
The entrance ceremony (2)

"Now, let's greet the first years!", the principal announced.

For the last 30 minutes, students of the second and third year moved into the Colosseum to watch the mock battle while the first years were lead to room preparing for the battles.

"The fights will be done in teams of three. Find yourself a team or you will need to fight alone", a tall man came into the room.

He was very muscular and wore a tank-top, making him look even more badass that he was already.

"Yo Sun, this dude looks tough, I wonder if I can fight him?", Evan pushed Sun with his elbow.

Sun just rolled his eyes.

"So freshman, I'm the magic combat teacher here, Wolfgang Knight, nice to meet you all. As I've said before, you need to form teams and I will give you 1 minute, GO!"

As soon as his words were heard, everyone went to look for strong looking allies.

Evan, Edward, and Sun simply exchanged a glance while smiling.

Whereas the other freshmen were still running around searching for a team.

Normally, a student suite consists of four students, so if they form a team, there will be a person left out and that person need to find a team.

The freshman year got around five classes à 12 students, so it's about 60 students. Since they need a team of three, there will be 20 teams.

After some seconds, people have found their team and stood in a row signaling they're ready.

Sun and his friends did the same and there were 20 rows of students.

Wolfgang Knight saw it and continued with his explanation.

"During the battle, everything is allowed, except killing the opponents. Only if all of the opponents are knocked out, can't fight or want to surrender, you can move to the next round.

The winning team will receive bonus resources and their Student Level rise by one security code - meaning they can access to more knowledge and have more privileges than the other first-years."

"You got that?", the teacher raised his voice by a little.

"Yes, Sir!", all students replied at the same time.

"Good Luck, I'll be the referee of the matches, so make fair fights youngsters!"

"Yes, Sir!"

With that, Wolfgang Knight left the room.

Soon after, an artificial voice announced the fight. Some students entered the stage through portal magic and started to fight.

The fights between them were not very spectacular and Sun was disappointed that some students seem not to be as strong as he hoped for.

"Wohh, that guy used air magic, right? He is still damn slow in my eyes!", Sun thought while observing his opponents.

While he thought like that, others were fascinated by the varieties of magic.

"Wow, dude, did you saw that? His control of the wind element is pretty good!"

"I know, but the water elemental girl is going to be more difficult with her water shields."


After three fights, the voice finally announced the fight of Sun's team.

"Let's go and smash them!" Evan was fired up as always.

"I'll be slowing down the enemy, while you guys finish them off by brute force magic!", Edward said.

"That's a plan! Let's do this!", Sun said.

He hopes to win the mock battle in order to be a step nearer his vision.

He wants to climb up the social ladder to live a good life and is willing to grab any opportunity that comes to him.


"Lucifer, it's time to shine!", Sun flowed inside his mind to Lucifer.

"Bro, just use Arcas to destroy them mentally, no need to use brute force!", Lucifer said lazily.

"I know, but I want to show off a bit, so I'm going to use the standard transformation form."

"Yeah, got that. Good luck. I'm going to play with your smartphone later."



Sun and his friends have entered the stage and the spectators started to go wild.

Among the viewers, Rose sat down and spotted Sun on stage.

"Well, let's see how good he is after the training with sis."

She crossed her arms and started to observe the match.


Their opponent was a team consisting of wind, water, and earth elemental.

"Team 7 vs. Team 19"

Sun's team number is 19.



A slipt second after fight, all of the mages on stage used their magic to transform into their Soul Origin form.

"Water fairy! Earth Golem and Wind Spirit!", the students are rooting for them.

But the Colosseum went quiet after the transformation of Team 19.

"Fire God - Ra!!!!!"

"Zivilyn, a deity of time!!!!!"

At that moment people already went crazy.

"TWO humanoid Origins! These first years are amazing!"

As the mass was chattering, Sun began his transformation.

The black smog surrounded him, the mark on his forehead appeared, his thin golden armor and black wings appeared along with the notification:

"Soul Origin: active"


"What is that?"

"I've never seen such a Soul Origin."

"He looks OP, but we don't know if he's strong."

Mirage Guilt, who was sitting in the VIP corner, started to look more serious after seen Sun's transformation.

"Leila, start with shield and water boost. I'll start off with the time user, Brick - you got my back!", the wind user gave the commands and dashed towards Edward.

But the more he dashed, the slower he felt. It felt like never being able to reach his opponent.

"How can it be? My speed ?!", the wind user ground his teeth.

"Ha, my fire is over 5k degrees on the outside! As if you can beat me with some mud!", Evan started to laugh like a savage while beating Brick - the earth boy.

But as soon as Evan launched an attack, his fire was held back a little by the water shield.

"We need to get rid of the water user!", Edward said.

"Sure.", Sun said lightly.

"Well, let's get started. I don' want to look lazy ..."


Suddenly, Sun disappeared, leaving a dim after image.

"Your back is wide open, little girl. I usually don't hit girls, but this is a fight and I can't promise such a thing here."

And with a push, he knocked out the girl, but Sun didn't stop there. He dashed forward and knocked out the earth guy with one swing.

"That golem was lame", Lucifer commented on the inside.


A wind spell sliced through the air aiming for Sun's head.


"Ha, you can't hit what you can't see!", the wind user smiled arrogantly.

"Well, sry bro. Unfortunately, I'm resistant to your elemental magic.", Sun smiled coldly and dashed towards the wind guy, who looks like a person trapped in time.

"Sweet dreams~"


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