
Chapter 1: Rebirth and Reunion.






"Haaa....." The boy takes a deep breath and holds it, before exhaling it. He repeats this a few times over and over again hoping dearly that this is real. "Air... How I missed thee so."

You can never truly appreciate something intil you have gone so long without it. Even the simple act of breathing is able to bring bliss to the boy. Breathing the fresh air, hearing the sound of the sea crashing against the shores. The scent of the ocean, the feel of the sand between your fingers.

The boy is experiencing all of this for the first time in years. As for how long?

"777 years..." The boy murmurs to himself. Resting his right hand palm on his forehead, he sighs and then smiles as he looks up into the clear mid-morning skies above. "I truly am alive again. Thank you mother."

As if to reply to his thanks a warm feeling envelopes him causing him to smile warmly. Information that was not previously known to him has appeared in his head, information that he gladly accepts. One of the gifts granted to him by his mother. One that is a parent's duty to their beloved child.

"My name is... Nero Le Fay." He says and chuckles, "seriously mother? Le Fay?" Sitting there silently in contemplation Nero said, "In hindsight there are not a whole lot of magical figures from mythology as well known as Morgan Le Fay. I mean Merlin has no known surname. At least I have never heard of one before."

Laying back on the ground Nero said, "I like it mom, thanks. In this new life of mine, I will accept the name of Nero Le Fay proudly!"


Nero rests comfortably on the sandy beach before sitting up and taking a look around for a change to get his bearings.

"Let's see here," Nero glances up and down the beach in both directions, "I'm obviously on a beach, but is it an island or a larger landmass?"

He narrows his eyes and focuses on something laying on the beach in the distance that suspiciously like a human being.

"Is that a person?" Nero asked. As he goes to stand up his hand lands on a large solid object and attracts his attention. "What do we have here?"

Nero picks of the object in question to examine it, only to find that it is a large and rather ancient looking black book made of an unknown leather material with silver trimmings framing every edge.

The book is a grimoire and has as it's title, "Library of the Wizard World".

As Nero examines the book he notices a lone piece of paper sticking out and finds a note written to him.



If you are reading this note then that means you have already awakened and found the grimoire I have left for you.

First things first, I want to congratulate you on a successful rebirth and also warn you to not start recklessly harnessing your magic so soon. In the void you had no perception of distance, nor did you have an understanding of the sheer volume and power of your self created spells. To put it simply my son, a common low level fireball in the void is equal to a city leveling atom bomb.

Understood? Great!

The grimoire is a sort of storage for numerous magical texts from a world you are familiar with. Additionally there are materials for which you can use to train with as well as tools available to make use of those materials. You have the power and an endless supply of mana, now all you need is control. I gave you your new life as a 6 years old child as it would give you time to reach mastery as well as spend time with that someone 'special'.

On the subject of that someone 'special', I want you to understand that she never meant to hurt you. Believe it or not, the world you lived in previously was not all that normal below the surface.

She possesses one of the purest and most powerful of souls and the occult forces beneath society's surface desired that soul for themselves and bewitched her. Souls partaking in the occult arts are destined for purification and are doomed to obscurity, but with certain dark rituals a dark soul can attach themselves to a pure soul and get ferried off into the reincarnation cycle with all of their memories and experiences intact.

Currently the dark soul would have been reborn in another unfortunate soul's vessel and lives yet again, but unfortunately the soul's link is still anchored into the pure soul which would allow the dark soul to track her down and repeat the ritual once again. These dark souls are greedy and power hungry by nature, so it will attempt to reclaim her at the earliest convenience.

My advice and the only time I would allow you to use the full force of your overwhelming magical power, is.to purge her soul of the link anchoring the dark soul. This way the dark soul will not be able to track her down and attempt to bewitch her once again. This way, by the time either you or her encounter the dark soul again would be when both of you are far too powerful for it to even have a chance.

Good luck my son and enjoy your new life.

Love you!


"Her?" Nero asked and glances at the distant figure further down the beach. He then asks himself, "It can't be her right...?"

Taking his grimoire into his hands, Nero stands up and slowly walks towards the sleeping figure down the beach. His expression changing rapidly between worry, sadness, betrayal, and most of all, hope.

According to his mother, her drifting away from him was never truly her own fault or free will. But it still hurt him nonetheless. He isn't sure how he should react when he sees her again. Would he still have the ability to express the feelings or emotions he had lost so long ago?

His time as a disembodied soul has changed him so much spiritually that he fears that he would not be the same personality wise. For better or worse, Nero does not know.

Nero has arrived near the slumbering figure. He instinctively knows it is her despite not looking remotely the same as she did in their last life. Gone is the chestnut colored curls that rested comfortably on her shoulders. Now her hair is as white as snow and flowing straight to her shoulders. On her head he notices a pair of...

"Horns?" Nero asked quietly as he notices the pair of horns growing from her head proudly, resembling that of a rabbit's ears. "No way. Did mother make her..." Nero notices the large scroll she is hugging tightly as a body pillow of sorts, "I guess she did. Hahaha... She took our interests into consideration when bring us back alive. I have always been more interest in the endless potential of magic, although Harry Potter was not my first choice of interest..."

Nero then looks at the sleeping girl's face and smiles while saying, "she had always been more partial to ninjas. I guess looking like an Otsutsuki clansman suits her." Focusing some magic into his eyes they begin to glow a brighter shade of violet and he begins to examine her body. He notices the pathways and tenketsu points, Nero says, "I can see her chakra pathways and tenketsu points. She is definitely a ninja."

Deepening his magical focus he is able to see the condition of her soul. It is a beautiful shade of gold free of imperfection, or it would be is it were not for the menacingly blackish-red spot anchored to her soul with what appears to be a line of string leading off into who knows where.

See this causes Nero to frown.

"What an ugly and impure presence that has anchored itself to your soul," Nero says in utter disgust, "there is only one thing that can be done about this..."

Nero places his hand on the sleeping girl's chest and begins channeling an overwhelming amount into her body, focusing solely on her soul alone so as not to harm her physical body. As a soul directly influenced and personally reincarnated by Lady Chaos herself, her soul is more than enough to handle the purging Nero is going to put her soul through.

As his mana is being released in large volumes, it begins to affect the environment. The skies darken, the sea begins to churn violently. The wildlife goes silent and returns to their nests in fear. Although the power being released us not threatening. Their instincts were screaming in caution.

A loud ghastly wail echoes loudly as his mana washes her soul and completely obliterates the dark soul's anchor and link to her soul. A dark disembodied wisp with glowing red eyes is ripped from her body. Glaring hatefully at Nero it is then pulled by the link towards it's original soul in the unknown world beyond the island.

Wiping the sweat from his brow Nero stares off into the direction the dark fragment had been dragged off. "Geez, I was the one given a Harry Potter inheritance. Hiw the hell did you end up someone's horcrux?" He asked with a chuckle before sitting down and watches her sleeping peacefully as if nothing had ever happened to her.

It's been an hour before the sleeping girl has begun to stir from her sleep. Her eyes open reveal a pair of seemingly pupil-less white irises with a hint of lavender. On her forehead is a slight bump that Nero believes to be her third eye.

The girl yawns widely and sits up rubbing her tired eyes before looking around. She asks, "Where am I? Did we go to the beach for our graduation celebration? I thought we planned to go hiking..."

Looking around she finally notices Nero and narrows her eyes as she tries to recall who he is. Suddenly her eyes flash briefly before realization finally kicks in. Her eyes widen and the biggest smile she can muster appears on her face in sheer joy.

"NERO!" She shouts out in happiness before tackling Nero into a crushing hug while laughing and shedding tears of joy.

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