
2- Never again..

"No.... Please, stop!" Shouted a woman, her hoarse voice filled with despair.

The woman appeared to be in her late 20s, with shoulder length black hair, dark brown eyes, a medium build, not tall or short, a face that couldn't be called beautiful, and average proportions. She looked as if she has gone through countless ups and downs, her eyes spoke of her hard work. She wore a white businesses woman suit, with a black shirt and a white necktie. Her skin, that should have been soft and smooth, at that moment was filled with bruises and scars, caused by beating and torture.

"Heh, do I look like I would stop? Have you stopped when you crushed countless other businesses? Have you stopped, when a woman came to beg you to forgive her family's mistakes? NO! You didn't, and so I won't stop until I kill all your family, you, and your so called "hard earned" business empire..." Said a man, his eyes emitting his hatred towards the woman.

The man looked slightly older than the woman, appearing in his early 30s, with short black hair, piercing blue eyes, a relatively tall height, and an earring in his right ear. He wore a black suit, shiny black shoes, and looked relatively well off.... The only thing that seemed out of place were his blood stained hands, which were still dripping with the blood of the woman he had beaten up.

"You will pay for this yo-" said the woman, Song Wu Rong, before the man threw a punch that cut off her sentence midway.

"Blah blah blah... Keep talking, and these punches will keep raining down upon you" sneered the man " well, they would still keep coming even if you stay quiet, 'cause this is so fun!". The man started laughing, his voice as Eerie and crazed as his face.

"Hmph, you really are pathetic.... No wonder your sister came begging me to forgive your mistake, you ar-"


The sound of a gun shot resounded at the

scene, and the figure of the woman could be seen on the ground, her forehead punctured by a bullet.

"Now, this witch would never stand in my way anymore.." Uttered the man, his words akin to a whisper.

-Back in the Song manor-

A girl sat up straight suddenly, her eyes wide open, her head dripping with sweat.

"Young mistress, you're awake! Quickly, call the master!" Shouted a servant with joy.

'Where am I? Why did that person call me mistre-' thought Song Wu Rong before her head started aching. Her memories started aligning, and her thoughts started clearing up. ' So, these memories are the me in my past life? So that's how I was killed? Heh.... I must have never been buried.'

"Rong'er! Are you in pain anywhere? Do you feel uncomfortable? Tell daddy and I would do everything to help!" Said Song Tu Hao, his voice laced with worry and concern.

Wu Rong observed the man, he had short brown hair, slightly tanned skin, a tall build, an average face, and a pair of crafty fox eyes. He was her current reincarnation's biological father, Song Tu Hao. He was followed by two young men, her third and fourth brothers. The older of the two had waist long brown hair, a tall and slender figure, fair skin, a beautiful face, and his father's fox eyes. He was her third brother, Song Xu Bai, a 21 year old young man. The younger one had a slightly tanned complexion, a face that could pass as handsome, a well built tall figure, and short brown hair with the exception of a lock of hair on the side of his head that was made into a braid, which reached his waist. He was her fourth brother, Song Bu Yao, and he was 19 years old.

'If I remember correctly, that braided lock of hair was untouched since I braided it when I was 3 years old. He never cut that specific lock and took care of it.....'

Wu Rong could see the worry and concern on her family's faces, and so she vowed.' I will never again make the same mistakes, and thus will eliminate all forms of danger, removing the roots and never showing mercy....'

Next chapter