3 The Doctor on B5

The three of them stepped out of the elevator as they looked at the area that surrounded them this time around. Though it looked like a hospital they couldn't help find something odd about it as no one had been around, and the hallways were only lit by the lights that were lit dimly. Each of them had their guard up as they were still shaken up by the killer on the floor below.

"... Well, this isn't creepy at all…" Kristen said as she groaned a little from the pain.

"This looks like a lobby of a hospital but…" Faith said, "... But where's everyone else… And the staff?"

Rachel looked around and noticed that the area had been familiar to her, "This is…" Rachel started to say, causing the two of them to look at her, "... This is the hospital I was in… For counseling."

"What?" Both of them said.

Just than they heard the sound of footsteps coming from the end of the hall, which made them all freeze. Whoever it was made their way towards them.

"Who's that?" Rachel said as her body shook a little.

"Oh God!" Faith said fearfully, "Is it another killer!?"

"Time to make tracks!" Kristen said as she grabbed Rachel's hand before they started to move, running down the first hall they had seen. The person had come closer and closer to them, but each of them had been exhausted from running on the previous floor as their pace had seemed to have slowed down.

Kristen came to a halt when someone took Rachel's hand making her gasp as she tightened her grip on Kristen's hand. At this, she quickly drew her gun and pointed it at the person's head.

"Whoa, easy now!" The person said calmly as he raised his hands letting go of Rachel's hand, "I mean you no harm."

The three of them were taken back by the voice seeing as how whoever this person had been had sounded friendly. They soon saw the man's appearance; He had olive green hair that had been parted in the middle. They saw that his eye was in an amber color while his right eye bore no reflection; over his eyes he had on a pair of brand new glasses. They saw he wore a brown suit and a blue collared shirt, with striped tie and over his outfit he had a large white coat.

Kristen looked over his appearance before she stated, "... You're a doctor."

"Yes I am." The man replied as he held a smile, "I'm not going to hurt you."

"I really doubt that." Kristen said as she switched off the safety.

"Kristen, wait!" Faith said, grabbing her arm, "You can't kill a doctor! That's like the one thing you shouldn't do!"

"If killers in this place can kill people than why can't I!?"

"That's because you're not a killer!"

The Doctor let out a sigh as he soon said, "Look, I'm your friend and I can prove it." He soon turned to Rachel, "Rachel… It's me, Doctor Danny. I'm the one you're here to see for counseling. Remember?"

Rachel looked at the man named Danny curiously. "Doctor… Danny…?" She said before grasping her head when it felt a bit fuzzy. Her eyes widened slightly from realization, "That's right… I came to the hospital to see him." She said to the two of them.

"Him?" Faith asked, "He's the one you're seeing?"

"Are you sure kiddo?" Kristen asked her. Rachel nodded her head in reply even though she looked a bit unsure herself. Kristen put the gun away in it's holster after she put the safety back on, allowing Danny to breathe a sigh of relief. Danny soon noticed the wounds Kristen had on her hand, arm and head. "Goodness you're hurt." He said as he still smiled though his eyes had concern written in them, "Not to mention you all look shaken up."

Kristen couldn't help but look at Danny holding a glare to him. Though Faith and Rachel didn't seem to notice as Faith had replied, "Ye-yeah. We were just attacked by a murderer. We managed to get away from him somehow"

"A murderer you say?" Danny said curiously.

"She's been hurt. Please, you can help her can't you?" Rachel said, as she put her hands together.

"Of course I can. Any friend of yours is a friend of mine." Danny said before wiping the blood off of Rachel's face, "I found some medicine earlier. I'd be happy to treat your friend's wounds."

"But… What about the murderer?" Faith asked Danny.

"Oh you shouldn't worry about that." Danny reassured her, "He's not going to follow you up here." He soon ushered them, "Now please follow me." Though Faith, and Rachel followed Danny without question, Kristen couldn't help but eyed him suspiciously as she soon followed their lead.

They soon stopped at one of the vacant rooms, with a single examination table and a desk which had been standard. Kristen sat at one of the beds while Danny went to work on treating Kristens wounds; he cleaned up the blood, applied the necessary alcohol and stitched the wounds on her hand and arm, before he applied the necessary bandages. "There we are." He said, "All fixed up."

"Thanks I guess." Kristen said before she put her hoodie back on, having taken it off earlier; though she rolled up the sleeve on her arm that had been bandaged.

"Like I said before, any friend of Rachel's is a friend of mine." Danny said, "I'm happy to help."

"So… She'll be okay than Dr. Danny?" Faith asked, "There's no risk of getting the infected right?"

"Yes, it should be fine." Danny replied, "So long as she doesn't do anything to aggravate them." He looked at Rachel before he said, "I'm glad to see you're alright Rachel. I'd hate to think what would've happened to you."

"I would've been dead if it hadn't been Kristen and Faith." Rachel said.

"I'm relieved to hear that." Danny said.

"Just out of curiosity…" Kristen started to say getting Danny's attention, "... If you know about the crazy psychopathic murderer, than why haven't you tried to make an effort to run?"

"Well, I couldn't since my patient is here after all." He reasoned, "I knew she would make it here, though I honestly didn't expect her to find you two."

"She didn't find me..." She said, "... I found her. I told her I'd help her get out of here."

"And they just happened to find something of mine, while I was hiding on the previous floor." Faith explained.

"I see." The Doctor said as he turned his gaze away from them for a moment.

"Hey wait a minute, you were waiting for Rachel to come up here?" Kristen soon asked as she had been bothered by what he had said earlier, "How the hell did you know she was going to--"

"Anyway..." He said, immediately cutting her off, "... Now that your wounds have been treated, we should look for a way up to the next floor."

The three of them looked at one another as they looked back at Danny just as he said, "Come now, there's no time to waste." They followed Danny out of the room and down the hall that had been provided, though Kristen kept her distance from him. She couldn't help but be disturbed by the smile he wore on his face.

She could almost swear that he seemed too happy to see Rachel; that and he seemed too friendly by her standards. Kristen didn't know why but she could have sworn that she had seen it all before and it just made her raise her suspicion even further.

Her body shook a little as she restrained herself from reaching for her weapon.

"This guy is giving me the creeps…" She thought in her head, "... His smile… Just doesn't seem right. Even so I don't want to have to jump to anything. Please… For the love of God, let me be wrong."


-Floor B6-

The killer walked through his floor as he couldn't help but be a bit pissed that he let not one but three people get away from him. Normally when people managed to make it off this floor he wouldn't let it bother him as much as it did, but something about it had been different this time around. He couldn't place his finger on it but it really bothered him to the core; he clicked his tongue as he rubbed his eyes.

"Fucking damn it…" He cursed to himself, "... If it weren't for the red eye bitch I would've cut them right where they stood…Although…"

He thought back to the girl that tried to fight back, the one with the red eyes; As he replayed the image in his head, he couldn't help but be entranced by her. "... Despite how sloppy she held that knife, she was pretty badass. I'll give her that… Why does she remind me of someone?" He gritted his teeth as he let out a growl as he felt his head was a bit fuzzy, "Why the fuck am I even thinking that more importantly?!"

He soon stopped in his tracks when he noticed something out of the corner of his eye when he had passed the patch of dirt that had been provided on his floor. He saw something freshly buried, though it had only been partly. He used his scythe to slice down the wooden wall, before he made his way over to what had been buried, kicking away the dirt that had been on top of whatever it had been.

He saw it had been a little white bird, that he swore he had sliced in two when he had encountered the small group but he noticed something strikingly different about the little bird.

It's body had been stitched back together.

The killer couldn't help but smile as he looked on to the path where the elevator had been.


-Floor B5-

"You have got to be kidding me with this crap…"

The now group of four had found the way to where the elevator that would take them to the next floor had been though it had been blocked by what looked to be a wall of glass. "Uh… Did we just screwed or something?" Faith asked as she felt the glass with the palm of her hand.

"Yeah, we got screwed!" Kristen said before turning to Danny, "I blame you for this Doctor! You knew this was here the whole time didn't you!?"

"Why assign me the blame? I had nothing to do with this." Danny said to her calmly.

"Can't you break it with your gun?" Rachel asked Kristen.

"Oh yeah that's right…" Kristen said before she removed the gun from the holster, "... That can work!"

"I wouldn't try it." Faith said to her just before she could pull the trigger, "You wouldn't break it in one shot I'm afraid."

Kristen looked to her confused, before Faith gave her explanation, "The glass looks thick and it's most likely bullet proof. You'd only graze it with one bullet."

"What!?" Kristen exclaimed before she mumbled to herself so that Rachel wouldn't hear, "God fucking damn it…"

"How are we supposed to--" Rachel said before she had been cut off by Danny.

"Well, it seems like the four of us are stuck together." Danny said. Rachel couldn't help but back up a little, while Faith froze by his words and Kristen held her look in the Doctor's direction.

Danny noticed this as he said, "Oh, I'm sorry. It's alright, you three don't have to be scared." He placed a hand on Rachel's shoulder, and while Faith had no reaction Kristen couldn't help but be bothered by this.

"Don't worry, if we just take this slow something good might happen." Danny reasoned with them, "It might happen to all of us if we're lucky."

"I hope you're not suggesting that the glass would just magically disappear right?" Faith asked.

Danny laughed at this, "Well maybe not like that." He soon pointed to a room that had been nearby, "For now, why don't we look in there? There might be something we can use." The three of them chose not to make an argument as they proceeded into a room filled with beds that had all been in a row, with a single vase of flowers.

As they looked around Rachel and Faith noticed that Kristen had been eyeing Danny still with a suspicious look.

"What's wrong?" Rachel soon asked, "You've been staring at Dr. Danny since we got to this floor."

"Is it because you don't like doctors all that much?" Faith asked curiously.

"It's not that. It's the way he's been acting this whole time." Kristen told them keeping her voice low, "For a guy that's trapped in this building full of crazy people he seems unusually calm about the whole thing."

"Well he is a doctor." Faith said to her, "They're supposed to be calm and panic others."

"That's for when they're treating you after a catastrophe." She said, "... But when they're in one themselves they tend to act differently." She noticed the confused looks that they gave her, before Kristen had added, "It just doesn't seem right that he's acting weirdly normal through all of this. Not to mention that smile of his is creeping me out, and..."

She looked over to Rachel, "... The way he's been eyeing you is really pissing me off."

Rachel looked at Danny as she had a worried look on her face, "Now that you mention it…" She started to say, "... There is something unsettling about how he's acting."

"Well we can agree on something." She said.

Faith glanced over to Danny as he still had his back turned to them before she looked back to her and Rachel, "You don't think he's one of the people that's supposed to kill us do you?"

"... To tell you the truth, I don't know…" Kristen replied, "... For now… We have to find a way to get to that elevator without letting him know."

"How?" Rachel asked, "The glass is too thick."

"And even if we do find something to break it with, it'll make too much noise." Faith soon added.

Before Kristen could reply they heard Danny call them over, "I found something written on the wall here."

The three of them looked to one another before they made their way over to where he had been; As he said they saw something written on the wall. "This handwriting…" Kristen said in her thoughts as she examined the writing, "... It's the same one Rachel and I saw on B7…That can't be a coincidence…"

Faith adjusted her glass slightly, before she started to read the text, "Do you know what you really want? Desire, do you know what it is? There is no reason to fight against it, if it is your true desire. There is no reason for you to be here too. But remember don't break the rules. For each wish… There is a price: That's the rule?"

"Rules?" Rachel said, "What does it mean by rules?"

Kristen soon turned over to Danny, "What's your opinion on this Danny?"

Danny scratched under his chin before he gave his reply, "This place must have some set of rules, that is including for the residents in the building."

"Is that so…?" Kristen couldn't help but think in her head as she raised an eyebrow.

"Than… What does the writing mean by desire?" Faith soon asked.

"I suppose that's different for everyone." He said, "Mine… Would be to have the perfect eyes."

The three of them gave a look of confusion to Danny as they couldn't help but feel unsettled by it. "Well that's not creepy at all." Faith said as she shuddered a little.

"No, you misunderstood me." He said, "One of my eyes doesn't work well. And it hasn't since I was a child." Danny looked over to Rachel as she couldn't help but shrink at his gaze, "... If only… I had perfect eyes… Like Rachel's. How wonderful that would be."

Kristen shuddered again at this, "I don't know who's more disturbing. That killer on the previous floor or this guy."

Rachel soon noticed another set of writing underneath the paragraph. It didn't look to be the same however as it the handwriting itself had been different and it looked as though it was written in a hurry.

"There's something else he--"

Rachel's sentence had been cut off once more as Danny suddenly grabbed a hold of her wrist a bit too tightly, just as she went to inspect it, as it had startled her. They noticed the look in his eyes as he soon said in a somewhat aggressive tone, "Don't do that. You'll get dust in your eyes. You need to take good care of them. They're so beautiful after all."

Kristen quickly pulled his hand away from hers before she said in a harsh tone, "I'd appreciate it if you didn't scare the lady like that."

Danny looked into Kristen's eyes as it widened a bit when he finally noticed the color of it from the reflection of the light. He soon pried his hand away from her own, before he gave a suggestion, "Why don't we try to look into another room? Perhaps there could be something useful."

"Wait a second, but we haven't even fou--" Faith started to say before he grabbed Rachel's hand again and started to lead her out of the room.

"Hey!" Kristen called out before going after Danny; Faith soon followed behind them. Though he walked at a fast pace with Rachel in hand, Kristen and Faith maintained their distance despite the fact that they were beyond exhausted from running on B6.

"He's just making himself suspicious at this point. Does that mean he's getting desperate?" Kristen thought to herself, "I can't leave that kid alone with him. I have to keep her with me. "

Eventually they saw them stop at the room where the door had been opened. They looked in a room and saw a single examination table with a light hovering over it.

"An operating room?" Faith wondered aloud.

"I don't understand…" Rachel said with her voice shaking a little, "Why did you bring us here?"

"Rachel…" Danny said, reaching out to her eyes from behind, "... Would you give me a good look at those eyes for you?" Kristen immediately took Rachel's hand and pulled her to her, putting her arms around her protectively, as Rachel couldn't help but grasp Kristen when her body shook.

"They truly are beautiful!" Danny started to say, "Just like my mother's. And yet your terrified expression makes them look like normal eyes. That makes me sad. I want to see your truly beautiful eyes." Danny went to approach Rachel but Kristen put Rachel behind her, while Faith couldn't help but be disturbed by the way he acted.

Kristen held her glare as Danny continued on, "If I can wake up from his nightmare, maybe that beautiful silence, just like the blue moon will return to your eyes."

"What fuck is up with this doctor?!" Kristen exclaimed in her thoughts, "Does he have a screw loose in his head!?"

He went to reach out for Rachel again, causing Kristen to tighten her grip on Rachel, "I want to live my next life through those eyes."

Rachel buried her face into Kristen's back as she let out a fearful whimper. "Doctor please! Your scaring her!" Faith said to him as he had gotten closer.

"Back off!" Kristen said as she gave him a good hard shove on the shoulder making him stumble, "Don't even think about touching her!"

Danny looked at Kristen in disgust though it hadn't been long before his smile came back to him, making the three of them shudder. "Ah, I almost forgot." He said, "I left something very important around here. Will you help me look for it?"

The three of them looked at each other before they turned back to Danny. "Depends on what it is you want." Kristen said to him.

"I already told you what it was." Danny replied before he suggested, "I'll search this room, you two can look in one of the other rooms, while Rachel can search in the back."

Kristen kept Rachel close to her, holding her look, "If it's all the same to you, Doctor, I'll stick with her." Danny's eyes changed slightly, though he still kept his smile, "Very well than."

"... So…" Faith said, standing nervously, "... What do you want us to look for?"

"Don't worry, I'll give you a hint." Danny replied before saying, "My eyes… Is alexandrite."

"Alexandrite?" Kristen said, tilting her head a little.

"You'll know when you see it." He said, "Just be careful back there… The lights don't work so it's dark. You won't be able to see much."

Rachel noticed that Kristen looked a bit uneasy, as she started to sweat a little. Rachel took her hand to comfort her as she started to get her composure back a little. She motioned her to wait before she walked over to Faith.

"See if you can find something to break the glass." She whispered, keeping her voice low, "Contact us on the walkie when you do."

Faith gulped a little before she nodded, "Got it."

Thus the three of them split up, with Faith exiting the room, and Kristen and Rachel going to the back. She kept her hand on the child's as it started to shake slightly the moment they entered the dark room. Rachel tightened her hand ever so slightly as to reassure her, as she soon took a deep breath. They both stepped further into the room allowing their eyes to adjust as they saw shelves, while Kristen did her best to keep her cool, and not freak out.

"Kristen?" Rachel soon said, getting her attention, "... Are you by chance afraid of the dark?"

Kristen gulped but replied hesitantly, "... It's that obvious huh?"

Rachel nodded slightly to her and Kristen laughed to herself a bit. "I had a really bad experience with darkness when I was a kid." She said as she started to look around noticing that there had been a couple of shelves.

"A bad experience?" She asked with a bit of worry, "What do you mean?"

Kristen groaned a little as she felt her head get a little fuzzy. Images seemed to have passed by in her head; the only she could tell was she was being thrown somewhere after she had been dragged. Her vision seemed to have blurred with tears as darkness soon surrounded her. She shook her head a little to get rid of the image in her head before turning back to the girl.

"It's a bit personal, sorry." She told her, "Maybe I'll tell you more later when I'm ready."

"Or if I remember at least." Kristen told herself in her thoughts.

Rachel's expression had still been written with concern but she nodded her head to her in understanding as she didn't want to have to pry though she felt a bit compelled. "But… Are you okay now?" The child soon asked, still concerned, "Being here in the dark?"

"Not necessarily." Kristen replied honestly, "But I feel a little better since you're here with me."

"... That's good." She said with a small smile.

They continued to look around the room, looking through the various shelves while trying to figure out what Danny's hint meant. Rachel still stayed close to her to give her comfort while Kristen tried to feel around on the upper shelves.

"You know something kiddo?" Kristen said as she felt whatever had been on the upper shelves, "For someone your age, your pretty brave to deal with this kind of situation."

Rachel tilted her head curiously at this, "You… You really think so?"

Kristen removed herself from the shelves as she turned to her, "Back on B6, even though I told you to run to the elevator, you actually turned around to come back for me when I got myself lost. I thought for sure you and Faith would abandon me and come up to this floor by yourselves."

"... You would've died if we left you behind." Rachel reasoned, "Faith wanted to go on ahead, but… I didn't want to leave you."

"And that's what I'm talking about." She said with a smile, "Even though you don't know me, you risked your own safety to come back for me. For that I'm grateful to you, and I owe you one now."

"Owe me?"

"That's what people do when they help another right? They return favors. I know we don't really know each other but… You can rely on me. I'll do you the favor by getting you out of here."

Rachel couldn't help but give a small smile as she gave her reply, "Even though we're strangers… I'll trust you."

Kristen couldn't help but smile back at her, "You gotta admit, this will be one hell of a story to tell your folks over dinner; maybe leave out the dying part out though." She looked around the room again, "Anyway… That doctor guy said he left something important here right? I'm forgetting what it was again?"

"He said something about his eyes being of alexandrite." Rachel replied as they went deeper into the room, noticing a couple of more empty jars within.

"Talk about being vague." Kristen couldn't help but say as she rolled her eyes, "How are we supposed to--"

She had been cut off when Rachel let out a small scream. She didn't know why at first before she let out a scream of her own at what she saw before her. Most of the jars were all filled with what looked to be a pair of eyeballs; each one containing a different color. They were all floating in some kind of a liquid and it felt as though they were watching them.

"Wh--Wha--What?" Kristen stammered, "--What the--? What is all this--?"

Rachel's body shook as she looked at all the jars, as she examined them closely, "Are they--False eyes?"


The two of them jumped when they heard Danny's voice just behind them; out of instinct, Kristen put her behind her while Rachel looked at him fearfully.

"You still don't remember?" He asked, as he approached them, causing them to back up, "Try to remember the time you and I met outside of the hospital."

"But I--" Rachel said as her voice quivered, "--I don't remember ever meeting you outside of here."

It hadn't been long before they both hit the table just behind them, nearly knocking over a jaw of eyes just behind them. Danny's expression brightened, "Oh! That's it! You found it for me!" The two of them looked to the jar behind them, noticing that the false inside was of green and red.

"You mean to tell me these false eyes are yours?" Kristen asked.

"Doesn't it make you remember anything Rachel?" Danny said, ignoring Kristen completely. Rachel gripped onto Kristen as she shook her head vigorously; Danny's expression changed slightly though his smile still stayed. "It seems like your still dreaming of Rachel." He said.

"The hell does that mean?!" Kristen couldn't help but exclaim.

"That's not important." Danny replied before pointing to the jar behind them, "Would you let me have that? It's necessary for all of us, wouldn't you agree!?"

"O--Okay." Rachel soon said hesitantly.

Before Kristen could protest, Rachel took the jar that had just been behind them before she handed them over to Danny; His hands going over hers, making Rachel feeling uneasy and Kristen gave a look to kill to him.

"I'm going to put them on now okay…?" He said in an unsettling tone of voice, "... Would you mind terribly waiting in the other room for me."

Kristen noticed the look in his eyes as he said his next set of words. "If you try to run away… You'll regret it." He said.

Kristen quickly took Rachel's hand and they headed back towards the operating room, quickly shutting the door behind them before anyone else could say anything. "… Are you okay?" Kristen asked.

Rachel didn't reply, instead she hugged her, to calm herself while her body shivered; Kristen hugged back as to comfort her. "I think you're right about him…" Rachel soon said, her voice a little muffled, "... Something about this… About him feels wrong…He's not the doctor I know…!"

Her grip tightened a little and Kristen proceeded to gently shush her as to prevent her from crying. "I don't want to be here anymore…!" Rachel said.

"Don't worry, we'll get away from him." She said to the child, "Let's go meet up with Faith, before he comes back, okay?"

Rachel nodded her head before they proceeded towards the door. Kristen went to grab the knob to open the door; though she soon found that it had been locked.

"Shit…" She mumbled before telling Rachel, "... We're locked in."

"No way!" Rachel had said worryingly.

"That doctor guy..." Kristen soon thought to herself, "Don't tell me he locked the door."

They soon heard the walkie in Rachel's bag go off; at this she quickly took it out. "Guys, can you hear me?" They soon heard Faith say.

"We hear you." Rachel replied.

"Did you find anything to break the glass?" Kristen asked.

"I'm afraid not." Faith replied, "I've searched every room on this floor, and I can't find anything strong enough. It would take a miracle at this point."

"Keep looking, there has to be something around this floor." Kristen said.

Faith at the other end of the line noticed the panic in her voice, "Why? What happened?"

"Doctor Danny locked us in the operating room with him in here!" Kristen said, "I get the feeling he's got something in mind for us, or rather…" For a moment, Kristen glanced over to Rachel who still had a fearful expression on her face. She picked up her sentence back up, "Anyway, we're gonna try to find a way to open the door on our end. Find us anything we can use to break the glass and we'll meet you there!"

"I'll try my best!" Faith said, "Please be careful."

"Good luck." Kristen said before disconnecting the walkie.

Kristen and Rachel soon started to think as to how they were going to get the door open; each of them had been deep in thought.

"Think… Think… How can I get the door to open?" Kristen thought to herself. She looked at the gun on her holster, "I could probably shoot the lock to break it." She immediately shook her head, "No… That wouldn't work. It'll be too loud. Kicking it down is not an option either…"

She soon looked at the messenger bag that Rachel had before looking at the door.

"Earlier she said she knew how to sew up a wound… That must mean she has a needle at least. But it might take too long depending on the lock mechanism. We need a quicker way to get this door open. "

She turned to Rachel but soon noticed that left her side. "Huh? Rachel?" Kristen said with a bit of confusion.

She saw her pick something up, before running back to her. In her hands, she had a crowbar that was a bit rusted over. "Do you think this will work?"

"Yes!! That's perfect!" Kristen said in a hushed tone of voice taking the crowbar from her gently, "Nice thinking there kiddo!"

Kristen quickly went to work, she put the end of the crowbar in between the thin gap, before she started to push as hard as she could; she winced at the pain when she aggravated the wound on her hand and arm.

"Come on! Come on! Open, damn you!"

She winced again at the wounds underneath her bandages, making it more intense. Rachel saw this and quickly ran to her side and put her hands on the crowbar, before she started to push as hard as she could as well.

"We can do this!" Rachel said, "Just a little more!"

"Push harder kid!" Kristen told her.

They both nearly stumbled when they heard the door click open and it opened slightly. Their eyes brightened at this. "Yes!" Rachel cheered, "It opened!"

"Alright, let's go and--"


Kristen froze up when she felt a blunt object hit the back of her head causing her vision to blur. The last thing she heard was Rachel crying out her name before she hit the ground hard.

Next chapter