
The Encyclopedia

"Wow! That was amazing!" The young boy shouted as he ran over to Alan.

"I mean I could have killed it in one blow if my mana wasn't low at the time." The young boy smugly said as he puffed out his chest.

"Oh is that right?" Alan said as he ruefully smiled at the young boy. He was a bit ticked off by what the boy uttered, but he couldn't be any older than ten years old.

The young boy had short blond hair cut into a bowl and blue eyes that seemed to look at everyone as if they were beneath him. He was wearing some expensive looking clothing perfect for a spoiled rich kid.

"Why do you look like a beggar with that kind of power? You are so filthy and...you smell! " The young boy bluntly said as he pinched his nose.

Alan didn't want to admit it, but that's precisely what he looked like, he was a bit ashamed. However, he wasn't going to let a kid badmouth him.

Alan suddenly stood up while glaring at the boy, "Now listen here y-"

The thunderous voice of a man could be heard from the distance screaming, "Master Nile!"

Alan looked in the direction of the voice and could vaguely see something heading towards them at incredible speeds.

Alan narrowed his eyes a bit, and finally, he could see a person in a full suit of armor. The person was dashing across the broad grassy plains as if it weighed nothing at all. "People wear medieval armor now?" Alan thought.

"Over here, Johnson!" The young boy shouted as he waved his hand in the air.


"Phew...I'm so glad you are unharmed Master Nile. When the monsters attacked the carriage, I lost sight of you. Please forgive me." The man named Johnson said as he took off his helmet to reveal his dignified face. Johnson had crimson hair that was buzzed cut and golden eyes that reminded people of the brilliant sun in the sky.

Bright and filled with pride.

The height of this man was unbelievable at an astonishing 8ft!

Alan stood there staring at the giant of a man in shock, "What did someone have to eat to get that way?!" He thought.

The golden suit of armor the man had on taken inspiration from a lion, and in fact, his helmet was the head of a lion with a visor that covered the entire face.

"You are forgiven, Johnson. I'm still in one piece." The young boy said as he twirled around to show the man that he was unharmed.

"That is good news and who is this man, Master Nile? Is he bothering you?" Johnson asked as his eyes became especially fierce as he started to draw the giant claymore that he was carrying on his back.

The young boy immediately stepped in front of Alan, "No No No! He actually saved my life! I could have beat that monster, but unfortunately, my mana was low. This beggar came at the right time!"

Johnson's eyes widened a bit as he examined the young man who seemed like a beggar. However, he had to admit he couldn't see through this person at all.

"Oh! Of course! Much appreciated for saving Master Nile, beggar!" Johnson sincerely said as he put his weapon back and bowed his head towards Alan.

Alan was getting a bit annoyed being referred to as a beggar and told them his name.

"Pardon me, Alan. I meant no offense." Johnson bowed again before turning towards Niles, "Master Nile we must continue towards Merton to meet the recruiter."

Nile's eyes widen as he smacked his forehead lightly, "You are right! The great me can't be late!" He then turned towards Alan, "My name is Nile Ainsworth, and this is my butler Johnson!"

"That's a butler?!! " Alan unconsciously said out loud as he glanced at Johnson. His image of a butler did not match with the hulk of a man. He thought that guy belonged to a specific wrestling show or one of those bodybuilders.

Johnson blankly stared at Alan for a moment before turning his attention back to Nile, "The carriage is just ahead. Ill carry you back Master Nile." Johnson easily lifted Nile up onto his broad shoulder and placed his helmet underneath his arm before he started to walk away.

"Hold tight Master Nile!" Johnson said as he prepared himself to run.

"Wait!" Nile shouted as he turned towards Alan and pointed at him, " You must come with me so that I may repay you! Merton is not that far ahead."

"Hmm.. maybe if I join them, I'll learn more about this weird world." Alan typically thought as he scratched his chin. It only took him a few moments to agree to Nile's suggestion.

"Great! " Nile said as he turned his head back toward the front, and snickered softly with a grin that could send chills up anyone's spine. Although the expression only lasted for a second, and he returned to being the spoiled rich kid.


It only took a few moments for them to reach the carriage. Johnson was pretty shocked at how easily Alan could keep up with him.

A few servants guarded the decently sized carriage, and they were ecstatic to see the young master returned safely.

"So, it really is a carriage...What happened to cars?" Alan thought, but seeing how he was looked down upon for wondering where his clothes came from; he decided not to ask.

"So, what kind of a monster was that earlier?" Alan asked out of curiosity. He hasn't seen any monsters besides Haukea.

"Eh? You don't even know that? It's called a Jumbo Ostrich." Nile said as he jumped off of Johnson's shoulders."It's a plain name. The person who named it has terrible taste for names. I feel like I could have done better!" He continued as he puffed out his chest.

Alan swore he could feel his hand shaking as if it was saying, "Come on! Let me at him! Just one smack!"

Johnson frowned a bit before speaking, "That monster was actually the one pulling the carriage. Although--"

"Quiet Johnson! I want you to pull this carriage to Merton and there we can buy a new mount!" Nile was secretly embarrassed about the whole ordeal, but he had to keep his image intact!

"Yes, Master Nile!" Johnson said as he put his helmet back on his head, and almost immediately the air around him completely changed.

Alan felt danger from the giant man. Johnson already looked menacing enough with his armor on, but the feeling Alan was getting was similar to Haukea.

The two servants carefully placed the harness meant for a beast onto Johnson.

"What kind of nonsense is this?"Alan thought as he looked at the inhumane scene. However, before he could voice his opinion, he was pulled into the carriage by Nile.

"I'll let you ride inside along with me! Consider it an honor! I'll just have to buy a new carriage once we reach the town." Nile said as he sat down on the comfy looking seats.

The carriage door was immediately shut behind Alan, and then the carriage started to move. Alan was a bit disturbed by the thought of man pulling this carriage, but he decided to keep his opinions to himself.

"Wow, this is actually pretty nice." Alan unconsciously said as he looked around the luxurious carriage. The carriage actually looked closer to a small camper, but everything about it was elegant down to the incredibly soft seats.

"Isn't it? It's one of the latest and greatest! It's too bad that it's nothing like the ones in Ceresia They say that the kingdom of Ceresia even has functioning cars! Oh, I wish I could see one for myself!" Nile said with sparkling eyes.

"Wait...what?" Alan narrowed his eyes as he stared at Nile.

"Huh? You don't like cars or something?" Nile asked.

"No, it's not that. I'm just surprised that you haven't seen one."

"This is common knowledge that things from the past were destroyed or hoarded by small groups of people....were you living under a rock this entire time?" Nile asked as stared at Alan intentively as if he was studying him.

The ride was toward Merton was long and so Nile continued to give Alan information about the new world he was in.

First was that the world experienced a mysterious mutation after the meteor shower. Humans started to develop strange abilities carrying from super strength to super hearing, it wasn't until later that the concept of magic was passed around.

The world was plunged into chaos with nearly everyone going crazy with power. However, the worst was yet to come as the emergence of monsters came in to play.

There was no warning at all as monsters seemingly appeared out of thin air, but it was later learned that the monsters were simply mutations.

Materials, plants, and even animals changed into the fierce some creatures that terrorize the globe.

The world was under constant fire from humans and monsters alike! However, several humans with extraordinary powers suddenly appeared and started to establish order in the new chaotic world.

The second thing was that these humans went on to create their own countries as the world was being literally and physically pulled apart.

The event was called the "Calamity".

After the " Calamity", the people studied their new powers feverishly and figured out that enhancements to the body weren't the only thing possible.

The third thing is that humans discovered spoken keywords allowed them to summon fire and lightning out of thin air. Almost everyone wished they could use magic at one point in their life, and then finally they could!

Magic is separated into three different kinds, and the first type of magic was the basics called Body Enhancement magic. One can supercharge or increase the strength of certain parts of the body to accomplish incredible feats by applying mana directly into their body.

The second form of magic was called Effect magic which is separated into buffs or debuffs. One would need to expel mana from their body and then use special keywords. Effect Magic cannot be used on the castor.

The third and most destructive type of magic is Elemental magic. Elemental magic is similar to Effect magic, but one must have an affinity with a particular element to use. Humans have used trial and error to find out their affinities. However, it is said that in the kingdom of Ceresia there is a device created that tell ones affinity by applying mana into it.

The information about all of this wasn't widely known until recently.

Nile started to fiddle around in the book bag he kept nearby, and pulled out a thick book," You seem like you don't know much...So, here take a look at this. It's the written book about everything we have learned to date."

Alan slowly took the book with the red cover and the words were...

"Tesa's Encyclopedia..." Alan said softly as his eyes widen from shock. He figured anyone could have that name, but something told him that it was the Tesa he knew.

Alan flipped opened the book immediately and confirmed it to be true, "Written by...Tesa Layfield. Published date...April 15th, 2029..."

"It's been ten years!!" Alan shouted.

Alan had his suspicions, but he didn't know that much time had passed!

Forgive me for the time it took to come out with this chapter! So many things were happening! I made it a bit longer to make up for it. Expect another long chapter tomorrow! Also, what does Nile want with Alan?

LordEmilcreators' thoughts
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