
Chapter 2: 100 years

A truly horrifying scene is playing before my eyes it is so horrifying that I could not even make sense what I was seeing right now I took some moment to understand what is happening in front of me.

There was a big slimy tentacle moving toward a black girl with long ears there was not just one tentacle there were many tentacles just like that one they were all black with white slime on them they moved and garbed the girl by her hands and legs and force her in a 'T' pose.

One of the tentacles moved on her body like a snake spreading slime-like butter on a bread it moved slowly taking a feel of the body and finally stopped at her boobs and started squeezing the right boob in ways that were impossible by doing it with hands then one more tentacle arrived at her left boob and started to do the same.

The girl was screaming and moaning as if the monster was annoyed one of the tentacles moved to her mouth and entered her mouth to shut her up and started to move inside and out it was like it was fucking her mouth while spreading its slimy juices mixed with her saliva all over her face and hairs.

I guess the monster enjoyed the mouth fucking so it started to move its countless tentacles all over her body one was fucking her left long ear and other her right long ear she was moaning but her voice was interrupted by the tentacle in her mouth.

Finally two tentacles moved up her legs the tentacles grabbing the legs of the girl forced the girl to spread her legs so that the two tentacles can enter her pink pussy and anus and started to fuck there way into her womb but that was not enough they were having a feel of her whole body her thighs, legs, palm, neck, and all the body parts of a human body.


I shouted in low voice no I am not shouting because I am frightened or terrified no sir I am shouting because I am at climax yes I discovered that my right hand is handling my junior helping it to release the stored impurities in my body finally I climaxed and cummed all over the screen.

Finally, I regained my senses after releasing every single drop of my white slime just like the monster inside the screen yes I was watching fucking porn while sitting on a leather comfy office chair in front of my high-end computer.

"Well that was a pleasant surprise too much pleasant"

I stated in low voice after some time I moved my right hand and grabbed some tissues and cleaned up the mess after some cleaning I stand up and started thinking what was I doing and why am I here and why the fuck was I watching porn like this.

Well if I analyze the video I am watching it is cartoon and I don't watch this kind of shit but nevertheless I like it it's just if it were me I would have chosen a human porn you like normal people but I guess the owner of this body was one of that famous OTAKU but I am not so it is kind of hard to understand what is so interesting about this shit well anyway I better investigate this computer.

After investigating I found that this computer contained 1TB of cartoon porn and I found out that the correct term is 'Hentai' which also means 'pervert' in Japanese I learned many languages in my training at least the basics hence I knew what it means but I did not know it also represented this well I guess you learn every day.

This computer also contained many cartoons also known as 'Anime' well I did not have any spare time in my previous life to enjoy any kind of entertainment I was too busy by surviving and revenge and protection and another kind of stressful bullshit anyway I have time now I think.

[i see so you like this kind of thing I did not take you for this kind of human who likes to enter and investigate others private life]

I heard that creepy voice again I knew it was Death and I am not a guy who will get shocked every time death talked to me.

"yeah I am that kind of guy for your kind information I was a special service agent in my previous life what do you expect from us our job is to break into peoples personal life"

[Well anyway I will now explain your ordeal or what you humans call it exam]

I stopped everything I was doing and listen to that voice attentively

"Fine, what do I need to do so that I could pass your 'exam'?"

[Let me explain what this place is and how it works first then I will tell you how you will pass this exam]

"OK I am listening"

[This world is a mirror dimension which means that this world is an exact copy of the original world the difference is that is there are no humans in this world and time flows differently in this world]

[one minute in original world is equal to one year of this world]

"WHAT? Isn't that practically saying that time is stopped here" Now I was truly shocked the time difference is too much and if Death is giving me this much time that means that the task or 'exam' will be that much hard I am having a bad feeling about this?

[No the time is not stopped and I will say it one last time NEVER interrupt me again while I am explaining things]

[Anyway if you do anything in this world it will be done in original world too. Which means that if you destroy a building the same building will be destroyed in original world too]

[But I will recommend to not destroy anything if possible]

[You will not die in this world even if you jump from 100th floor of a building and your age will not change you will be 16 years old but all the other changes of the body will follow the natural time but if you intentionally weaken a body part like drinking alcohol than your liver will go down and will not be repaired again]

[Any questions]

I was going to ask something but

[no questions great let's go to the next part]

It ignored me

[your ordeal is really easy]

[If you don't go insane after a certain amount of time in this world you will pass this ordeal]

"Wait wait wait you mean I just have to be sane after some amount of time in this world is that what you mean?"


"how much time are we talking about here?"

[Now if you know that how could this be called an exam?]

[you just have to keep your sanity that's all you have to do]

"Fair enough" Like hell it is fair but what could I say to Death

[And remember I am always watching you because I don't have anything else to do]

And with this the voice becomes silent

"Now then I just have to remain sane"

But if that's all I have to do then that would mean that I am going to spend a large amount of time here I guess.

"OK then let's start by investigating whose body this is and where am I"

With this, I opened the door and exited the room this house is a freaking mansion I think I am rich well at least this is good news anyway I started to search for a bathroom and entered it there is a full-size mirror I stared at my reflection for minutes and come to a single conclusion

"Fatty" yes I am fat and chubby like hell my voice is of a 16 years old boy.

Black long hairs that looked like never taken care of in months. My one eye is golden and other is Green my face is fat and my neck chubby my whole body is really fat and I feel like I have 10KG of bag on my back and walking on a steep hill while walking with this body my height is the same 180CM so that's good me junior is a little small I guess below average but that's fine I am sure i am still in my growing age what truly concerns me is my fat with this amount of fat I could not even protect my self how will I save that girl.

So the first thing I have to do is get rid of this fat and research who am I and what is my background so that it will not be embarrassing if I see my friend and walk past him. Death is giving me a preparation time for the next world by stopping time for me only so I have to make the most out of it.

With this in mind I started looking through my room than the whole mansion I braked into any computer I could find I had the hacking skills so I used it then I started looking for pictures and picture albums what I found intriguing was that my picture was really hard to find in this house I was worried that I am not from this family but finally I found a family picture in the main room in the picture there is a man in his 50's and a women in her 30's I guess rich have this kind of setting in front of them a fat boy in his 16 was standing by his right a girl in her 18 and in his left a girl in her 13.

Looking at this picture I thought I have a younger sister 13 years old and 18 years old older sister my original mother is dead and now I have a stepmother my father is a big businessman and my mother is a two-face I don't know about my sister in detail I need more information Hence I started looking around the house in more detail.

After a whole day of research, I finally know my basic identity and my family's situation.

I am Keiji Hayashi I am 16 years old fatty otaku with a rotten personality I live on my father's money my older sister is 18 years old her name is Arisa Hayashi she is dating but I don't know who but I will find out in a couple of days any way she loves shopping she is immature but she is beautiful hence I guess she is popular in her high school she is smart good at sports but she is extremely naive and irresponsible and immature she won't survive in society if not for her family fame and background. My little sister's name is Chika Hayashi she is Innocent pure and gentle girl she extremely energetic she is also beautiful more than any of us because she is just as beautiful inside as outside she is a good kid but her friend circle is starting to get full of those arrogant brats hence her personality could get twisted if not take care of quickly.

My father is really rich I mean really rich he is ranked 10th in business world the shocking thing that I found was that my mother is actually that women in the picture and she is not a step she is just that beautiful that she looks like in her 30 but she is actually 45 isn't that shocking she is a kind mother she is no two faces that was another shocking thing anyway she is trying her hardest to correct her children but she is too kind and loves her kid's too much that's why she can't bring herself to become strict I these cases father should take this role but our father is always working and the only thing he cares about is his business but there is a good thing about him that he did not use any underhanded tricks to get here.

Anyway I am a rotten man i have done drug deals and used underhanded methods to deal with many things I am the biggest bully in my school in all of us siblings I am the most rotten twisted and disgusting I guess I am blinded by the money in my whole family only mother shows some kindness to me my sisters don't even look at me they are so against me that on the trip for holiday the whole family is in Hawaii and I am at home with my father even my mother is in Hawaii they are gone for 1 month so I guess if I suddenly transform into a fit young man they will not be too much surprised I mean if they were here then they will be shocked silly when I transform from a fat boy to fit boy in minutes.

I checked my eyes I thought I wear contact lenses but to my shock, my gold eye is natural as my gray one in pictures I have gray eyes so I guess this golden eye represents my soul or something I better take care of this eye.

After researching all I could I can only go with the flow when my family comes home and I am released to original world hence I should research my likes and hobbies next so the first thing comes to my mind is Anime hence I will watch every Anime this world has to offer so that I could fit in my own personality.

And with this thought I started watching Anime for the first time in my life at first I was embarrassed to watch the cartoons but after a while I started to feel that Anime is much more than cartoons and after some more of time I was fully absorbed inside this world I felt like I am enlightened I felt like I have found the meaning of life I was so excited that I forget how much time has gone by and started to watch any anime I could find I watched one anime one time and I could remember it for a lifetime because of my memory so I become a black hole like entity.

Watching Anime reading Manga and light novels and exercising in the evening other than that eating sleeping and excretion that's all I did for many days or years I don't know if it is year or days but anyway I finally finished every Anime, Manga, Light novel, Games, and everything related to otaku culture.

[So Human how have you been I see that your body is now quite good now]

I was shocked for a moment but regained my senses very fast.

"Yes, when you exercise every day your body should become tougher by the time anyway how much time is passed and am I passed?"

[100 years and no test is just begun]

I was utterly flabbergasted I had spent 100 years just in consuming the whole otaku culture but what do you expect this industry has a really huge amount to offer and I did not leave a single series or a single game so this is actually logical that I need 100 years to consume all this my perfect memory is really amazing because I can remember every series perfectly with temperature humidity and feeling of my body even my thought at that time.

I gathered my wits quickly and then speak

"So why are you here?"

[Just wanted to check on you that's all well I will be going then]


And the voice is gone again well anyway I have to do something else now otherwise I will go insane without doing something.

After some thinking, I come to a conclusion that I should go look at my body now I took the last bath 100 years ago so yeah I smell I did not notice this smell because I was too busy consuming anyway

I arrived at the same bathroom my eyes are really weak right now so I guess I will get glasses anyway my reflection is something like this. A boy with really long hairs reaching the waist my body is no longer fat it is fit now I have 6 abs well I guess if you exercise for 100 years this result is obvious my face is covered by hairs so I pulled them back and my face is too much handsome with two different color of eyes and a fit face my transformation is amazing I was fat in every body part now I am pretty handsome if we remove my filth and cut my hairs and cut my long knife-like nails.

So the second on my list is to polish my skill set and possibly add more skills I was really interested in Martial arts in my previous life but my instructor said that 'An Agent is an entity who is a Jack of all treads but master of none' hence I only learned the basics of most of the Martial arts but not all of them and I am certainly not a master this is with every other skill I have lock picking, Hacking, Drones making, everything is just basic I am not master of anything now when I have time so why stop at this level let's become 'Jack of all treads and Master of everything' well I can pursue it at least.

With this thought, I grab a scissor and cut my extra hairs than I cut down my nails and then exited the mansion with a key in my hand to a car in the garage so that I could get to a plane and get back to China for mastering Martial Arts.

Next chapter