
Fragments of Memories (2)

I stood before the charred remains of my tree. A faint, bitter smile appeared on my lips as I stepped towards it. The smell of moist earth invaded my nostrils – I loved this scent. And because of it, I loved the rain. 

The birds nested on the nearby trees continued chirping, seemingly not bothered by my presence. I could spy a few squirrels scurrying into their little homes in the trees and. 

I turned my gaze on the charred remains once again. How long had it been? Five years, more or less. 

I reached out and gently touched the charred trunk of the tree. It was wet, from yesterday's rain. I ran my fingers along the cracks of the trunk, until they reached the single green leaf. A new branch, after years of trying to revive this tree.

"It's regrowing." My uncle's voice startled me. When had he even come here? Since when was he watching me?

"Yeah," I said with a bitter smile. "I didn't even think it was possible. I thought it was dead."

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