
In the Kitchen, I'm the boss

Raymond was busy preparing food for his Young Miss. Apart from her, he never cooked for anyone else.

"Smells good." He jumped off and turned around only to see General Xiu Ling's face so close to him.

"Back off! What the hell are you thinking!" He backed away and tried to catch his breath. He glanced at General Xiu's face who arched his brow.

"What?" Raymond inquired.

"Why are you so jumpy?" General Xiu replied, seemingly amused by the chef's reaction.

"Who wouldn't?! You suddenly appeared out of nowhere!" How could he just pop up and for him not to notice? I'm an assassin and a general! How could I not notice? While Raymond is busy cursing himself, General Xiu dipped his finger in the pot and taste the dish Raymond was preparing.

"Hm, this tastes amazing." He said licking his fingers.

"Wha--!" Raymond took the knife and threw it to General Xiu' s direction and was effortlessly dodged by the older man.

"How could you! Go away, that isn't for you!" Raymond yelled. His face flushed and the anger is seething through him.

"This isn't your place." The older man replied coolly.

"Listen here old man," Raymond approached the other man and pointed his finger on the other man's chest.

"In the kitchen, I'm the boss. Now get lost before I put poison in your food!" He stomped his feet and glared at the taller man, who could only watch in silence.

"But you never cooked for us."

"I said get out!" That moment, General Xiu was kicked out of the kitchen with a small smile plastered on his face.

"Tch, what's wrong with him?" Raymond went back to cooking while planning how to get revenge on General Xiu.


"My son, we need to discuss something important." The King Conrad joined his son on the pavilion drinking a cup of tea.

"What is the matter Father?" Lance smiled at his father and poured himself a cup of tea.

"You know what happened to the Kingdom of Alzian. The royal family is missing, and everything is in havoc. I'm afraid it will soon come down to us." His Father sighed and his eyebrows furrowed. Just thinking about the it makes him nauseous. However, his benevolent son only chuckled.

"Don't worry Father, I have already sent an aid to their Kingdom and we are searching for the royal family's whereabouts. Whoever is behind this, I am certain we'll catch them in no time." Lance reassured his Father. Though there is still a lingering doubt in him, he chose to keep silent and trust in his son's words.

"So, about your wedding," Lance smiled looking up at his Father. King Conrad never imagined his son can smile like this, very different from the casual smiles that he gave, this smile seemed genuine, only pure happiness can be seen.

"Your mother is hoping we could get to know more about your soon-to-be-wife, after all, she will become family." Lance once again smiled at the thought 'family'. His blinding smile never left his face.

"Yes father, I will invite her for dinner." He stood up bowing before his father and got ready to leave, when his father spoke.

"I'm glad everything is going well with you my son." Lance glanced over at his father. He smiled at him and left the pavilion.

"Of course it would. Everything I want, I have to get, especially her." His eyes shone darkly. Just thinking of the woman makes him ecstatic. 'I want to see her.'

"His Highness is here!" The guard announced as he stepped out of the palace.

"Prepare the carriage, I have somewhere to attend." He quickly made his way to the carriage prepared by his attendants and took his leave.

"Wait for me My Queen, I will see you." He uttered while smiling from ear to ear. He can't wait to see his fair lady, oblivious to the fact that they are after each other's head to be served in whoever's platter.