
Chapter 1: The Goodbyes

Journal Entry #1 06/03/1920

It's a day before the move, and I'm not ready to go to this England place, but mother said it was for reasons I wouldn't understand but I'm technically an adult already. This is the last day to say goodbye to everyone I know, and I'm not happy about that, the rest of my family, like my grandma and my cousins, are going to stay in Germany although I want them to come with me, but they can't. Worst of all Tomorrow is a month from my birthday and probably won't be able to celebrate it with my family and friends. I hate all of this, I just wish I could stay. Well mother said it's time to go say bye to my family. I hope I get to see them on my birthday. End of Journal Entry

As Petra put her journal in her bag as her mother walked in. "Petra it's time to go say goodbye to the family," her mother said. Petra sighed, she looked around her room one last time then walked out. Petra took one last look at the house she grew up in. Petra's mother tried to rush but she took her time.

As Petra said goodbye to her friends and family, she was a little angry that she couldn't just stay with grandmother or aunt and uncle. Her twin brother Emil walked up to her and started talking to her, "why don't you write to the family about what you see or do in England?" Petra thought for a minute. "that's not a bad idea Emil but I'm still the smarter twin," Petra said. Emil just stood there looking at Petra with a oh really.