
What I can't control

"Good morning my handsome!"

Maria enters her son's room, opens the curtains that reveal the beautiful landscape of formed Mars.

"The ancient masters never thought that one day this would happen!"-She whispered admiring the landscape that she had already seen hundreds maybe thousands of times.

"Good morning, Mom, why are you always admiring the view from my room?"

"Aurelios, the happiness of life is in the simplest things..."

"You always say that!"

"And that will always be the answer! Start getting ready today, it's the first time you're going to land!"

"Why are we going to land?"

"Your 6th birthday is in 2 weeks, I'll show you something, our little secret!"

Maria left the room and went to prepare things for the trip of more than 218 million km (140 million miles)

After getting dressed, Aurelios went downstairs and headed towards the kitchen where he ate the omelette and coffee with milk that his mother had left on the table, after observing the 45m² white kitchen that had not been used by humans for a long time. he spoke:

"Alexa, a glass of water please!"

Then a hole 10 cm in diameter was opened in the table from which a glass with 400 ml of water came out.

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10 minutes later

After eating he sat on the couch at home and waited for his mother to arrive while he read a synopsis of a game recently released on the galact wide web (GWW), it was a remake of a game that was very successful in the 2000s, which was found in a amazon AWS cloud server, the name of the game in question was Read Dead Redemption 2, after reading and being interested in the history passed in primitive times he decided to ask his mother later.

Maria entered the room and sat down next to her son.

"Mom is everything ready?"

"Yes son, we are just waiting for the VLA"

A silence dominated the room as they waited for the VLA

"When will I meet my father?"

Aurelios dropped that bombshell, and looked at his mother's face clearly waiting for an answer:

"Your father is a very busy person, you know how the empire is structured right?"

"yes, there's the emperor, the imperial advisors, the planetary kings, the royal advisors, the exploration commanders..."

"His father is an imperial adviser, right after his birth he passed the selection process and today he advises his majesty so that our empire remains firm for many years"- Maria sighed- "but this position comes with many responsibilities, so he doesn't have time to come visit us, this is something we cannot control, so we shouldn't worry about it."

"Mom, I want to see him..."

"Me too son, me too… But how about you meet your Grandpa?"

At that moment the VLA arrived.

"Are we going to meet grandpa?"

"Let's go mom!"

My first book...

my first novel

I appreciate any kind of recommendation and correction

I'm Brazilian so there may be a google translator error, please let me know

Luiz_fernandocreators' thoughts