

Hello, my name is I zen. I'm a crafter a crafter creates art through pieces breaking the boundary of logic I used to believe that there was nothing beyond death but boy was I wrong... I died I'm dead but I still have so much to do and that's when I met her she proclaimed herself as the goddess of life surrounding her was gods and goddesses all speaking to me why because they want me to improve a world a new one a world with primitive technology primitive words primitive m-magic... impossible why me I asked and that's when they said I had a special power in me the spark of thy ages it's a skill that allows me to keep all prior knowledge all knowledge in the world and beyond a skill nobody else have they let down their hand and said do you accept? accept what just then hundreds of words were showing up in front of me

the god of death grants you his power the goddess of beauty wishes to grant you their power the grand sorcerer wishes to bestow their power unto you the god of sword wishes to give knowledge the god of wealth wants to show you their power the god of training the goddess of power the god of earth water fire air wind the list goes on WHY ME I NEVER ASKED FOR THIS I SCREAMED I got a migraine from all the messages and then suddenly it felt like my brain was falling apart my bones were reshaping my body was on fire I kept shaking I wanted to die kill me destroy me and then I woke up in a cabin with books all around me tools things to help me out I saw a chisel a hammer technological tools all in front of me the thing is I couldn't escape I was trapped there and a message popped up read all just then I got trapped in a huge library books ascending to the heavens I felt trapped I'd be here for eternity reading all these something screamed in my head Activating system skill unlocked skim status unlocked unlimited points unlocked objective read.

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