

The plan was perfect, literally impeccable. Three genius minds had conocted the plan throughout the whole night. It was simple, yes, but that was what made it all the more efficient.

{Sturm, are you sure this is going to work?} Licht asked.

<<Ha, what a question. Isn't he supposed to be the smart one? Schatten is just as confident me; maybe their roles are slowly changing.>>

"Of course, I am sure. I have calculated our rate of success multiple times and included every single variable I could think of. So don't worry," Sturm answered with confidence.

There were three steps to the plan; first, a diversion. They would plant multiple dark lightning traps throughout the town and set fire to various warehouses. Coincidentally, most of these warehouses belonged to the Siren Merchant Group, but that was just a bonus. 

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