We are from real far away, to be more specific Alice Springs. Of course not all of us, those six are from Coober Pedy," Alfredo explained.

"Huh! Alice Springs! Why would you come all the way here?" She asked. She got suspicious as to why anyone would travel so far, she was ready to attack if they didn't have a valid reason.

"Well myself and they have family near here," Alfredo explained while pointing to Lachlan and his family, he then pointed to the group from Coober Pedy, "As for them, they had nowhere else to go so we took them with us".

"What about that boy," She said while pointing to Dylan.

"He has lost his family at the start of this incident, as such, when we met him we talked and decided it would be best to take him with us," Alfredo explained.

"That's nice of you. When this whole thing begun people only care about themselves," She said in a voice that sounded like it was filled a hatred, "So how were in the air before? The beast detected you were descending fairly fast".

"Birds, he tamed birds," Alfredo said while pointing at Lachlan.

The women seemed lost in thought for a brief moment before talking, "Alright, follow me".

Along the way, Alfredo couldn't refrain from asking questions, "So do guns actually work against beasts? How many soldiers have tamed beasts? How long till we can go see our family?".

"Yes, however, guns only work on beasts with low defence. That's confidential information that the public doesn't need to know right now. I'm not sure till you can see your family, you might be able to meet them very soon".

Alfredo was fairly satisfied with the answers he received and shut up. Walking to the barrier only took a little bit less than a minute, during this time Lachlan was analysing that two soldiers.


Name: Harrison Code (Human)

Age: 21 (Adult)

Soul Contracts: 0/5

Compatibility: Sharks (High), Fish (Intermediate)

STR: 15, AGI: 13, VIT: 10

INT: 19, PER: 13, WIL: 13

Weakness: Slightly Colourblind, Overthinker

Strengths: None


Name: Hayley Hope (Human)

Age: 23 (Adult)

Soul Contracts: 0(2)/5

Compatibility: Birds (High)

STR: 16, AGI: 12, VIT: 10

INT: 19, PER: 13, WIL: 13

Weakness: Traumatised, Easly Distracted, Underthinker

Strengths: None


Although Lachlan was confused momentarily by the number in the brackets for soul contracts he quickly realised what probably happened. It also likely connected with why she fell into a daze when they brought up the fact that he had tamed birds.

Hope You Enjoyed!

Edit: Yes I added quite a bit on this chapter.

Why? Simply because I wanted people to connect more with the characters.

FlamingWolf0creators' thoughts
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