
Chapter 1

What would you do if the most popular guy in your school asked you out?

Charlie Eastwood is the most popular player boy in our school,he is the quarterback in the school's football team .

Me on the other hand.

I'm a nerd,I would rather spend my time reading or doing school work,and I am pretty sure that nobody even knows I exist.

Me and my best friend Millie were eating during   break,or more like Millie was blabbing about a new fairy tale and I was busy reading, when all of a sudden Millie rips the book from my hand,(thank god she didn't tear it),and when I looked up I see Charlie sitting right opposite me and the whole cafeteria had gone silent and everyone was staring at our direction.

And trust me when I say this,Charlie Eastwood is hot,he's got this smile that makes girls fall for him and his forest green eyes seem to have a different shade everytime you look at him,and his messy brown hair just makes him look even hotter and cute.

"Hey Stacey! I am throwing a party this Friday and I would really like for you to be there. So what do you say?" He literally says this with this award winning smile and practically ignoring all the stares we are probably getting.

My mouth was literally hanging,I didn't think anybody in this school even knew I existed. But I know what Charlie is like,he plays with a girl's emotions and he tricks them and then he dumps them.

And since I am not like every other girl.

"I am sorry Charlie,but I don't think parties are actually my thing,maybe some other time!" You could hear everyone gasping,even Millie was just staring at me.

"Oh no problem,maybe some other time then,see yah!" You could hear the disappointment in his voice as he said this.

And then he left the cafeteria,everyone stayed silent,still trying to process what just happened, and then thank God the bell rang and everyone went back to their classes and the day went by like nothing has happened.

The next day,Millie was trying to force me to go to the party but I kept saying no,so we decided to play a game of rock,paper and scissor and we made a bet that if I won, Millie would have to read the hunger games book and if she won,I would have to go to the stupid party.

Ding,ding,I lost,I mean seriously,now I have to go to the party and I don't even know what to wear. Urgh,did I seriously have to agree to the stupid bet.

On Thursday night,I asked my parents if I could go to a party and they said yes in a blink of an eye,I kinda wished they would say no so at least

I would have had an excuse,but since I am an only child,my parents are pretty chilled with me and they know that I would rather spend my time reading or getting ahead in class.

So after my parents gave me the whole responsibility and not getting drunk and other embarrassing things talk,I decide to message Millie and tell her about it.

We decided to get ready in my house because we wouldn't be bothered by anyone,Millie has 2 younger brothers and they are extremely annoying.

So here we are trying to get ready for a party,I decided to go(more like Millie forced me to) with a black leggings and a white lace top with a black belt and my hair up in a ponytail,and tiny bit of makeup.

Millie is wearing a blue jeans with a pink top. Millie us a very girly girl,she believes in true love,and meeting the one,the knight in shining armour and a whole bunch of crazy stuff. She loves shopping and she loves parties and ofcourse she hates reading or anything that includes using your brain technically.

Once we are ready,we go downstairs and meet my parents in the living room,my parents treat Millie like their own daughter and I am so happy about that.

We are going with Millie's car because I still don't have one yet. It is getting dark by the time we leave which means the party must have started already. Charlie's house is about 15 minutes from my house.

We can hear the music a good 5 minutes before we get there and you could tell that it was full because there was no parking,we had to park a few houses away and walk.

"I am going to fetch us both some drinks,okay!" She doesn't even wait for an answer and she just leaves,leaving me alone with a bunch of people that I don't even know.

It's been about 5 minutes since Millie left and she is still not back so I decide to go look for her, trust me,not a good idea at all,because first of all the house is way too full so I can't see her and second, I don't even know this house,what type of an idiotic person comes up with such a plan. So I keep walking around for what feels like hours but I'm pretty sure that it has only been about 15 minutes before I start getting thirsty and annoyed.

And God answered my prayers,because I happened to run into a fruit punch table,i pour myself a cup and drink it,the moment I finished it I started feeling dizzy,but it was a good kind of dizzy and my mind seemed to have locked all its problems in a box and thrown it in the ocean.

I drink another 2 cups before deciding to go back to searching for my best friend.

I pour myself another cup and as I was turning I bumped into what felt like a wall of bricks and dropped my whole fruit punch. When I looked up I saw the bluest eyes I have ever seen.

"Oh my God, I am so sorry,I wasn't looking where I was going!" Blue eyes is telling me and all I can do is admire him. What the heck is wrong with me.

"Oh no,it's fine,I'll just get another one." But as I was turning around I lost my balance and probably would have fallen on my ass if it wasn't for some really muscular biceps holding me steady.

"Whoa,slow down, how many of those have you drank so far?"(I am just going to keep calling him blue eyes until I find out his name)blue eyes has this weird look on his face and it's kinda hard to read it.

"A few,I think, I am not sure." I say wobbly and unsure.

"Do you have a car or something?" Blue eyes is still asking me questions.

"I came with my friend Millie but we got separated." Everything just sounds blurry and foggy to me. And I really, really need to pee.

"I need to pee,do you know where the bathroom is?" Oh my God, please do not tell me I just said that.

I look at blue eyes and he has a weird smile on and just seems amazed at my question,trust me I am also shocked by my question.

"I think I saw one somewhere around here,can you walk?" Blue eyes still sounds worried but now he has a smile on. For some odd reason, his smile reminds me of Charlie.

I try to walk,but lose my balance again, then I hear him mumbling something and all of a sudden I am being picked up. I know I should be thinking that maybe this guy is a serial killer or something but all I can think of is 'hmmm he smells like fruit punch'.

My mind is very mixed up right now because the next thing I remember we are outside a bathroom,(I don't really know how he found a bathroom in this huge house) and he is putting me down. I was able to go to the bathroom without embarrassing myself.

When I came out,blue eyes was not there. And I am actually thinking that I probably imagined him.

I decide to go back to searching for Millie,but as I was making my way through the crowd I bump  into someone and land on my butt,(I still have no idea why the ground loves my face and butt)and trust me it hurts a lot, I look up and see Charlie.

"Oh my God Stacey! I am so so sorry." He looks like as if he has just seen a ghost or something, well I did tell him I wasn't coming.

"Oh no,it's fine,it was my fault for not watching where I was going,but it was nice seeing you. I should probably go, Millie is waiting for me." And I leave, I know what you must be thinking, that maybe I should try being nicer to him and stuff, but I know that Charlie is probably going to use me.

I spot Millie and literally run to her, I have never been so happy to see her.

"Where the heck have you been? I have been looking for you for an eternity!" She looks like she has been walking for miles,at least she isn't drunk so she can drive us home without us meeting up in an accident.

"Long story, but I am so glad I found you! Now can we please go home?" I decided not to tell her about blue eyes right now, I don't even think he's real.

Millie drives me home and tells me that she is going to message me tomorrow.

I see that all the lights are off, so my parents must be asleep already. I was able to get to my bedroom without making a noise or tripping over anything, I change into my pyjamas and collapse on my bed, and I am a 100% sure I will have a terrible hangover tomorrow.

Urgh. Why did I even go to that party.