
The story of a hero named Fishy

What else could happen when you graduate top of your class at university? A successful job? A beautiful wife? How about being reincarnated in another world filled with monsters that look as if they would destroy anything in their path? For Fishy, he ended up getting reincarnated. But that doesn't seem so bad when you're forced to lead a village that doesn't even have one fully built house. At least he lives in a world that's filled with magic and many challenging near-death experiences.

Fabledbyte · Fantasy
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136 Chs

Slow Journey

The long journey had only just begun. The roads weren't as smooth as they hoped but they were making decent enough time. The horses slowly pulled along their cart as silence took over the group. Ziu was focused upfront whilst Clara pulled out a book to pass the time. It was a random fiction book that she picked up from the city's newly built library. With the city's rise also came an assortment of books. Writers were happy to donate their new books whilst other cities sold the most popular ones to them for a price. But whilst Clara kept the book open in her hand, she struggled to focus on the black-inked words, as sitting directly opposite her was someone who was unable to sit still. 

In the corner of her eye, Fishy kept moving around, trying to shift his body in a way that wasn't going to leave him with a sore bum.

"What are you doing?" Clara asked as she put down her book.

"I can't get comfortable… Can I borrow your pillow?"