1 Chapter 1

It all began in a small town near the ocean. I had a good life, I lived close to all my relatives and I was happy. But one day my mother left. I had no idea why since I was only 4 maybe 5. My brother was still a baby so he never saw her. He was a demon like my father. They looked almost exactly alike. And me... well um I am half. You don't know what that means? Well basically I am part of both of my parents. Usually demons are with demons and angels with angels etc. so I have my dads horns and demon eyes, but I have my mothers beautiful wings and hair. my parents said that they would always be together and that they would never lie, they did. But that's another story. Me I am like my mom and father. I look nothing like them but like my great great grandma, she was the only one like this other then me of course. She had beautiful brown eyes and black long hair. He says that I made her leave because of how I look, and I don't know why. I've done nothing to upset him. The other kids bully me for being different. I never told my dad or the teachers because all that does is make it worse. Now I am 13 years old and I'm ok but still being bullied. I've had lots of suicidal thoughts but then I remember that one day I'll be reunited with my family that loves me. Now I use art to express my self. People have told me that I'll never be a "real artist" but I don't really mind any more. The kids that bully me are the demon kids. They are raised in hatred and fear. No one hugs them no one kisses them good night. The others like the fairy's and angels and all the other good wonderful creatures are grown to be kind and loving to all. And me, well I do my own thing. I was raised in both so I'm scary but I can be sweet at some times. Since I'm half demon half angel I have three forms. My demon form, human and angels form. I'm usually in my human form. My horns don't go away even when I'm in my angel form and I don't really know why. The only place where I can go for peace and quite is up in the clouds. No literally I go up into the clouds and sit there. There I can draw and be as loud as I want. No ones ever there except on Wednesday's. That's when the angles come and practice their harp. On Wednesday's I would try spend time with my family. Father is busy all the time so when he isn't there I just go to the beach. I don't have much to do, as you can see. Okay so now that we know each other a bit better let's get started with how my whole life changed.

