
A warning

Before you begin, I should warn you. This story does not have and end, nor a beginning. This is a story of life and like life it will be complicated. You may want to scream, cry, laugh, or stop breathing- if only for a second. Or you may feel nothing at all. No promises. Remember that. I do not guarantee happy endings and I do not guarantee that you will always (if ever) like the story of life. Just pull the string, unwound the tapestry, and maybe you will see a bigger picture.

Another warning. I can not promise regular updates. I can not promise you will like my story. But I can promise this- if the story includes bullying, violence, harsh words, law breaking, or any other bad behavior, I do not encourage it. The story of life is meant to bond, not break. Build bridges not walls. Bullying in the comments is not advised. And if you do, be prepared to be the next story.

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