
The Strength Of Duality (Newly Edited)

There is nothing especially grand about the main character. He only wanted to live happily with his family, but this kind of life was taken away from him twice. So, with a heart set on cultivating and growing as strong as possible as fast as possible he will grow to unimaginable heights take revenge and then continue growing stronger while protecting those dear to him. All, while struggling to stay true to himself. Here is the link to the discord I made https://discord.gg/3zwyj97Phj Cover provided by gej302

NascentDude740 · Eastern
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187 Chs

Second Hunt

Seeing that she was being obedient and saying she would stay here Yun Tian was happy. Still though it was also kind of unnecessary.

"Actually if you want I can bring you along. The last time I went hunting it was no problem for me and I have only gotten stronger since then. I could take you with and my hunts would still go fine."

Hearing that Shen Yu was tempted to go with. She recalled her promise to herself though and said "No, I want to stay here and cultivate."

Yun Tian was surprised since she always wanted to follow him before. He realized she must want to break through as fast as possible.

"Alright, break through as fast as possible, but also don't rush. You don't want to hurt yourself. I should be back by the end of the day. Bye."

"Come back soon so I know you are safe."

With their conversation over Yun Tian sped off into the forest.

Shen Yu watched him leaving and thought 'I don't want to be left behind during the times that matter so I must stay behind now.'


Instead of travelling with fleeting steps Yun Tian used the crane flight skill. He wanted to increase his understanding of the skill.

The only way to do that was to use it and slowly become better with it even if it would be slower at the moment than fleeting steps.

He moved through the forest farther away from town. He had to go far enough for demonic beasts to start appearing.

As he was travelling he got much better with the skill. It was similar to fleeting steps just that their purposes were different. This allowed him to progress quickly. He got faster as he travelled, but when he reached where he thought demonic beasts would start appearing he stopped.

Even if the demonic beasts might not be a problem for him, he would not make things harder for himself on purpose for no reason. He did have the idea of fighting head on with them to increase his mastery over his skills and train, but he decided to wait until he broke through.

For now though he would hunt like he usually did. He started to use fleeting steps and travelled throughout the trees looking for any sign of demonic beasts. He would look at the ground from up above for any tracks.

He also spread out his senses to see if he could find any. It didn't take long until he heard a yelp.

He could tell it was kind of far away so he sped through the trees toward it. Once he got closer he could tell what was going on.

It was a group of wolves being massacred by a bear. The wolves were just wild beasts while the bear was a demonic beast. The bear was much larger than normal bears and had red stripes on its back and would occasionally spit fire.

He didn't have to wait for any optimal timing since he was just so fast. They were fighting with trees all around them, so he got above them and did what he usually did.

He launched himself off the tree and used the deadly flash skill to instantly kill the bear. While it was massacring the wolves it was no threat to him. It was about to kill one of the remaining five wolves when it's head slid off its body.

The wolves were stunned looking to see what happened since like usual they only saw a flash and the bear died.

They noticed Yun Tian was standing next to the bear and realized he must have killed it. They looked at him and cowered. They knew he must be even stronger than the bear.

Looking at the wolves Yun Tian wondered what to do with them. Normally he would just kill them, but he wouldn't really get anything from killing them.

Also, ever since Shen Yu had put the idea about being part demonic beast in his head he started to think differently about beasts.

He was currently looking for more demonic beasts to hunt. He didn't know where they were and these wolves might. He wanted to see if he could somehow get them to lead him to one.

The Yun Tian born in this world didn't have much knowledge about demonic beasts. He did know though thanks to his knowledge from earth that wolves were quite smart and he assumed that just like in cultivation novels the beasts in this world would get smarter as they grew in strength.

These wolves in front of him might only be wild beasts, but they probably had enough intelligence to do what he wanted.

He thought 'Even if I am not part demonic beast this is still worth a try. Also, I had forgotten, but I have to check out what that energy was that strengthened my body during the fight against the Grand Elder. I can do that when I am done hunting.'

The wolves in front of him had brown fur and yellow eyes. There were five of them in front of him not knowing what to do. They looked like they wanted to run away. One even tried to, but when the wolf started to move, Yun Tian kicked it back to where it was.

Seeing that they couldn't escape, the wolves no longer moved.

Yun Tian didn't know if they would be able to understand what he said so while gesturing he tried to tell them what he wanted.

He pointed at himself and then at the dead bear's body.

"I want to find more demonic beasts."

Then he cut it open and took out it's demonic beast core. After that he started to absorb the energy in it. The wolves noticed that the energy of the core was surging into him. WIth that the wolves understood Yun Tian was hunting for demonic beast cores.

"I want more demonic beast cores."

He then pointed at the wolves and said "You guys will help me find more."

After that he pointed at the demonic beast core and then himself while saying "I get the demonic beast core."

Then he cut off the bear's arms and threw it to two of the wolves. "You guys get some of the demonic beast's meat. See."

He knew that beasts can get stronger by eating other beasts. While their meat might not be as helpful as a demonic beast core, it was still the meat of a demonic beast in the end. Normally these wolves could only eat weaker wild beasts.

Yun Tian thought inwardly while hoping 'Let's see if they understood that.'