
Chapter Two: An Interest

A week later you could see the man, no, you could see me walking along a road in Canada.

I still don't have a name for myself and have just been wandering somehow finding myself in Canada walking along a road with my barefoot and with the shirt and pants the police officers gave me.

Thinking about my 'escape' from the police I had some time to think it over and I think I have some kind of fear of being imprisoned.

But why do I have such a fear?


Letting out a breath of air causing a white fog to leave my mouth and flow into the bitter air around me that didn't even affect me.

Luckily before I left the Police Station I managed to learn almost all of the languages known to the Humans of Earth.

I wasn't able to learn anything else but I at least know how to speak, write, and read every language available on earth, even the dead languages.

As I walked along the road I questioned my identity...

Who am I?

What am I?

Am I even human?

Clenching my fist I took in a deep breath and clenched all of my muscles at the same time before bending over and leaping over 300 feet into the sky before looking around for a local city or town.

With my vision, I could see a town almost 200 miles away from me and began heading in that direction once I landed down on the ground and made a small crater.

Finding nothing wrong with my Physique and strength I clenched my muscles once again before bending slightly towards the ground.

With a strong step, I began dashing towards the town.

Moving like a blur on the road I easily reached the town before the night could fall.

Once I made it to the small town I noticed how the people around were looking at me strangely.

Ignoring their gazes I looked around the small town that should have at most a little over 500 people.

As I sat down on a bench and closed my eyes giving my mind some rest I didn't even realize that I fell asleep.

Unknown to meet and unnoticed by the people around me was that I unconsciously released an invisible bubble that pushed the cold air around me away and drew in the warm air.

Suddenly as I slept I felt someone touch my shoulder.

Opening my eyes wide the bubble around me instantly switched bringing a gush of extremely bitter cold wind directly towards us that began to visibly make ice appear on the bench.

Unaffected by the freezing wind I looked over to the beautiful woman wearing a sheriff uniform.

She shuddered as the freezing wind gushed onto her.

Finding no threat my bubble disappeared letting the air return to normal around me.

Shivering from the constant change of temperature around us the woman asked "Who are you?"

I shrugged in response before replying "I do not know."

"You do not know?" The Female sheriff asked.

I nodded and said, "I have something called Amnesia I believe, although I have no idea what that exactly is yet."

She looked at me with pity and asked "Then do you have anyone? Any family? How did you get here?"

"Don't know and I just traveled here by foot," I responded showing her my dusty feet covered in dust and dirt.

She looked at me with a confused expression and replied, "But how? The nearest town is a few hundred miles away from here and the nearest city is almost 500 miles away..."

I just shrugged and asked a different question.

"Do you have a place I can stay for the night?" I asked.

"Uh...yeah. Do you have any money?" She asked in which I responded with a shake of my head.

"Then here, this should cover the cost of staying within the Motel within the town for the night," She told me before generously handing me some money.

I thanked her and asked for some directions to the 'motel' she spoke of.

She guided me to a small building next to a long building that had doors marked with numbers 1-20 and had windows to view outside.

After renting out a room for the night from a man named Charles the sherif said she would talk to me in the morning and that I shouldn't leave town.

I nodded and entered the room which had a bathroom, small refrigerator, a small TV, and a large bed.

Locking the door behind me I sat down on the bed and looked at the TV.

Turning on the TV I began learning once again starting with the History Channel.

I learned of the World Wars, Plagues, and Famine.

I learned about the history of Guns and Gunpowder, the history of several large nations and even the history of the oldest country in the world, China.

But what interested me the most were the stories.

The stories of Mythological Monsters and Beasts, Gods and Demons, and even tales about supernatural creatures.

The more I learned about these creatures the more fascinated and interested I became!

Then I found something that truly excited me, Magic, Reincarnation, Witchcraft, Cultivation and the so called Laws and Dao of the Universe that allowed those who have comprehended enough and have enough control to literally control the aspects of existince

I felt as though many of these things I learned today were feasible and perhaps even real.

Silently leaving my room at 3:00 AM at night I ventured off into the forest and sat down on the ground in the middle of a small clearing.

I 'reached' out towards everything around me.

The air, the trees, the grass, the flowers, and even the very earth beneath me.

I watched with wide eyes as everything seemed to change around me.

The ground beneath me start rising below my feet, the plants around me turned towards me and the air began speeding up and creating gusts around me.


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