
The Star Lawyer: Rise to Justice

A man traveled to a parallel world on a young lawyer, Jack Wilson. As Jack navigates this new world, he is tasked with tackling a variety of cases and clients, from divorces to business disputes, and everything in between. Armed with his legal expertise and a sharp mind, Jack must navigate this strange new world and fight for justice, all while trying to unravel the mystery of his own reincarnation. With compelling characters, intricate plot lines, and a richly detailed world, this thrilling tale will keep you on the edge of your seat until the very end. ----------------------------------------- Please leave reviews as a feedback, if there are any areas or points to improve in my work. Thank You

Ash_2045 · Urban
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18 Chs

New case: Fault in surgery {2}

A few days later, Jack called Sarah with an update on the investigation. "Hello, Mrs. Johnson. I wanted to update you on our progress with your case," he said.

"Oh, thank you, Mr. Jack. What have you found so far?" Sarah asked, eager to hear any news.

"We've been reviewing your medical records and found some concerning discrepancies. For example, it appears that the anesthesiologist used a drug you're allergic to, even though that information was clearly documented in your records," Jack explained.

Sarah gasped, feeling a sense of anger and frustration. "How could they do that? That's so irresponsible!"

"I know, it's very concerning," Jack agreed. "We've also found some other evidence that suggests the hospital and the doctors were negligent in their treatment of you."

"What kind of evidence?" Sarah asked, curious.

"Well, we've interviewed some witnesses who were present during your surgery, and they've given us some valuable information. We've also obtained some internal hospital documents suggesting systemic issues with the hospital's safety protocols," Jack explained.

Sarah listened intently, feeling grateful for Jack's thorough investigation. "Thank you for keeping me informed, Mr. Jack. What's our next step?"

"Well, we also found evidence of post-operative complications that were not properly addressed by the hospital staff," Jack continued. "According to your medical records, you experienced severe pain, bleeding, and difficulty breathing after the surgery. However, the hospital staff failed to take proper measures to address these issues, which led to further complications and prolonged your recovery time."

Jack paused for a moment, allowing Sarah to absorb the information. "Additionally, we have gathered witness statements from other patients at the hospital around the same time as you. They reported similar issues with the quality of care they received, including delayed response times, understaffing, and general neglect."

"We also have a piece of evidence we've uncovered: a witness statement from one of the nurses present during your surgery," Jack said.

Sarah's eyes widened in surprise. "A witness statement? What did the nurse say?"

"The nurse's statement describes a chaotic scene in the operating room, with multiple doctors and nurses arguing over the proper course of action during your surgery," Jack explained. "The nurse also noted a lot of confusion regarding the equipment and procedures being used."

Sarah listened attentively, feeling a mix of emotions. On the one hand, she felt validated, knowing that her experience was not an isolated incident. On the other hand, she felt frustrated and angry that the hospital staff had failed to provide adequate care.

"What does this mean for my case, Mr. Jack?" Sarah asked, her voice shaking slightly.

"Well, it strengthens our argument that the hospital was negligent in its duty to provide adequate care," Jack replied.

"Thank you, Mr. Jack," Sarah replied, feeling renewed hope.

"As I mentioned, legal cases can take time and involve challenges. However, with the evidence we have gathered, I am confident that we can win this case and secure the compensation you deserve," Jack said, his tone confident.

Sarah nodded, grateful for Jack's expertise and support throughout the process.

A few weeks later, the trial began. Sarah sat nervously in the courtroom, surrounded by her family and friends, as Jack presented their case to the judge and jury.

As the trial began, Jack stood up and addressed the jury. "Your honor, ladies, and gentlemen of the jury, my client, Sarah Johnson, suffered a terrible injury during a routine surgery due to the hospital's negligence and the doctors responsible for her care. We will prove beyond a reasonable doubt that the defendants were responsible for Sarah's injury and that she is entitled to compensation for her pain, suffering, and medical expenses."

The opposing lawyer, a stern-looking man with a no-nonsense demeanor, stood up to deliver his opening statement. "Your honor, ladies and gentlemen of the jury, my clients, the hospital, and the doctors in question have been unfairly accused of negligence and malpractice. We will show that they followed proper procedures and acted following standard medical practices. Any injury was an unfortunate complication that could not have been prevented."

Jack rose to his feet again and began calling his first witness to the stand. "Your honor, we want to call Dr. Rachel Park to the stand." Dr. Park, a renowned surgeon in her field, took the stand and was sworn in. Jack began questioning her about the surgery and the events leading up to Sarah's injury. "Dr. Park, can you describe the events during Sarah Johnson's surgery?" Jack asked.

Dr. Park took a deep breath before responding. "Yes, I was the lead surgeon for Sarah Johnson's procedure. During the surgery, we encountered some unexpected complications with her heart, which required us to take certain measures to stabilize her. However, there were delays in implementing those measures due to a lack of proper equipment and communication breakdowns between myself and the other doctors and nurses in the room."

"Can you elaborate on those delays and breakdowns in communication?" Jack asked.

Dr. Park nodded. "Yes, there were several instances where the equipment we needed was not readily available or had to be located by one of the nurses. Additionally, multiple voices in the room offered differing opinions on how to proceed, which created confusion and made it difficult for me to effectively communicate with my team."

"Did these delays and communication breakdowns contribute to Sarah's injury?" Jack asked.

"I believe they did, yes," Dr. Park responded. "The delays in stabilizing her heart and the confusion in the room likely led to a lack of oxygen to her brain, which caused her injury."

The opposing lawyer stood up to cross-examine Dr. Park. "Dr. Park, can you attest that the delays and communication issues you described were directly caused by my clients' negligence?"

Dr. Park hesitated for a moment before responding. "While I cannot say with absolute certainty that their negligence was the sole cause, I do believe that it played a significant role in the complications that arose during the surgery."

The opposing lawyer nodded. "Thank you for your honesty, Dr. Park. But can you also confirm that my clients followed standard medical procedures and acted following accepted medical practices during the surgery?"

Dr. Park sighed. "While it's true that they followed certain procedures, the delays and breakdowns in communication that occurred were not in line with accepted medical practices and certainly contributed to the complications that arose."

The opposing lawyer frowned. "But can you provide any evidence to support that claim?"

Dr. Park nodded. "Yes, there are established protocols for handling unexpected complications during surgery that were not followed in this case. For example, there should have been clear lines of communication between the lead surgeon and the other medical professionals in the room. There should have been designated individuals responsible for retrieving necessary equipment and supplies. These protocols were not followed, contributing to delays and communication breakdowns."

The opposing lawyer paused for a moment before continuing. "But can you also confirm that even if these protocols were followed, there is no guarantee that Sarah Johnson would not have suffered the same injury?"

Dr. Park hesitated. "That is true; risks and uncertainties are always involved in any medical procedure. However, failing to follow established protocols undoubtedly increased those risks and affected the outcome."

The opposing lawyer nodded. "Thank you, Dr. Park. That will be all." He sat down, and Jack stood up to redirect him.

"Dr. Park, can you describe Sarah's injury's impact on her life?" Jack asked.

Dr. Park looked at Sarah before responding. "Well, the injury has profoundly impacted Sarah's cognitive and motor functions. She has difficulty with memory, concentration, and speech and requires ongoing therapy and medical treatment to manage her symptoms. It's unlikely that she will ever fully recover from the injury."

Jack turned to the jury. "Ladies and gentlemen, this injury has had a lasting impact on Sarah's life. It has affected her ability to work, to enjoy her hobbies and interests, and to engage in everyday activities. The defendants' negligence has caused her physical and emotional pain, and they must be held accountable for their actions."

During the recess, Jack approached Sarah to check in on her. "How are you holding up?" he asked.

Sarah looked up at him with a mixture of sadness and frustration. "I'm doing my best, Jack. It's just hard to relive all of this again."

"I know, Sarah," Jack said sympathetically. "But we're doing everything possible to ensure you get the justice you deserve. You're not alone in this."

Sarah nodded, taking a deep breath. "Thank you, Jack. I appreciate all that you're doing for me."

The two of them sat silently before Jack spoke up again. "Listen, this is tough, but I must ask you something. Do you think you're ready to take the stand and testify?"

Sarah hesitated for a moment before responding. "I don't know, Jack. It's scary to think about facing the defendants and their lawyers. But I know I have to do it if we want to win this case."

"I understand," Jack said, reassuringly touching her shoulder. "Just know that I'll be there with you every step of the way. And remember, the truth is on our side."

Sarah managed a small smile. "Thanks, Jack. I'll do my best."

Jack smiled back at Sarah. "That's all I can ask for. We'll take things one step at a time, and I'll make sure you're as prepared as possible."