
Becoming a Part-time Demon Hunter

*Ding* *Dang*

The sound of metal clashing against each other could be heard.

"You're not bad.", Sara swiped off a sweat drop from her forehead.

"Likewise.", Sun said but he knew that it would be problematic for him to win without closing distance.

The longsword Sara swings is very long and got a powerful swing, so in order to avoid it, Sun needs a great strategy.

"Remember: If you are at a disadvantage during a fight, may it be your weapon or your strength, use the technique I taught you.", Minerva's voice sounded in Sun's mind again.

"Oh, right. I can use that.", Sun smirked and changed his stance.

"What is he going to do? Is he on defense?", Sara was wondering.

Suddenly, Sun charged at her with insane speed.

"Fool, you think you can trick me like that?", Sara smirked as she knew what he was going to perform.

"You will probably use Blind Step to get behind my back. But I won't let you!", Sara slashed at Sun.

But she only sliced Sun's afterimage, leaving her in a shock for a split second.


"I'm up here~", Sun said in an arrogant way.

"How? Ignition Step?!", Sara was dumbfounded.


"Match concluded. Winner: Sun Reed."


"I must say, I'm surprised, young boy.", Sara praised Sun after they got out of the machine.

"Thank you."

"Are you by any chance a student of Minerva?", she asked.


"Oh, then I don't need to worry about where you learned that skill."

"What skill? - You mean Ignition Step?"

"Yes, it's a purple grade skill after all. Not many people can use such advanced techniques unless they've learned it from a prestigious teacher or brought it from the black market."

"Is it that valuable?", Sun just realized his only luck.

"But let's talk about that matter later on ... You won the match, so you can have your placement here!", she said with a smile on her face.

It was still surprising for her, a pro, to lose to a student, but she obviously underestimated the boy.


"So, done! Here's your Demon Hunter ID. I've just registered it as a placement ID. Oh, and give yourself a pen name for Hunting while we're registering this ID.", Sara explained while holding a metal token in her hand.

"A name?", Sun asked.

"Yes. Hunters don't usually use their real name since it can be dangerous sometimes. I'm for example known as the 'Golden Lady'."

"Golden Lady, huh.", Sun thought and smiled wryly.

"Hm, just give me a few minutes.", Sun said and sat on a chair to think about it.

"Yo, need my help with names?", Lucifer suddenly popped into is thinking process.

"Give me an example.", Sun asked Lucifer.

"Then, how about ... Dark Flame Master?"


"Burning Fighting Fighter?"

"The heck? - NO!"

"Pink Fluffy Unicon?"

"No - wait - where do you get your references?"

"Shh - don't ask.", Lucifer said and leaned back.

Sun sighted and decided not to ask Lucifer for help regarding naming ever again.


"Schwarzschild, how's that?", Sun asked Sara after a few minutes of thinking.

"Hm, that may work.", Sara said and tipped those words into the Hunter ID. It eventually started to glow for a few seconds before turning into its original stage.

"Here you go. It can fit next to your Student ID, there are some advanced spelled cast on the token, so you don't need to worry about losing it.", she explained and handed the token to Sun.

"Okay, but what exactly do I need to do? I mean, sure, Demon Hunting, but how?", Sun asked.

"Hmhm. Well, since you have just registered, you are officially a Rank 1 Demon Hunter of the Basic Realm. Let me explain:

There are five realms in the Demon Hunting Society. Basic, Normal, Advanced, Master and Legendary. Additionally to the ranks, there are five levels in each rank before you can ascend another rank.

Well, now...how is that important you may ask. Hmhm, Basic to Normal Rank Hunters are only restricted to D and C Hunting Missions, Advanced and Master are restricted to B and A and Legendary Hunters can do S Class Missions. They are the most dangerous missions, but one of them can make you into a millionaire overnight. The higher your Rank in the Hunting Society, the more likely you will receive more advanced missions. Plus, if you are working well for the client, they may just sign a contract with you and you will be their exclusive hunter!", Sara explained.

"Wow, then, what rank are you?"

"I'm Advanced level 3", Sara smiled.

"Nice! And William?"

"Advanced level 4", she said.

"So, how long did you need to get to advanced?", Sun asked since he wanted to make some money for his mother in a conventional way.

"Hmm, 1 year I guess. We started this business a year ago when we built this place.", she answered.

"Oh, but, sorry if this question is not part of this subject, but, what's your relationship with William?", Sun asked since he wanted to know how a guy like William could get known to this sexy lady.

"Oh, we were classmates and close friends at Eber Magic School.", she answered.

"Oh, now I understand.", Sun answered and nodded.

"Okay, so now, I'm a Demon Hunter, right?"

"Yes, officially a Basic Demon Hunter."

"So, the more Missions I take and complete, the higher my rank will go, right?"


"But, where do I find missions and I can only do them on the weekends since I'm a student at Esperia Magic School."

"Yes, about that ... we will provide you with missions since you are here for placement. But you need to know, that you may be called during midnight for a mission ... are you prepared for that?", she asked him.

"Eh, isn't it a bit late for that question?", Sun smiled at Sara wryly.


"Well, never mind. But you said, 'call me during midnight'. Do you mean we do the missions together?"

"Yes, since you have no experience in this field. You may be strong, but you still lack real-life fight experiences. It's dangerous to do missions alone.", she explained.

"Oh, and since we do team hunting, there is only a restriction to only do missions below S class, so you can take on stronger monsters.", she said and smiled.

"But defeating those will still give me Rank points right?"

"Of course! , and I've already done the preparations for your placement here. You just need your principal to sign this paper.", Sara said and handed a scroll to Sun.


"Okay, thank you for everything Sara. I'll be heading off. I'll send this scroll to you later!"

"No problem, take care.", Sara said while waving with her hand to see Sun off.


"Well, that's great. I got a placement already, so I can chill next week when the others are searching for placement in the Central.", Sun laughed within his mind.

"Now, there is only one other problem ... my Element!"

Just as Sun was thinking about how to find someone who can detect Elements, he saw the sign 'Elementalist Shop'.

"Perfect timing.", Sun said to himself and walked towards the door of this shop.

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