
The Bridesmaid

The night was beautiful with the full moon shining down on the ocean, a lone figure was standing there with her floor length champagne coloured dress bunched up in one hand, swaying along to the mystic beat of the ocean.She looked like she was lost in her own world.

"You escaped" a voice fake shouted near her ears, startling her so much that she fell down into the waters.

She was fully drenched and she looked like she was rudely woken from a wonderful dream. She laughed a little as she looked up at her best friend.

" I didn't escape. I was just admiring the view, away from the craziness." She retorted back with a smile as she held out her hand to him.

"That's the same thing." Laughed Lee Seo Jun as he extended his hand to help her up. She smirked and pulled him down into the water before he could realise what she was thinking. He laughed as he should have expected it, knowing her.

They both just floated on the water, not bothering to get up, as they were happy to be in their own universe for a little while.

" I know you are going back to China." Said Seo Jun after a little while as he slowly sat up facing the moon.

Huo Ying Yue sighed as she pushed herself up to sit beside him. She knew she had to explain herself to her friends before she left, but she was hoping they could just understand without her having to explain, knowing how much she hated talking.

" J came to see me last week. My grandfather is apparently sick, and he wants me back. And me being thrown out of my own company kind of seems like a sign that I should go back for a little while. So that I can regroup, lick my wounds, and check out if he is really sick or lying to get me to go back. I am leaving tomorrow morning. I…. I was hoping I could explain after you guys came back from your trip." She awkwardly finished.

Before he could reply to her, a ball of white came screeching towards them from behind and landed right on both of them, throwing them all back into the water just as they turned to locate the source of the sound.

Seo jun and YingYue laughed as they helped Song Sun Hee to sit ..No.. Lee Sun Hee from that night onwards.

"I cannot believe my maid of honour AND my husband ditched me at my own wedding reception." Complained Sun Hee as she looked at both go us with an accusing look.

"We were not ditching. Just came out to enjoy the view." Both Seo Jun and Ying Yue told her at the same time with a snicker.

" I won't hold it against you both. You just did it before I could. Who ARE all those people? I thought it was going to be a small event with just 20 people, in a secluded beach in Italy" Sun Hee started complaining as she settled herself completely on the laps of the two most important people of her life, like she always does, slinging one arm around each of them, not caring that her 50000 euro wedding dress was getting ruined by the salt water.

" When you gave the reins to my mother to plan the wedding you should have known this was bound to happen. Atleast we are in Italy." Seo Jun tried teased her and bent down to kiss his wife.

As things got a little out of control between them, Ying Yue rolled her eyes and she pushed Sun Hee off her lap and got up. Sun Hee naturally turned around and straddled her husband and continued kissing him. It wasn't the first time she had to be their awkward third wheel and she knew it wouldn't be the last time. Even if she had to eat dog food for the rest of her life, she wouldn't mind because it was the cost of being their friend. And knowing that her two best friends are in such a loving relationship always brought a certain warmth to her heart plus they were like the living proof that pure love does exist in this world.

Ying Yue hugged herself and took a long walk along the shore. The chill was starting to steep into her, and only when she knew she couldn't take the cold anymore, she started walking back towards the resort buildings. She had just reached one of the pathways leading to the main building from the beach when Sun Hee came rushing towards her again. She came to an abrupt stop before Ying Yue. She looked nervous, her eyes rounded, opened and closed her mouth, like she wanted to say something.

Ying Yue raised an eyebrow and titled her head at Sun Hee.

"Just say it." She said with a small smile.

Sun Hee sighed a little.

" I didn't invite them. I specifically asked my mother-in-law not to invite them. But I think she did. To provoke me." She explained as she looked guilty. "Thankfully they just appeared for the reception and not the actual wedding. I wish I could throw them out, but I can't."

Ying Yue scrunched her face, trying to understand Sun Hee as she talked very fast. And it dawned on her, what her friend was desperately trying to say without actually saying it. Sun Hee was very nice. So nice, that she gave a job to the guy who once tried to rob her. She cannot physically hate anyone. But she was overly protective of Ying Yue. She could figure out whom Sun Hee was actually taking about. A heavy feeling was starting to settle inside her heart, but the smile remained on her face.

" Stop worrying. I am fine." She said, patting Sun Hee on her head.

" But.." She started.

" No Buts.. I am fine. And this is your day. I don't need to be your top priority, it should be the other way around. You are the bride. I am the maid of honour." Ying Yue smirked. " And you should be getting back to the reception." She turned around Sun Hee and pushed him around.

" You can go back to your room. I won't mind." Sun Hee muttered.

" No. I am not going to the room before you guys leave for your honeymoon. I have a few plans laid out." Ying Yue said with a devilish smirk, thinking about the prank she had laid out for the newly weds before they leave for the honeymoon.

Sun Hee looked up behind her at Ying Yue's smile and she felt a little better. She knew she was overreacting a little. But Ying Yue was fragile, emotionally, though she would never admit that, and would skin her alive if she ever told her that. She turned around dislodging Ying Yue's hands on her shoulder and gave her a hug. Ying Yue was stunned a little but she returned the hug. They held onto each other for a little while.

" I hate my mother-in-law. I hate that you won't be here when I return. I hate that those losers are crashing my wedding. I hate that I can't come over and see you whenever I want to. Who am I going to trash talk about Jun anymore, or who is going to talk me into doing stupid things, who is going to cook for me...."

" I am moving to a different continent. Doesn't mean that I am going to stop being your friend. Or that I am going to stay there. I will be there for maybe a month. I will be coming back. I just need to check on my grandfather, and figure out what to do now. Professionally,I mean." Said soothingly Ying Yue.

" Oh yeah I forgot about those losers. Those idiots took two years of YOUR hard work and kicked YOU out of the company that YOU helped build. How freaking awful are they. And they never told you why they kicked you out. How could they." Sun Hee just continues rambling, which only made Ying Yue laugh hard.

"It's fine Sunny. It's just one stupid company. I am the reason the company even started out. I'm waiting to see how much they flail without me there to run things in the lab. The company does have competent chemists, but they need guidance, and without me there, they'll be just running around like headless chickens. You know this. And so do I. Sure, it stings my pride a little, but that's all it is. The company is expandable to me. And let's not forget that the product is licensed under my name, and I will be receiving royalty. Also you know how much I hated running the company. I just liked the lab. And I am pretty sure I can get myself another one. It's not like I can't afford it." Explained Ying Yue patiently, because she knew that otherwise, Sun Hee would never stop bothering neither her nor Seo Jun about it, effectively ruining their trip. She needed to put everything in perspective for her.

Sun Hee went silent for a little while, taking in everything that Ying Yue just told her. She knew Ying Yue would never just say thing simply, she would always think things over, process her feelings, and talk them out only under extreme duress. She knew it was wrong of her to manipulate her best friend into talking about her feelings, but she was taking off for her honeymoon that night, and when she retuned, Ying Yue would literally be in another continent. She needed to know that Ying Yue was ok.

"Ok" Sun Hee accepted her explanation and let her go. " Let's go back." She continued, putting her arm through Ying Yue's and dragged her toward the hall where her reception was taking place.

The noise was deafening. No matter how uptight and showy Seo Jun's family was in a normal setting, they did seem to know how to party. Sun Hee was an orphan but her list of the invites included all her friends who outnumbered the Lee clan, and they didn't really care if they offended one of the biggest conglomerate families of South Korea. They just wanted to have fun at their friend's wedding, with the famous DJ Helix running rampage on the music, and the good quality booze that was overflowing. She had to admit even if Seo Jun's mother was a pain in the ass most of the time, she knew how to throw a party.

A smile came over the best friends' faces as they came into the hall, and they could hear the start of their song. They forgot everything as the familiar lyrics started bellowing out of the speakers.

" Doegopa neoui oppa

Neoui sarangi nan neomu gopa …"

They screamed out the lyrics and hugged each other and started jumping up and down, not caring where they were. Their inner fangirls were unleashed with just one song. Seo Jun who was dancing with his cousins instinctively turned towards his wife as if he could find her out even in the crowded hall, and smiled at her with a resigned smile. He knew better than to get between her and her idols. He shivered involuntarily, thinking about the things he had to do to get the approval of the two fanatics before he could start dating his now wife. He knew the entire lyrics to all the group's songs, that should be a clue.

His eyes then went to the couple who were slow dancing despite chaos around them, and his mouth tightened a little. He was not pleased that his mother had gone over his head and invited them. The reason she gave him was that he was his college roommate, but he knew it was because Wu Tian was from one of the most important families ruling China's economy.Sure, Tian was close to him college, but Seo Jun only realised as time went that he was an opportunist, and a grade A people manipulator who didn't care about the wreckage he left behind. Then there was Li Mei his girl friend. She was sweet. Too sweet to the point of getting diabetes and somehow she always felt fake. He knew Tian and Ying Yue knew each other from childhood, and Ying Yue's heart was broken by the idiot. One of the reasons he always felt protective of her was because she reminded him of himself, from their situation at home to how they handled things, to the crazy streak, they were too much similar. He sighed. He also knew what was going to happen that night. YingYue was going to get drunk.


This is a slow build up romance book, and will take a little bit of time for the emotions to build up between the leads.

Hope it is enjoyable.

Let me know your thoughts please.

sind_creators' thoughts