
1 The Beginning

Ezran had always known he was different. From a young age, he displayed an innate talent for magic that far surpassed that of his peers. While other children struggled to master even the most basic spells, Ezran could effortlessly conjure flames, levitate objects, and manipulate the very elements around him.

His parents, Tomas and Elise, were both respected mages in their own right, but even they marveled at their son's prodigious abilities. They doted on him, nurturing his gifts and shielding him from the prying eyes of the Archmages who ruled their realm of Arcanum.

For years, Ezran lived a relatively peaceful life in the small village of Oakwood, blissfully unaware of the forces that were slowly converging around him. He spent his days studying ancient tomes, experimenting with new spells, and exploring the lush forests that surrounded his home.

But one fateful night, that tranquility was shattered.

Ezran was awoken by a sudden, ominous presence in the air. He could feel the very fabric of magic shifting, as if something dark and malevolent had entered their realm. Grabbing his staff, he rushed outside, his heart pounding.

In the distance, he could see plumes of smoke rising from the direction of the village. Ezran's blood ran cold - his parents were there. Without hesitation, he broke into a sprint, his long strides carrying him swiftly through the trees.

As he neared the village, the scene that greeted him was one of utter chaos. Buildings were ablaze, and the air was thick with the acrid stench of sorcery. Ezran could hear the terrified cries of his neighbors, and the clash of spells being cast.

Pushing through the panicked crowd, Ezran finally reached his home, only to find it reduced to smoldering ruins. His parents were nowhere to be seen. Ezran's knees buckled, and he sank to the ground, his mind reeling.

"What happened here?" he whispered, his voice trembling.

A hand gripped his shoulder, and Ezran whirled around to see the weathered face of his neighbor, Galen, a respected elder in the village.

"Ezran, you must flee," Galen said urgently. "The Corruptor has come, and it seeks you."

Ezran's eyes widened in horror. The Corruptor - the dark force that had been whispered about in hushed tones, the entity that could twist and corrupt even the most powerful magic. And it was after him.

"But my parents..." Ezran began, his voice choked with grief.

"There's no time," Galen interrupted. "You must go, now. Your destiny lies elsewhere, young mage. You are the only one who can stop the Corruptor."

Ezran hesitated for a moment, his heart torn between fleeing and staying to search for his parents. But the urgency in Galen's voice, and the growing sense of dread in the pit of his stomach, told him that he had no choice.

With one last anguished look at the ruins of his home, Ezran turned and ran, disappearing into the dark forest, his path now set on a collision course with the fate of an entire world.

Sorry.But this is supposed to be chapter 1

Van_Zaizen_Bermascreators' thoughts
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