

Chapter 1: Fame!

In the streets of Chicago, Brandon walked with a casual stride, his normal Nike tracksuit blending with the urban backdrop. A half-empty bag of chips in hand and Kendrick Lamar's "The Blacker the Berry" filling his ears, he muttered to himself, "Today is such a boring day, what should I do?" With a sigh, he crunched the last chip and lamented, "Aagghh, I have to go buy another bag!"

Then it struck him—there was something he could do. Go to the studio and record another song. Energized by the thought, Brandon sprinted to his friend's studio. Panting, he burst through the door, exclaiming, "Finally, okay let's go and record another banger!" But as he stepped inside, he realized his friend Maxwell, aka Max, was in the middle of recording his new track. Max halted his rap, glaring at Brandon as he yelled, "Brandon, can't you just open the door a bit more quietly? Now you've ruined my recording!"

Brandon chuckled nervously, "U-uhmm, sorry about that." Max approached, curiosity piqued, "So what in the heck got you so excited about?" Removing his earphones, Brandon announced proudly, "I want to record a new song!" The room met his enthusiasm with unimpressed and annoyed stares. Max challenged him, "You do know that this is your fifth song of the week you're trying to record?"

"Yes, I do, but the reason why I'm recording so many songs is that I'm moving back to South Korea," Brandon confessed. The news took everyone by surprise, prompting Max to ask, "Wait, you're going back to South Korea forever?!"

"Yeah, because of my monogamist father," Brandon replied. Max's confusion was evident, "Monogamist, the heck is that?" With a laugh, Brandon explained, "It's a word that describes a person who has short relationships with women and doesn't give a damn about it. I learned it from my teacher at school." The room erupted in laughter, including Brandon.

After the mirth subsided, they decided to record a song titled "Last Dance." Later that night, as Brandon approached his home, he heard noises inside. Flinging the door open, he caught his father, Brandon Senior, in a drunken embrace with a woman on the couch. "Dad! Don't tell me you brought another prostitute to the house!" Brandon Senior looked up, slurring, "O-oh Son, y-you're back home!" Brandon's anger turned to the woman, "Get the hell out of our house now!" She scrambled away, leaving Brandon to confront his father's irresponsible behavior.

"Dad, do you know how many times I've told you not to bring any women into this house!" he lamented. But his father had already passed out. Tears mixed with frustration, Brandon muttered, "Stupid Dad!" Yet, he chose to be the good son and carried his father to his room.

After settling his father, Brandon packed his belongings, his resolve firm. He left a goodbye letter and some hangover medicine for his father before shouting with all his might, "Goodbye Chicago!" He hailed a taxi to the airport, his mind a whirlwind of emotions.

At the airport, a call from his mother interrupted his thoughts. "Mom? Oh, I forgot South Korea time is very different compared to us, no wonder she's awake at this time," he mused before answering. "Honey, have you boarded the plane yet?" his mother inquired. "Not yet, mom, but very soon I will," Brandon assured her. Her voice, laced with concern, continued, "Did you say your farewells already?" A tear escaped as he replied, "Yeah, I did—to Max, my crew, my school, and dad."

"I'm sorry I can't pick you up from the airport," she apologized. Brandon smiled through his sadness, "It's okay, mom, just make sure to take care of Ji Yeon." "Okay, hope you have a wonderful and safe flight, okay Honey, love you, see you here in South Korea, okay?" she said. "I love you too, Mom!" Brandon responded, his voice brightening.

*Two days later, Brandon arrived in South Korea.*

"I'm back in South Korea! Home Sweet Home!" he exclaimed as he stepped outside. He called his childhood friend and music producer, Shin Seok Ho. "Yo Seok Ho, where you at?" A laugh came through the phone, "Look behind you, idiot." A honk from a Hyundai drew his attention, and there was Seok Ho. They reunited with a tight hug, Brandon expressing, "Seok Ho, It's been a long time, I'm so glad to see you!" Seok Ho's reminder to keep it down due to the staring crowd brought a chuckle from Brandon. "Oh, I almost forgot, I'm in South Korea, not in the US, which means I have to speak Korean again," he realized with a hint of worry.

"What if I don't know how to speak Korean again?" he voiced his concern. Seok Ho's sigh was audible, "Listen, just put your stuff in the trunk and get inside, I'm hungry, let's go eat." They headed to a nearby restaurant, where Seok Ho ordered Jjamppong and Brandon, surprising himself, flawlessly ordered Jjajangmyeon in Korean. The waitress's apology for assuming he couldn't speak the language was met with Brandon's gracious smile.

As they ate, Seok Ho teased, "You said you forgot a bit of Korean, but that didn't seem like it." Brandon shrugged, "I said that by instinct." The conversation shifted to Brandon's need for a school, and Seok Ho recommended Atlas Performance/Arts School, a place for artists, actors, models, and the like. Brandon's curiosity about the school's focus on performance and arts led to a playful banter between the two friends.

The revelation of Brandon's song "Last Dance" being the most popular new song caught him off guard. "So I'm famous now?" he wondered aloud. Seok Ho's affirmation hinted at imminent fame, leaving Brandon to ponder, "Fame huh, I guess I'm gonna be famous!"

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