
First eye contact

"Hey!", said a girl an inch shorter than i was.

This lead to everyone introducing themselves to me. I was the one who had arrived the most late. I introduced myself too.

Then came the group leader's turn. He was our senior.

'I am Adrian'

'I am laira', i replied with a smile. He just looked monotonously. Okiee then!

Throughout the tour to make it easier for us to be able to manoeuvre our way to our classes, I kept glancing at Adrian. He could pass as good looking. Who am i kidding? He was really handsome and 'manly', what with his talk height, buzzed cut brown hair and green hazel-ish eye.

I glanced at him again but this time, he caught my eye.

He stared at me for what felt like minutes and i stared right back. I just couldn't avert my gaze.

I got a weirdly good feeling that he had looked at me. Not the other girls but me.

But maybe he was looking at everyone like that?

He blinked and looked away and ushered us towards the library.