
Lucky days and really terrible God’s

I had a headache of a dilemma I could try to take the dragon out with my force bolt spells but I doubt it would be enough to make a difference in how quickly I would die after all it could barely crack an iron cauldron what would it do versus a dragon with scales that were tougher give it some nasty bruises? My luck was crap but I took my chances at this point I wouldn't be escaping anyway so I silently cast my force bolt spell at its neck right behind its head and when it wipped it's head around I cast it again into its eye and then hit it with an illusion of total blindness the dragon let out a sound like a kicked puppy and recoiled so I hauled my carcass away as fast as my feet could carry me before I cast my force wall spell behind me which was just enough to turn what would have been a lethal strike into a hell of a good shove so much so that I must have rag dolled forty feet through the air. I had heard that illusion spells didn't work well on dragons so casting it had been a gamble for time and based on the fact that the dragon tried to chomp down on me and not cook me with fire gave me a lucky break though from where I was laying it was still rather bad I had at least four broken ribs and my left arm was uselessly hanging at my side broken in several places I could feel the bones grinding against each other anytime I shifted but I held back my cries of pain and again started trying to sneak away. I was getting tired of being every beings and creatures punching bag that I came across and I knew that I would need to improve my skills or learn new ones if I was going to keep breathing as this was getting ridiculous and I would have to wait at least an hour before I could even cast my weak healing spell. I had finally made good my escape when I cast my only healing spell that once again left me completely drained and tired but on the whole I was feeling much better than before and I could tell a few of my bones clicking back into place and hold themselves together which was an entirely new experience of its own and painful.

After the dragon incident I kept a much better look at my surroundings I had no intention of a repeat so it was even more of a shock when I found myself falling down a hidden trapdoor over a shaft of some kind. I fell for what felt like hours but might have been a minute or so before I came to a sudden stop all momentum stopped and then slowly fell another foot mind you this was all completely in the dark. Feeling buried alive I had no idea where I was or what had happened but I could tell that I had traveled a good distance and having no other idea what to do I started waving my arms around which quickly collided with a rough stone wall on both sides of me and a vague feeling of a space being in front of me with another wall behind me so I stepped forward cautiously and then an explosion went off. Confused and blinded by an intense light I froze while my eyes attempted to adjust to my suddenly much brighter surroundings and found myself in a room that I could not comprehend. From wall to wall stood a army of armors in all kinds of types and styles and various iterations of each some stylized others plain it was the oddest sight because not a single one matched another and through the center a lane of empty space that I could not explain and it lead off into the distance like a line into the future. I stepped onto the path and began walking I really had no idea where I was going but it was to somewhere at least and I soon could see a door in the distance it was rather hard to see but that changed quickly enough as I kept walking towards it right up until I was standing next to it there hung a haze of some kind it wasn't until I was practically on top of the door that I could see the sheer number of carvings on it and feel the pulsating energy like a living thing.

I grasped the handle and tugged and for a moment it would not move then as suddenly as if I were imagining it the door opened revealing a house like area. On the walls hung motifs of dragons and warriors battling in a starry sky in one alcove stood an ice chest that would have done a king proudly and across from that sat a sitting room and a set of doors in the middle of the entire space sat a table made of some kind of metal and topped with enough crystals to be counted as jewelry. In this new room I spotted beautiful rugs and slightly faded paintings it was as if I'd entered a kings hideaway and even the doors were made of the finest materials mostly a gold inlaid mahogany though one was made of a rare silver wood with silvery inlays that shimmered ever so slightly. In a place so obviously magical I was hesitant to explore though I could feel that no one had been here in a long time the dust that was muting some of the vibrancy of the place told that tale but who would build such a place and why. Having found what could only be described as a hideaway I decided to explore after some serious hesitation my first stop was the silver wood door as it was the only one out of place at least compared to the others. Passing through the silver etched door I found myself in a library or what should have been one though it looked as though whoever had collected these books had only just begun when whatever had taken them away happened. The few books on the shelves sat next to a small desk and a comfortable chair and then I noticed that there was almost none of the dust in the room compared to the other areas which I had to assume was some kind of spell that kept the entire room clean and so I headed right to the books like I was drawn by a magnet my craving to be able to cast real spells and truly understand how they functioned was like a fire had been ignited inside of me. My passions aroused I quickly read through a book and found it contained a few ideas and some basic information about spells and the history of how they came to be and at that point I truly appreciated my upbringing as a herbalists son as my mother had drilled into me the need to read and understand the knowledge that I gain doing so quickly as it would be important for taking orders and making certain that I acquired the correct ingredients as often times an alchemist would use high speech names for the ingredients that they required and if you can keep them supplied with what they requested regardless of what they actually called something then you would earn far more coins than if you simply guessed what they wanted.

I read through the first book before I even remembered that I was hungry and I had brought nothing with me and even if I had I'd probably contaminated it with dragon excrement and that is about the time I realized that my clothes were spotless and my skin was as dirt free as an newborn it was an odd feeling indeed to know that I'd had magic acting on me and I didn't even notice. I can say that I was surprised but I really didn't have the energy for it and I quickly made my way back to the ice chest which was really a walk in freezer looking demi room and I found it was stocked heavily and obviously everything was magically preserved as nothing was rotten or spoiled looking as edible as anything else might be truly what an odd but amazing home to wonder what mage had made it.

After stuffing my face with sweet cakes and a strange fruit I headed back to the library to continue my studies as I was not even slightly tired yet. I lost track of time during my reading binge so much so that I only realized that I had been in the room that long was I realized I was starving so much that I hit the ice chest and devoured half of a beef roast and decided to explore the other rooms as my eyes were dry and getting very tired.

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