
The Hunger of Eventuality

"It's a shame that I can't look at all of the beautiful plants as I run by, but I know that something interesting is going to happen by that meteor." Mumbled Imogen, trying to estimate where the comet will fall.

 "I hope the system gives me the rewards for killing that worm soon, or at least before I get to this meteor." Mused Imogen while watching the comet strike the ground.

 "I don't even know why I'm hurrying so much, I guess it's because I have this weird feeling that the meteor will be gone before I get there." Sighed Imogen.

 "There it is, I hope I've used my time wisely."

 "I feel like there's a strange aura coming off of the meteor, it has to be mana." Realized Imogen as she stared awstruck at the mana stone.

*System Quest Reward: 1 Skill Stone

 "You choose the most inopportune time system, why don't you ever just give me my rewards quickly." Said Imogen, annoyed. 

 "I guess one skill stone is worth it, though." Decided Imogen.

 "I'll deal with that later I think, right now, I need to inspect this meteor." Decided Imogen while watching blue particles fume off the meteor.

"I really want to touch it, I know I shouldn't; but I'm gonna touch it." Grinned Imogen, before reaching out her legs and touching the comet.

 "GOD DARN that hurts!" Cried Imogen as she fell on her back and started flailing her legs. 

 "Why does everything I do end up hurting me? ...I hope touching it at least did something." Wined Imogen. 

 "System, could you show me my status?" Inquired Imogen.

Name: Imogen

Title: Heartless Bitch

Race: Tick - Adult

Age: 1

Gender: Female

Bloodline: Common Forest Tick

Level: 7

Class: Heart Defender

Blood: 320/320

Hp: 24/24

Mp: 6.5/6.5

Str: 15

Vit: 2.4

Def: 32

Int: 13

Agt: 12

Quests: 1

Skills: Racial skill - Blood Absorb 2.0, Weak Pierce 2.0, 70/30 Luck, Negligible Illusion Resistance, Fast eyes, Fractured Language Comprehension, Heart Plate, Metal Heart and Steel Soul

"It doesn't look any different... Wait! Are you saying that I touched that meteor for nothing?" Complained Imogen. 

 "Now that I think about it, complaining about touching something sounds really dumb." Said the enlightened Imogen. 

 "Wait! Is the meteor gone! what the hell!" Yelled Imogen while scanning the area. 

 "How can a whole fricking meteor just disappear like that!" 

 "Agh! I guess I spent too much time complaining and not enough examining the meteor." Said Imogen regretfully. 

 "But I still don't know how it did that disappearing trick... I guess some things will never be known to me." Frowned Imogen, looking up into space. 

 "System, could you put my skill stone into language comprehension please."

*System Announcement: Fragmented Language Comprehension - Now Fragmented Language Comprehension 2.0

 "It feels nice to level up my skills. I wish I had more of those skill stones though."

 "Well, It's back to mindless slaughtering for now, I need to get to level ten quickly." Suspired Imogen before starting to walk in a random direction.


 A few hours later, Imogen arrived at her "destination", "Wow! That's a really big flower, it looks like it could even eat me." Gasped Imogen, unintentionally foreshadowing. 

 "I wonder if I'll get close to a level up if I kill it? It has to be worth something." Guessed Imogen, preparing to drain the Phloem out of the flower.

 Though, before she could even try to bite into the flower, a leaf fell on her head.

It was the kind of crunchy, but not quite yet crunchy type of leaf; it was also yellow. 

 Imogen blinked and bit into the flower's stem.

 "God this tastes disgusting! Why the hell would anyone ever eat this!" Screamed Imogen as though she hadn't just been eating it.

 "This is just bad, I don't think it'll help me level up." Gripped Imogen, still drinking the viscous fluid.

 After a few minutes the whole flower shriveled up and fell down. 

 Though, instead of a flower on the top; there was a very pissed off caterpillar eating a flower petal surprisingly menacingly.

 "The flower may not have given me a level up… but this caterpillar might just do." Beamed Imogen.


 The caterpillar, unhappy that it's feast had been disturbed. Grew spikes upon its unprotected skin and attempted a charge at Imogen.

 The caterpillar was so fast it bounced over the field and even gained speed, Imogen was hard pressed to jump out of the way.

 As Imogen dodged, the caterpillar had somehow managed to to turn around and roll right back at Imogen. It was, against the laws of physics, even faster this time.

 The caterpillar had managed to hit Imogen and she went flying up into the air. The caterpillar actually stopped and waited for Imogen to fall on top of it.

 Imogen aimed her head down and prepared to bite into the caterpillar. The caterpillar was having none of this, though and rolled out of the way; Imogen dived straight into the ground.

 The caterpillar then charged into Imogen as she was still on the ground. A spike almost pierced her carapace, but it was lacking just a bit of extra force. 

 Imogen flew out of the dirt and into a tree, the caterpillar followed. As it climbed up the tree, it defied gravity; Imogen only barely managed to get off the tree before it ran her over again.

 The caterpillar rolled down the tree and prepared to strike Imogen, but Imogen jumped over it; barely. The caterpillar was surprised and stopped for a brief moment, but that moment was all that Imogen needed to gain the upper hand.

 As the caterpillar rolled at her again Imogen tried to bite it, but she only managed to break off a spike and get it stuck in her face.

 As Imogen pulled out the spike, the caterpillar rolled at her again. This time around it was extremely fast, Imogen was blinded by all the dirt flying everywhere. The caterpillar rolled right into her, but it didn't stop.

 It ran through trees and rocks, all with Imogen stuck on a spike; feeling every pebble they passed over.

 It stopped at a huge boulder, with Imogen being on the side that crashed into it. Imogen was in bad shape, but she used this chance to try and bite into the caterpillar.

 Somehow she managed to bite into the caterpillar, but it was only for a few seconds. As the caterpillar regained his senses he rolled out of Imogen's hold, getting some flesh ripped off along the way.

 He tried to roll into Imogen again, but she jumped up and bit into the rock. Making the caterpillar roll into the boulder, it was stuck for a few seconds and Imogen used that time to bite into it.

 However, the caterpillar got out of the rock a few moments later and nearly crushed Imogen. Both the caterpillar and Imogen weren't in the best of shape, but the caterpillar acted first and tried to roll over Imogen.

Imogen tried to roll out of the way, but she was caught by one of the spikes. It ripped through her carapace and made a long gash along her side.

 Imogen was infuriated now and really turned savage, she got to the caterpillar before it could even turn around and bite into it. This time she focused on ripping flesh instead of sucking blood and right before the caterpillar moved away she stuck her fangs in deep, causing the caterpillar to rip a huge portion of its flesh off.

 The caterpillar was unable to move much more and fell over. It slowly tried to crawl away, but Imogen was faster and jumped on top of it. She slowly sucked the caterpillar dry for the next few hours as it crumpled into dust. 

 She fell over and slowly drifted off to sleep.


Imogen barely was able to open her eyes in the morning, she looked to see if she had healed alright. 

 "What the hell! I have a giant scar running down my side!" Exclaimed Imogen, surprised.

You've slain a: Laval Spiked Caterpillar - you have leveled up twice

"That was just a larva, what the hell would an adult caterpillar look like!?" Shouted Imogen.

 "Ohh... it wouldn't be a caterpillar anymore. I'm stupid." Laughed Imogen, realizing her stupidity.

 "Anyways! Back to the scar. Why didn't it regenerate?" Wondered Imogen. 

 "System, could you tell me why I have a scar and open my status?" Questioned Imogen.

*Regeneration: What you regenerate and how fast you do it corresponds with how deep and large the wound is. Sometimes scaring can happen if the wound is almost too big to be regenerated.

Name: Imogen

Title: Heartless Bitch

Race: Tick - Adult

Age: 1

Gender: Female

Bloodline: Common Forest Tick

Level: 9

Class: Heart Defender

Blood: 178/360

Hp: 28/28

Mp: 7.5/7.5

Str: 17

Vit: 2.8

Def: 36

Int: 15

Agt: 13

Quests: 1

Skills: Racial skill - Blood Absorb 2.0, Weak Pierce 2.0, 70/30 Luck, Negligible Illusion Resistance, Fast eyes, Fractured Language Comprehension 2.0, Heart Plate, Metal Heart and Steel Soul

 "I only have one more level left before I evolve, I need to get to work." Stated Imogen as she jumped up and off the caterpillar's leftover ashes.

 "Maybe if I hurry! I could even evolve today; wouldn't that be great! " Grinned Imogen as she ran off into the forest.

Whenever I spell quickly another more... perverted option always comes up, what the hell are people writing.

Enderchronoscreators' thoughts
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