
Zeus I

Zeus gasped out of air when he woke up and hurriedly checked his phone when he felt that his body particularly his hands, are all sore. It's 10 o'clock in the morning when he cheked the time. He is somehow thankful that he gets back right away and the switching didn't last longer like before.

He stood up and fixed his bed and about to leave the room when he saw a small note attached on his full body mirror.

'Stay away from her. She's mine.'

His brows knotted, trying to remember what caused the switching last night but all he could remember was having fun listening to the party beat that was playing on Cupid's bar. He let out a deep sigh and threw the crumpled paper before leaving his room.

"Oh you're awake." Stephen said before setting the table. "So? Who are you this time? Hmm...Dos just left so are you Levi? Anyway, whoever you are just eat. Damn it! Whenever you switch I have to prepare different type of food just to please all of you." He said in frustration that made Zeus defeatedly sigh before taking the black coffee and drink it just to assure Stephen that it was him cause his other personalities can't drink black coffee like him.

Genesis, even though he's a violent alter, he has a sweet tooth. He likes chocolate drinks and everything that is sweet. Dos, the mediator alter, likes normal coffee and as per Stephen, he's the easiest personality to handle since he's not picky but he can't handle black coffee. And Levi, the suicidal alter, Stephen got a hard time with him every time he's out specifically when it comes to food. He won't eat unless it's made from apple.

"So those two go out last night? What did Genesis do this time? I could barely move my hands." Zeus asked that made Stephen rolled his eyes in frustration.

"Genesis almost killed a man last night when he saved that guy's sister from him. To make the long story short, he brought her here and she's still sleeping in your guest room but I'll bring her at the hospital later cause Dr. Rivas said she needs to be examined further. I made a deal with Genesis before he left and I'll be dead if I didn't do what he asked the next time he goes out so I took a day off." Zeus raised his brows.

"He saved a girl? Genesis did? Are you sure it was him? That's impossible! For ten years whenever we switch, all he do is to destroy me. I don't buy it!" He said almost freaking out but Stephen hushed him knowing there's someone in the house other than them.

"I know! Me too, but I was there last night when he asked the doctor not on his usual grumpy tone, you know him right? He doesn't like to be around your doctors but as per Cupid's words when he called me, Genesis did ask to bring along with me your doctor. And he was truly gentle towards that girl. If you don't believe me, ask your friends. They saw how that girl stopped Genesis. And I even saw him smile last night that made me curious." Stephen leaned on the table top and whispered softly. "Is it possible for an alter to fall in love like a normal person?"

Intrigued on what Stephen said and the note he saw this morning, Zeus put down his cup and hurriedly went to the guest room where the woman is. He opened the door lightly not wanting to wake up his guest and walks to her quietly.

Zeus stared at her for a long time. He can't understand why he feels crappy upon seeing her in a fetal position with all those wounds and bruises all over her body. He thought that there's a reason why he was altered by Genesis last night. That the woman in front of her is dangerous for him specially when she's the cause why he got switched by Genesis.

"I know, she's not your type that's why I'm wondering if even alters could like someone different from the host's preferences. But what I'm wondering the most is, what's into her that made our violent Genesis go soft." Stephen broke the silence that made Zeus went back to his senses.

"What's your deal with Genesis? Other than taking her to the hospital?" Zeus asked not pulling away his gaze to the woman who's still sleeping soundly as if it was the first time that she slept peacefully. His heart slightly constricted when she smiled on her sleep. Maybe she's dreaming about something good even after what happened to her last night that leaves her black and blue.

"Stay her away from you."

Zeus stormed off the room and called Dr. Sy, his psychiatrist. It was the first time that something like that happened. No one could ever make Genesis stop before. And he never cared for anyone. He thought that the reason why he existed is because the latter wanted to destroy him.

"Rue, Is it possible for alters to fall in love?" He asked immediately when she answered after a few rings and didn't even bother to greet her.

"Of course yes, they have feelings too, you know. But that'll be a huge problem if they do. The person they're trying to pursue shouldn't love them cause there are only two things that could happen. One, it might cause major conflict between all the alters and the host since they shared one body, they might fall in love with different people or if worse come to worst, with the same person, there's a possibility that they will 'Kill off' each other. And it's unhealthy specially when you're already not in a good terms with your alters. And second, the deeper feelings the alter have, the more he wanted to take over the host's body." She paused for a second. "Why? Did one of your alter fall in love? Who is it? Please anyone just don't let it be Genesis. You know how violent he is Zeus." Ruena Sy asked in panic.

"Unfortunately it is Genesis. But I'm not really sure about it if it's love or he just feel like he needs to protect her." Zeus explained while going back and fort thinking his next moves.

Dealing with Genesis has been his problem since he was diagnosed with DID or Dissociative Identity Disorder. Stephen said, when got into an accident with his mom that killed the later and made him forgot all his memories from he was 14 years old up to the day of the accident, Genesis was the first one who appeared and not him. But since the switching wasn't that long, they didn't tell him about it. Because back then, he was still mourning for the lost of his mom and they thought that it won't happen again. That it wasn't that serious. Not until the day that Zeus discovered it by himself.

When he was in his 2nd year in college, Zeus found himself beating up some tug in a dead-end alley. He was horrified when he saw three unconscious guys beside him plus the one he was 'beating up' when he got back to his senses.

Calling his dad was the first thing he did but Stephen was the one who showed up. And that night, he found out everything. That there are times that he is someone else for two years after he got out of the hospital. He found out that he has them,- Genesis, Exodus and Leviticus.

Genesis is the violent alter. He sounds like a guy on his twenties when he talk as per Stephen and whenever he's out, all he do is make Zeus life a living hell. He picks a fight that will end up for him getting suspended in school or sometimes drink and smoke. There are also times that he'll woke up in bed with some random girl that is truly humiliating on his part cause he can't remember a thing about the person he's with.

Knowing he has multiple personalities or alters was the start of his wretched fate. Having a violent alter inside him makes it hard for Zeus to get into relationships cause he's afraid that he'll woke up one day and see him beating up the one he loves because it seems that it's the reason why Genesis existed in the first place, to make his life miserable. To destroy him.

Having Genesis wasn't the only issue. There was one time that he got switched back from being Leviticus and terrified to see his wrists full of blood and deep cuts.

Leviticus is the suicidal alter and he talks like a sixteen year-old boy. He commits suicide through cutting his wrists. There are times that Stephen had to rush him to the hospital because of severe bleeding. Although Levi is the suicidal type, he only cut his wrists and not do other ways of killing himself for unknown reason.

The only Alter that Zeus doesn't have a problem with is Exodus. He was like the mediator and the only one who could talk to him and to the other alter. He talks like a man on his thirties that even Stephen learned to like cause he got someone to converse topics that only people at his age loves to talk about.

"Wait what? Genesis did protect someone and not the other way around?" Dr. Ruena said unbelievably that stopped Zeus from getting lost on his thoughts further.

"Well, he harmed someone on the process of saving her. But yeah, basically Genesis saved a girl last night. And Stephen told me he smiled while watching that girl sleep. Plus I got a note from him too, saying I should stay away from her. What do you think it means? Does his actions will give me problems in the future?" Zeus asked that made Dr. Ruena sigh on the other line.

"Yeah. That's why you really should stay away from her, Zeus. As much as possible don't let you and that girl's path cross again. Not only your existence will be in a big trouble once Genesis feel the urge of taking over you but also your condition might leak that we don't want to happen. And you know the reason why, right?" Zeus nods his head as if Dr. Ruena could see her. After talking for a little longer, he ended the call wondering what to do with the woman that's staying on his guest room.


Mayumi's head was pounding, ears ringing when she opened her eyes after getting a long sleep. Her body feels sore and felt a little dizzy when she tried to get up in bed.

Yumi scanned the room in wonder thinking why she's not on her room. And when she felt the pain on the upper part of her temple and found a big bump on it, memories of last night's event overwhelmed her. Yumi got startled upon hearing a soft knock on the door and a man enter the room with a tray of food on his hands.

"How's your feeling? I'm Stephen by the way." The middle-aged man said before putting down the tray on the bedside table and gave her a calling card.

"Thank you for saving me last night." Yumi said politely before her eyes went back to the door when Zeus entered the room.

"Oh about that, It wasn't me who saved you but this guy. I'm just the guy who brought the doctor with me here." Stephen said while pointing out Zeus who is just looking at her intently waiting for her reaction after seeing him.

"Hmm...thank you mister? I'm sorry but can I get your name so I could thank you properly?" Yumi asked that made the two man looked at each other but she didn't notice it since she was wondering why does the new guy somehow has a different air in him than last night. She wasn't sure if it's because it was a little dark in the parking lot but somehow feels strange while looking at the guy. He looked unfamiliar as if it's a different person.

"You sure you don't know him?" Stephen said that made Yumi looked at them with bewilderment.

"Yeah. It's the second time that I saw him. Why?" She asked in confusion thinking at the back of her head if she have seen the guy next to Stephen before or not.

"Do you know the band Mors Sola?" Zeus asked with a knotted brows.

"Of course. It's my favorite band. I like Zeus' soothing voice. Actually you sounded like him when you talk, Mister." Yumi answered with a bright smile on her face that surprised the two men.

"Have you seen Zeus before?" Stephen asked again and she answered it with a nod. "Are you sure?"

"Yes. I've seen their concert twice and I also got the chance to have a picture with him. Why? Are you somehow related to Zeus?" She asked with excitement that made the two men looked at her with a troubled face.

"Call the hospital and make an appointment with Dr. Rivas, Stephen. I'll talk to her alone." Zeus said with authority.

"Why? Is there a problem?" Yumi asked anxiously when Stephen left to make a phone call.

Zeus took out a magazine of him as the cover and gave it to Yumi. "Do you know this guy?"

Yumi take a look at the cover of the magazine trying to figure out who's the person on it but unfortunately she can't. She looked back to Zeus and shook her head as answer that made him heaved a sigh.

"I don't know him. It's the first time I saw him." She answered. "Why?"

"That person is Zeus of Mors Sola." He said that made Yumi looked at it again and realized that he is right. "And that person is me." He continued that made her jaw drop. "I'll take you to the hospital after you eat. You need to get tested so we would know if my guess about your condition is right."

"W-what condition?" Yumi asked antsy on whatever he's about to say.

"Prosopagnosia. In other term, face blindness." Zeus said that came like a bombshell on her.

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