
First day in school of Tapsi

Tapsi is little bit confused, what she have to do, in some time class is filled with so many students, and Tapsi is sitting on the first bench, a student came and said to Tapsi "leave this seat, this is mine", Tapsi replied normally can I seat with you she replied "I wanna to seat my friend so now you have to leave this seat '' Tapsi doesn't want to fight in her school first day.

So she goes back and seat near a girl and then the girl said " hey you wanna to be my friend?" ,Tapsi becomes happy because no one was their in past of Tapsi who had asked to become a friend of Tapsi. She replied quickly "yes". She is also a new girl in this school, Tapsi asked "what is your name?", she replied that "my name is Sakshi, and your?" Tapsi told her name. This is really good for Tapsi, and she forget to ask name of that boy because of happiness, but the happiness is no longer, Tapsi cannot understand that if she tell her all about her that what's she, if Sakshi take it fun and she cannot understand her then what I will do, there are lot of problems but Tapsi is unable to say Sakshi.

Tapsi doesn't know why but she feels that Sakshi can not understand her . This is clear that Tapsi wanna some time to understand Sakhi and the first day of her school is end. She thinks that mamma or daida comes to receive her but they not come to receive her...➡ novel is continue..

I can write this novel when I am totally sad..

Nimpicreators' thoughts