1 The Outcast

This is a story of my life. The life I have been living in a curse that is never ending. I call it a curse, some whom I met called it a blessing. Afther reading you decide.


To understand me , I will bring you back to my first heartbeat, my first birthplace and my parents.

When I was born, apperantly I did not breath or hade a heartbeat.

The nurses informed my parents, while the docters where trying to get me back to life.

The docter used the last method to bring back my heartbeat. The docter hold me upside down and beat me multiple times on my newborn back. It lasted for a few minutes until I started to inhale my first bearth. I started to cry.

My parents only could see a deadth body, not moving, not brrathing in the docters hands like a puppet.

Afther they saw my first inhale that came with a cry. The shocked faces of my parents made space for happines.

But the happines did not last long.
