
The Beginning

My name is Titania, I'm the heiress to the throne, daughter of Queen Gloriana and King George, and yeah, believe it or not I'm a Fairy. I wish I could say that for the first two years of my life I was adored and cared for, but of course I didn't receive the fairy tale "happily ever after" like you think I would've. Instead the day I was born the midwives hurried me out of the room as soon as I was born, at the time the Dethean's were attacking the Valerian border. The mid wives hurried and put me in the alley where I was found by a little girl the same age as if not at least a month older than me. Oh, and I should add that Fairies are born the same weight and everything as a human baby except for normal Fairies are technically a month old but look like they are three. Fairies age faster and as they get older the aging slows down and stops when they are seventeen and look like they are twenty. But when it comes to royals, well it's totally different, a royal for the first five minutes of them being out of the womb they look like a normal Fairy baby but not long after that they look like they are about three especially me. A Fairy gets their strength from their element there are water, air, fire, sound, rain, cloud, earth, flowers, herbs, nature, animal, predator, prey, day, night, time, mind, psychic, futuristic, pastoral, sun, moon, stars, hell, heaven, light, dark, hell angel, and the light angel Fairies except for me. I am a Fairy of all elements and a hell of lot more than a Rainbow Fairy. My mother specialized in all elements and so did I.