
Alien species and empire

Avaran Union of Suns - a avian species resembling humanoid birds with a similar build as a human but a beak of a toucan and feathers cover 80% of there body , has a democratic government system similar to the United States . Have affiliation with the new Terran republic ( humans)

Great Corporate Collective: this is a semi-robotic semi-reptilian species empire that resembles humans covered in scales and having long tales they are large in size 7- 8 feet tall , thief government is a dictatorship and is ruled by a small collective of business owners in their space

Grand Gaia Imperium : this is the opposite of the new Terran republic as they are humans but chosen to break from the republic and create a Roman Empire based space empire

The Sanctuary Entente: A formation of 3 small empires that were too weak to defend themselves so they formed a alliance that seems like one entity , have enough fire power to stick with large empires

The League of the Pious: a fanatic religious space entity who's whole purpose is to spread their religion across the Milky Way galaxy peacefully or by force

The Galactic Syndicate: not a true empire but a galactic crime syndicate that have 13 planets under there control in a certain pocket of space in the Milky Way are known for extortion, drugs , people trafficking and etc

The Accord of Silver: another religious group that became a stagnant empire that keep to themselves but are quiet powerful for their small size

Kingdom Of Prelani: bordering the southern border of the new Terran republic they show major hostilities towards the republic due to border friction and political unrest the prelani are humanoid entities with horns the size and design of their horns decide their ranks .

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